Summer Fun in Northern VA

Well I picked up an 870 and a case of 7 1/2 shot so I think I'm set. Can someone give me a cell phone number I can call just incase I get lost or end up late (like last time).

I'll probable try and leave here around 8:30 sunday.

David Park- How long do you think it'll take me to get there? I'm about 40 min south of the gun club I hold the PA TFL shoots at. Is 2.5hrs good enough?

Can we shoot handguns there?
2.5 hours is close, but it might be pushing it if there's traffic. It does seem to take me longer to get to PA than to come back, though. I'll PM you my cell #.

No handguns, strictly shotguns (and archery?). If you show up with a handgun the Perazzi crowd might call the cops. :eek: ;) The NRA range is just down the road, though.
Man, I'm psyched for this - the first TFL-connected get-together for me. I'd blown off so many invites, Mike Irwin flat out gave up on me.

Oh, and I'm as green a newbie with shotguns as can be minted, so go easy on me, eh? :D

See you Sunday - what better way to honor the 4th Commandment? :D

They have candy, some chips, and water and soda machines.

If you want anything more than that, it's best if you bring your own.

Some of us get together for lunch afterwards, I'd like to do that again if everyone is game for it.

I got Mal, my friend Herb (he was there last time, won't make it this time) and I went looking for the gunshow in Bealton. Bastards changed the date, so we went to Clarke Brothers (HOLY CRAP, their ammo prices are INFRIGGINGSANE!) and to Wally World, where I got 200 rounds of Federal 8 shot.

Bob, if you need to borrow ammo, you can bum some of mine. It's cheap.
Thank you, Mike,

I'm hoping to bring some 12s and 20s since I don't know what they'll have available for rentals. Also planning to bring a cooler of bevies. See y'all tomorrow
Thanks to Mal H, Mike Irwin, Mr. James (and son), Roadrunner, and SodaPop for showing up today. If anyone else showed up late, sorry you missed us, because we had just the right number for a round of sporting clays and started the course at 11:15 or so. It was busy, but everyone was able to rent a shotgun who needed one, which was my biggest worry. The weather reports say it was 93 degrees today, but I drove past a business on the way back that said 101, and that's what it felt like. The heat must have thrown off our shooting. ;)

After sporting clays, Mike suggested a quick game of wobble trap, which was a good idea since we needed the ego boost. I came in second (after Mike) with 20/25, which is the best I've done in three TFL meets. I used Win. Light Target #8 shot for wobble, which didn't really seem to have more kick than the Xtra Lite #7.5 for sporting clays. My shoulder isn't sore, but my forearms are really starting to turn red, so I'll have to add some suntan lotion to the range bag.

I'll try to get my pictures developed and posted fairly soon, if my scanner will cooperate. I hope everyone else had fun. We'll have to have another meet when it's a little cooler, maybe at night.
I had a ton of fun today.

When I got home, I just about crashed and burned, though. It was all I could do to check messages and lay down for a half-hour recharge.

Then I put up some new halogen lights, realized that my neck is sunburned as hell, and decided that I want to shoot again soon. :)

I DESPERATELY want to shoot wobble strap at night! That looks like it would be so damned much fun!
but my forearms are really starting to turn red, so I'll have to add some suntan lotion to the range bag.

Well I think I got a nice tan today.

I did a lot better with My 870, a lot better than I thought I would. I had fun and it was worth the trip. I'm am pretty washed out. That heat was pretty intense.

Oh, and I got to meet a Moderator:D
SodaPop, that's a dubious honor at best. :D

I also had a blast, so to speak. Although my shotgunning still leaves a whole lot to be desired (I'm fairly well convinced that the 'clay' birds they were using were made of Titanium). Nonetheless, it was great to shoot the sporting clays with some very good TFL members.

I was telling Mike that I had an epiphany about my shotgunning when I got home, so look out, the next outing may turn out differently :)
David, Roadrunner, SodaPop, Mal H., and, of course, Mike Irwin.

Most fun I've had with clothes on.


Then I had to come home and start pulling up the old @*#$@ vinyl flooring - and the plywood it was mounted on - in anticipation of the Great Hardwood Flooring Adventure. Yikes, sweatin' up a monsoon, 'though I've no idea how there was any moisture left in me after Bull Run.

And I almost did jump up and yell "PULL" at church.

Wow. What I've been missing.

Thanks, all, for your superlative company and enduring patience. It was sure a pleasure to meet you guys.

Of course, my son is disinherited. He told my wife (volunteered it, he did!!) that we went shooting "when we should have been home working on the hardwood floors." :rolleyes: C'mon, lad, don't do me like that!!
Hey Soda, at least the moderator in question did not run out when you showed up like he did when I went to a VA shoot!

What is it about the Mods on this site anyway, one even ran away and joined the Army so he would not have to face me!

How about a Sporting Clays Shoot sometime in late September or Early October at one of the courses on the Peninsula. Close enough for you VA people (that means you Mal!) and for the PA mob.

I am thinking of possibly J P Sporting Clays or Pintail Point.

I will see if I can find some maps.

How come nobody is giving scores?
"Most fun I've had with clothes on."

And your clothes had best STAY on when you're shooting with us, lest you gain enough lead weight to be used as a fishing sinker...

The situation with the floors could have gone a lot more smoothly had you accepted my offer of assistance... Of course you realize that all I really wanted was your beer? :)

My score for sporting clays was, I believe, 19 of 50 (ouch), which put me second.

My score for wobble trap was 22 of 25 (that's better), which put me first.

David's proficiency is increasing GREATLY. At the rate he's going he's going to be consistently first in our group in short order.

For the first time out, Bob shot VERY well.

Mal, I wish your ephipany had come on Saturday, instead of Sunday afternoon...

I think next time we go out I WILL take my riot gun, just to have a riot...
A night shoot would be nice. However, I believe that means we would have to shoot on a weekday evening since the range closes at 6:00 pm on weekends. I'll inquire about their hours.

I agree, it was alot of fun shotgunning at Bull Run. Maybe Dave or Sodapop will post a picture of our motley crew. Regards.
Evening shooting shouldn't be too much of a problem, unless we run into traffic on 66 or 29, which is always a possibility.

Maybe later in the fall when it starts getting dark earlier.

I doubt, however, that they allow shooting during full dark. The neighbors would probably get a little cheesed. There are some people who live just close enough to be annoyed, I'd guess.

Just called the office. During the week they shoot from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. It would be full dark by that time in October, and close to it now.

And, if you go to meet 7:30 or so, the traffic wouldn't be quite as bad.

I'm all for it guys!
one even ran away and joined the Army so he would not have to face me!

ROTFLAO:D (just between me and you Geoff):)

Actually, Mike, I took second place and you came in 3rd.;) I was behind "RoadRunner" by I think about 5 shots. On the sporting clays that is. I came in 4th at the wobble trapp.

Geoff, why don't we do something the weekend after Labor Day? I was thinking about a rifle shoot in late Sept. I'm all for shooting shotguns now that I have a 12gauge. Its a heck of a lot cheaper than shooting up all My 308 and .223.
Glad you guys had fun. I'm getting pretty tired of missing these things due to work. The NJ shoot is the day before a really big deal at work that I can not miss but I am almost certain that I will make that one, even if I can not stay late.
A PA shoot after Labor Day weekend would be while I am in NC shooting at the Outer Banks Gun Club. I would be sad to miss a SG shoot in my own backyard. :(
"Actually, Mike, I took second place and you came in 3rd."

You did? Good on ya. I missed that. How many did you break?

Not bad for not having fired your 870 that much before.

I've discovered a great truism about myself. If they're coming straight for me, or moving away, I'm deadly on them.

If they're crossing, I've got problems. :)

The wobble trap was funny. For the first 5 shots I think all of us were tied at 4 for 5. For about the first 10 shots Ian and I were matching shot for shot.