Summer Fun in Northern VA

David Park

New member
It seems like everyone is busy in the summertime, but maybe we can find a date when we can get together. K80Geoff has promised to drag SodaPop down from PA this time. ;)

Where to you want to meet, NRA range, Bull Run for shotgun fun, or somewhere else?
If you haven't already done so, you might keep an eye out for Rudi Waldinger. He moved out there from the SF Bay area last year. Rudi is one of two people that keep Jerry Miculek honest in the International Revolver Championship match.

One heck of a decent gentleman--the best. We miss him as a mentor and friend. Don't tell I said so as he might get embarassed.
I've been thinking about this myself.

I was going to call for one a couple of weeks ago, then my Mother had surgery and the job's been getting interesting.

NRA Range or Bull Run for clay targets?
I'm leaning toward Bull Run since we haven't met there in a while. My shotgun is going to the gunsmith this week (finally fixing the loose vent rib) but if I don't have it back I can rent a gun.

Maybe we should try to pick a date. How about Aug. 10 or 11?

BTW, the NJ shoot is Aug. 24, and it would be nice to see some fellow Virginians up in Yankee territory.
I gotta leave earliar next time. Took Me freakin 2hrs to get to Wilmington Delaware. That's normally 20-30minutes away.:mad:

As long as I don't get bitten by any more animals this summer, I think I'll be able to handle a day with a 12gauge.
Bull Run sounds great to me. I hope the date you guys select is one where I am not scheduled to be away. Thanks for sending me the "alerting" e-mail.

Best regards -- Roy
Most people seem to prefer Bull Run. They do rent shotguns in case you don't have one (l'll probably need a rental myself). Don't be nervous if you're a shotgun newbie -- I am too, but I think it's a lot of fun.

We need to nail down a date. How about Sunday, Aug. 11?
David, thanks for the email. August 11 looks like it will work for me. What time should we meet? If the wife has to work, I'll have to drop her off by 10:45 am and could be at Bull Run anytime after 11:00 am.
Eleven o'clock works for me.

Do they have special events on Sunday? I was thinking maybe I should call and check. I'll try to do that tomorrow.
Bull Run........

What's the range fees for this place? Is it just shotgun? Do you have an address so I can Mapquest it? What can you shoot ammo wise? Thanks in advance. :D

Never mind. I see a link was posted earlier.(Duh!)
Is there a place to pattern at Bull Run?
If my new barrel gets here in time, I will not have enough time to pattern it before the 11th.
How long is the drive Soda?
Just picked up My 16gauge today. They had to machine a few parts because they couldn't find them anywhere. I'm getting an 870 even if I have to rack up more credit card debt. I think My O/U is going to have to be My Upland gun and My 870 for everything else.

Last time I tried to drive down there I got stuck in traffic. I think it should be less than 2 1/2 hrs.
I just called Bull Run. They don't have any tournaments scheduled for the 11th, so we should be good to go.

They do have a patterning area, but according to the guy I talked to, it's best to pattern on the weekdays. Weekends are busy and they often use the field for other activities.

BTW, if anyone has an extra shotgun, it might be nice to bring it along. I'm planning to rent a gun and it looks like a few others are as well, but they sometimes run low on rentals on busy days.
Hey guys, I will try to make it too.

Soda, I'm not sure where you are coming from or what route you usually take, but you might want to look at coming down 15, crossing the Potomac just North of Leesburg, and continueing south to just north of Haymarket where you can pick up 234 to 29 north. It is much less hassel than 95/495

Bull Run this Sunday, August 11, at 11:00 AM

By my count, about 9 to 11 people are planning to show up. I hope everybody can make it.

Reminder: even if you plan to rent a gun, it helps to bring your own shells. (I forgot the first time :o and I think I still owe Roadrunner a box or two.) Galyans sells 'em, and I like the Win. Xtra Lite Target loads, because I'm wimpy. I think sporting clays is 50+ rounds.

Weather is supposed to be dry, partly cloudy, high of 91. Bring water. Maybe I'll wear my fancy hat from the Bahamas. :cool: