Summers End Regional Gathering-Georgia

Anyone have a .308, in case Spartacus can't make it?)

Spectre, I can bring my Scout rifle, but I don't got no tracers.


It's a free for all ... :) Bring what ever you want to shoot or show off. If Spartacus brings his Uzi, it would be a good idea to help with the ammo (like I didn't last time.:o)
Can't, gotta work. The Hot Rod Power Festival is this weekend too! Man, everything good has happened on my work weekends this year! :mad:

I'll try to get down there but I can't promise anything right now. Things are changing daily and I now have a campaign to try to get off the ground too.

I'll try to post something one way or the other on Friday night.


How did I miss this? Oh well, folks, there is not much chance of my making it but I'll try to get someone to work for me Saturday night.


You didn't come close to expending my ammo:D In fact, I came home with ammo for the Uzi. Was kinda disappointed.
Unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to make it either. Hate to say that since I really wanted to go. Oh well, maybe next time. There's just too much going on right now.

Well? How did the meet go?

Tell me it rained and everyone was miserable so I won't feel so bad about missing out.:)

Seriously though, I hope you had a great time. Anyone take any pics?


Sorry to hear that. I thought for sure you would have had at least 5 or 6 folks there.

I wish I had been able made it. A month ago I thought for sure that I would be there but this election thing came up and I haven't got a lot of time to prepare for that.

Maybe we could do an indoor meet this winter. The time we all met at Wolf Creek in Douglasville went pretty good.
