Super accurate Mosin Nagant

M 91 /30 s have a long history . It served Russia well during the defense of Stalingrad and the push towards Berlin. I love mine. The ammo is still cheap in today's high prices. Might as well get them before they are all gone.
I have 4-- well an M44, an M91/30 and 2 Type 53s (Chinese M44s)-- the M44s were designed to fire with the bayo out-- I was told, but either way, it shoots sub 3" off the bench at 100 yards with the right ammo-- the 91/30 actually is harder to shoot to me- -the barrel looks good, but I assume the rifling is not as good as on the 44s...the Chinese Type 53s are actually the best shooting-- I got them off Omega for $35 each were the best suprise-- they were corn cob rough and actually had hay sticking out of them and gunked up with a haphazard cosmo coating..I spent a whole saturday cleaning them up, and besides no bluing and rough stocks (which I Pledged) I got them Headspaced checked, and both passed--

The actions on both are butter smooth, and they shoot the best groups out of the four..

Who would have thunk it? The 2 Chinese ones are in the middle...

Mine was a Westinghouse. My friend's was a Remington. We bought them for $20 ea at a surplus store and brought them home on a city bus when we were in high school. The guy told us they were Argentine Mausers. We bought a hundred rds of ammo each that looked clean but many of the cases were cracked. Some was so bad that the bullets fell out. I didn't know any better so I stuck them back in and fired them. Never had any problems thank God.
i swear by the mosin m91 when it comes to hunting, its the only rifle i own, i haven taken, hogs, deer, elk, moose and brown bear with it, and cmon, good enough to blow nazi faces off.

only thing i swear AT with the mosin is the dad gum recoil, pain in the ass, i mean the shoulder...
..."they were corn cob rough and actually had hay sticking out of them and gunked up with a haphazard cosmo coating..."

My M44 had hair inside it when i got it. :confused:
I don't really want to know what was going on, but I cleaned it all out with the cosmo.

Lol. Maybe it killed some Nazis with the bayonet? I wish.
My M44 is absolutely looks. Has several cracks in the stock (they were repaired...kinda), stains, rust, dents, and chunks missing. The bore looks like it should be the surface of the moon........HUGE and very plentifull craters (not pitting, they are craters) and rust as well. Overall, the gun looks like somebody dropped it in a lake for a few days, then sent it to tumble dry inside cement mixer. However, despite the "character" in its looks, it shoots superbly. I shoot .308, .310, and .312 diameter bullets in handloads, as well as whatever dirt cheap factory/surplus I can find, and it is point of POA=POI out to 400+ yds. No holdover for elevation, just pull on the target and shoot. Now, at that distance, we aren't talking 2" or 3" groups, but with the rusty old iron sights and crappy bore, you can put every round into a paper plate at 400 yards. For a 65 year old gun, that looks like it was never cared for a day in its life.......i think it does pretty good.
My M44 could shoot inside 1" at 50 yards all day using iron sights and Bulgarian 147 gr. surplus. When I put on a red dot optic on it I was able to do the same at 100 yards. Getting that M44 was the best $90 I have ever spent on a firearm. An excellent hunting rifle, fun and cheap to shoot, and felt really special to hold bearing in mind it was made in 1945.

Its too bad it was stolen from me about 10 days ago. :(
I use my PU sniper for hunting coyotes, and have used it for shooting prairie dogs. It is accurate enough, but it there are better choices.

For some reason I just seem to shoot mine well.
There is considerable information on Finnish Mosin-Nagants at The writer on that website, who seems to be Finnish, was generous with the shortcomings of Finnish made rifles. They were never able to produce enough of their own and used more Russian made rifles than their own before it was over. Some models (there were several) were too finely made or made from substandard materials and did not stand up too well to front line service. These problems also applied to other Finnish made weapons and often as not, Russian models were preferred when they could get them, in spite of their own shortcomings. Apparently a front line soldier wants a weapon that is rugged and reliable before anything else.

The website is incredibly detail with respect to numbers of weapons acquired, lost and ultimate disposition, including artillery and sometimes ammunition.
My M44 might not be terribly accurate, but it _is_ an easy rifle to shoot. Similar to the TT-33 in this regard, now that I think of it.

Of course, you've gotta wonder what they were thinking with sights that go out to like 1500 yards.
There is nothing in the design of the Mosin that makes it inaccurate. Any issue's it has can be fixed and I'm sure that you can turn one into a sub-moa gun. But why, just buy a better gun in the first place. Some people want to think they are accurate "enough" the way they come but some of the groups are laughable. Some of the other groups are pipe dreams. If you buy a Mosin it will not be super accurate. It will take 100's of dollars to get it "super accurate" and then you end up with an accurate club.

With enough practice and knowledge about how the gun shoots, it doesn't take a million bucks, just a few here and there. The benefit of doing this is that you have a relatively accurate rifle that costs 1/3 the price to shoot compared to a comparable .308 or 30-06. Accurate enough means you can hit a 1000 yard gong with factory ammo.
But why, just buy a better gun in the first place.

Any competent shooter can fork over the bucks for a NIB Savage or Remi and produce nice, tight grouping. If that's your thing, go for it. For some of us, part of the fun is taking an old Mil Surp rifle that groups Minute-Of-Volkswagon and seeing just how well we can tune it in. Kinda like buying a new Mustang vs. rebuilding something much older for the simple pleasure of seeing what you can do with it. I, for one, enjoy the rebuild.
I've personally got a 91/30 1942 Ishevik (I think that's how it's spelt[edit: I know that priorly I said it was a Tula, but I was mistaken. I got the markings backwards]) with a bright bore, no pitting and a decent crown. Now... I'm not shooting surplus ammo, I'm shooting brown bear 185gr and Wolf 145gr FMJ ammo. I do about 1.5 MOA.
91/30 produced in the USSR in 1942. Just a blast to shoot, and super accurate up to about 100 yds just holding it. All the numbers match. Still have to fire it out of a rest to check how accurate it is at longer distances.