Summers End Regional Gathering-Georgia

Might be a good time for some buggars-on-the-grill ?

I'm looking toward the end of Sept ... hoping it will start to cool off some.:)
I have a new AR to bring to the discussions...

Closing on a house the first weekend, after that I'll come, you decide...
I know I'm busy on Sunday the 9th. Other than that I -should- be free. Just let me know what is decided on and I'll do my best to be there.

Sorry, no exploding targets this time. We used up all I had at the last meet. :)

Considering that Utah is far, far away, The Peach might be a consideration for this Cavalier.

Tho I might go to the Krick instead.

Decisions, Decisions. :D :D

Too bad we have some range restrictions. I'd REALLY like to try a gas can and some tracer! :D

I reckon I could settle for army men shot down with .22's at 10 yards or so.

I'd REALLY like to try a gas can and some tracer!

A can of gas might be a bit much but if we visit Sensop's range I can bring a can of carburator cleaner that will do nicely.:D

Heh. Maybe we should talk to him before we plan how to destroy his range! :D (Wonder if he'll let us fire a few tracers? Anyone have a .308, in case Spartacus can't make it?)
Ft. Valley Ga Gun Club. Sensop is the host member so I will let him provide further info. P.S. Sensop - I received my Cool Springs Club membership in the mail today. :D
Aaack! I forgot to check this thread for a week or two.

Here are directions: FVGC Map

Fort Valley is about twenty miles south of Macon and, say, eight miles west of I75. It is an outdoor range with covered shooting sheds and dirt berms for backstops. No facilities! Bring your own water and strikin' paper!:D

All non-Georgia residents will be required to present properly stamped visas for entry.:cool:

Later in the month is not a problem for me. I'm looking at the calendar and 15, 22 and 29 are the third, fourth and fifth Saturdays. Sundays are fine for me too. That'd be 16, 23 and 30. What say you all? I'm thinking 22 Sept.

Edmund, any training class conflicts?

You guys need to get there early so you can see Spartacus and Spectre pull up in a Mustang convertible with five or six rifle cases sticking up in the air. I meant to ask: Did you guys get any long, suspicious stares coming down I75 last time?

- Budreaux
22 September might work. To be honest, Sundays are usually better since -everything- seems to happen on Saturdays but the 23rd won't work for me.

Oh well, whatever we come up with I'll try to be there and maybe even a bit earlier than last time.:)

How about later in the month? I'm thinking that later on might be doable.

I'm closing on a house in mid Sept so that is something I can't miss.


We may have had some suspicious stares- but if so, they didn't last long! ;)

Besides, we're perfectly reputable-looking individuals! :D (and I'll claim so, until you post the pics to disprove it!)
Well, it's looking like the 22nd of September. That's two weeks from today ... I'm already planning on another down in the December.

I wonder if a certain individual that jumps out of perfectly good airplanes for a living will be able to make it. And Hube too.

We need to see more of the Atlanta TFLers come down. I haven't met most of you guys.

TR, I hope you can make it.


It's too late ... pics were already posted on the last gathering.:) You realize you are judged by the company you keep?