Suggestions for non-controversial semi-auto topics


New member
With all the rancor and "heated discussions" going around, I thought it would be a good idea to have some non-controversial topics so that we could bond, in the interests of fellowship. So, here goes:

1. which is better? Wilson Combat or Lorcin

2. which is more effective? 9mm, 10mm, or .45

3. which is the crappier round? .45 Super, .40 Super, or .32 ACP?

4. what's the fastest way of getting kicked off TFL? (I think I just discovered that one).

5. if Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Peppers, how many Peppers would Peter Piper Have Picked? (OT but I wanted to see how many mistakes I made while typing that)

6. The time is now 11:47 A.M. eastern. How long will this thread last?
With all the rancor and "heated discussions" going around, I thought it would be a good idea to have some non-controversial topics so that we could bond, in the interests of fellowship. So, here goes:

1. which is better? Wilson Combat or Lorcin

Only a real moron, jerk, Klintonista, demokRAT son of a motherless goat wouldn't recognize the inherant superiority of the Lorcin of the low quality Wilson.

2. which is more effective? 9mm, 10mm, or .45

None of the will break the skin 98.5% of the time. I am never without my 300 Ultra Mag Derringer with Novak carry bevel pacakage.

3. which is the crappier round? .45 Super, .40 Super, or .32 ACP?

Crap is crap.

4. what's the fastest way of getting kicked off TFL? (I think I just discovered that one).

The moderator is a low down, no goo....

5. if Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Peppers, how many Peppers would Peter Piper Have Picked? (OT but I wanted to see how many mistakes I made while typing that)

Duh, uh....put finger on trigger go boom. Finger not on trigger no go boom. :)

How about...

...folks taking a tack such as:
"Why I personally prefer Glock/Beretta/HK/1911/etc over brand X."

instead of

"SIG/Kimber/Glock/HK/Ruger sux and anyone who totes one is an armchair commando/wannabe/unsafe moron"?

I don't mind learning from others considered opinions, even when different from my own. I do mind wading through "GlOcK Rul3z!" "No wAy, bUtTmUnCh!"

If I wanted that, I'd be hangin' with the 13-year olds on the video game boards...
Tamara, in her infinite wisdom wrote: "If I wanted that, I'd be hangin' with the 13-year olds on the video game boards..."

Given who you hang with currently, that might be an improvement. :)
Don't forget the classic thread titles:

1. Which 9mm for bear?
2. Trapped in an elevator with chain saw weilding zombie mutant biker nazis, which pocket pistol?
3. Who is the best gunsmith for customizing my Lorcin?
4. Pimp Guns: Swede grips, or integral fishtank?
5. I shoot better than you do, naa naa!
6. Anybody see the new Mega Blaster .499 Magnum Elk Tenderizor?
7. Help, I broke my Glock!
8. Liar, Glocks don't break!
Best concealed carry options for Nuns

Prettiest trigger locks

Favorite brand of cleaning jags

Best smelling cleaner/lubricant

Will Hoppe's #9 cure male pattern baldness or enhance the sex drive?

Will Hoppe's #9 get rid of unwanted facial hair or those unsightly varicose veins?
the ultimate handgun: (with apologies to Tom Waits)

Step right up, step right up, step right up,
Everyone's a winner, bargains galore
That's right, you too can be the proud owner
Of the quality goes in before the name goes on
One-tenth of a dollar, one-tenth of a dollar, we got service after sales
Something for the little lady, something for the little lady,
Something for the little lady, hmm
Three for a dollar
We got a year-end clearance, we got a white sale
Act now, act now, and receive as our gift, our gift to you
They come in all colors, one size fits all
No muss, no fuss, no spills, you're tired of kitchen drudgery

Fifty percent off original retail price, skip the middle man
Don't settle for less
How do we do it? how do we do it? volume, volume, turn up the volume
Now you've heard it advertised, don't hesitate
Don't be caught with your drawers down,
Don't be caught with your drawers down
You can step right up, step right up

That's right, it filets, it chops, it dices, slices,
Never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn
And it mows your lawn and it picks up the kids from school
It gets rid of unwanted facial hair, it gets rid of embarrassing age spots,
It delivers a pizza, and it lengthens, and it strengthens
And it finds that slipper that's been at large
under the chaise lounge for several weeks
And it plays a mean Rhythm Master,
It makes excuses for unwanted lipstick on your collar
And it's only a dollar, step right up, it's only a dollar, step right up

'Cause it forges your signature
If not completely satisfied, mail back unused portion of product
For complete refund of price of purchase
Step right up
Please allow thirty days for delivery, don't be fooled by cheap imitations
You can live in it, live in it, laugh in it, love in it
Swim in it, sleep in it,
Live in it, swim in it, laugh in it, love in it
Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets, that's right
And it entertains visiting relatives, it turns a sandwich into a banquet
Tired of being the life of the party?
Change your shorts, change your life, change your life
Change into a nine-year-old Hindu boy, get rid of your wife,
And it walks your dog, and it doubles on sax
Doubles on sax, you can jump back Jack, see you later alligator
See you later alligator
And it steals your car
It gets rid of your gambling debts, it quits smoking
It's a friend, and it's a companion,
And it's the only product you will ever need
Follow these easy assembly instructions it never needs ironing
Well it takes weights off hips, bust, thighs, chin, midriff,
Gives you dandruff, and it finds you a job, it is a job
And it strips the phone company free take ten for five exchange,
And it gives you denture breath
And you know it's a friend, and it's a companion
And it gets rid of your traveler's checks
It's new, it's improved, it's old-fashioned
Well it takes care of business, never needs winding,
Never needs winding, never needs winding
Gets rid of blackheads, the heartbreak of psoriasis,
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak, buddy,
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
'Cause it's effective, it's defective, it creates household odors,
It disinfects, it sanitizes for your protection
It gives you an erection, it wins the election
Why put up with painful corns any longer?
It's a redeemable coupon, no obligation, no salesman will visit your home
We got a jackpot, jackpot, jackpot, prizes, prizes, prizes, all work guaranteed
How do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it
We need your business, we're going out of business
We'll give you the business
Get on the business end of our going-out-of-business sale
Receive our free brochure, free brochure
Read the easy-to-follow assembly instructions, batteries not included
Send before midnight tomorrow, terms available,
Step right up, step right up, step right up
You got it buddy: the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away
Step right up, you can step right up, you can step right up
C'mon step right up
(Get away from me kid, you bother me...)
Step right up, step right up, step right up, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Step right up, you can step right up, c'mon and step right up,
C'mon and step right up

(Excerpts from "Step Right Up" by Tom Waits on his "Small Change" album)
More suggestions

1. Which round is most effective on your TV? (.45 ACP)
2. Which color Kel-Tec P-32 do you like best? (Arctic White)
3. Aren't you glad you don't live in England/California/Canada/Australia/Massachusetts . . . .
4. I just shot my telephone trying to dial 911.
5. Just how good is Mobil One?
A peck of pickled pimento peppers contains approximately 10,800. YMMV

A peck of loaded .44 specials contains zactly 1,200 rounds. Just checked my reefer to make sure.

A Lorcin at hand is better than two Wilsons in the safe.

A 9mm in the eye is better than a sharp stick that missed.

The crappiest round is the one your ex half step cousin in law loaded full of bullseye. favorite 9mm is the 9X32R
This has got to be the funniest thread I've read on TFL, well here are my contributions

Top 5 list of Threads
5. How I worked to Protect gun rights. (Thread Started by PrezBillC)
4. Muzzle awareness not important to gun safety
3. My Cape Buffalo hunting trip with my trusty Sig 232
2. Interesting Chicken recipes using Breakfree CLP
1. 101 ways to use your 1911 to help remodel your home
Arizona, you can get the same effect by drilling a hollowpoint right in the .25 and filling it with Garlic and C4.

How about the topics that come from some guy with a made up name and one post titled: "Somebody tell me how to convert my AK 47 to full auto." Or "Anybody have any home made silencers/bombs/machine guns/flamethrowers/other illegal items?"
Dave's Top Ten Threads:

10. How E! TV's "Fashion Emergency" show saved me from looking like a geek at the range.

9. "Smart Gun" comparison, or "Who Wants To Be A Victim?" --can I use a Life Line, Regis?

8. Please support the Magazine Loader's Thumb Foundation. Every year, thousands of American shooters are struck down by this affliction. Here's how you can help....

7. What to do with your IWB holstered weapon while using a public toilet (my favorite REAL thread).

6. Homeowner shoots burglar in his pajamas. Cannot explain how the burglar got into his pajamas in the first place.

5. Fienstein sponsors new bill to engrave "NAUGHTY! NO TOUCHIE-POO!" on all firearms.

4. For Sale: NIB Webley-Fosbery auto-revolver with hand-engraved platinum finish and Crimson Trace lasergrips. Must sell to buy pearl-handled, gold-plated Desert Eagle. $3,780 (includes shipping to your FFL).

3. Armed robber turns out to be your long lost twin brother, so you swap IDs with him and sue yourself for shooting yourself! You collect big bucks and they have to send his corpse to jail!

2. Jeff Cooper is an old fart, Clint Smith's been out in the sun too long, and what kind of name for a good ol' boy is "Massad Ayoob"?

1. The Oleg Volk Swimsuit Calendar!
The Oleg Volk Swimsuit Calender

Raise your hand if the mental image of a SIG 226 wrapped in a bikini strikes you as funny.
Then there's always:

10. "Where can I get kevlar swimwear?"

9. "My buddy has this friend who converted his Glock 21 to .454 Casull..." (This um, exaggeration really happened. See )

8. "New TACTICAL sunscreen: approved for use at all fine tactical schools in the Southwest."

7. "Who would you rather have dinner with: Teddy Roosevelt or Teddy Kennedy?"

6. "Whose liquor cabinet would you rather loot: Teddy Roosevelt or Teddy Kennedy?"

5. "Would you recommend shooting out the lights at the range for low-light training?"

4. "I'm being stalked by hundreds of ninja snipers. The titanium and ceramic/carbon-fibre composite plate I've duct-taped to my back doesn't make me feel safe. Would carrying a shorty AK folder in my backpack strike anyone as paranoid? BTW, I can climb walls with my ninja boots, so factor that into your replies."

3. "Training: Should I go to Thunder Ranch, or should I spend the money on John Woo Training Videos and master the Diving Two Beretta style?"

2. "Who makes a good concealment rig for a Desert Eagle in .50AE?"


1. "Why do all you people think it's necessary to carry icky guns? I feel perfectly safe, since I'm in a suburban office building in gun-free Massachussetts and... hang on... what's that noise down the hall?"
Tamara, referencing 3 and 4 on your list, all I can say is that GlockTalk is sometimes a lot funnier than TFL. It's a whole different kind of crowd, on occasion.

Can you or one of the other GlockTalk mods enable search? I want to see everything Doomfish has to say so I can learn from his infinite wisdom*.

*By wisdom I meant stupidity.
thought Tamara was joking, but wow, didn't know a g21 could do that. I prefer my .454 in the G36 slimline frame though. It conceals well, recoils light and on occasion makes a handy frag device. Check out the metallurgical merits of un-ob-tanium while you're there, can't wait for Kimber to start using this stuff.

so, top ten ways to get booted off of TFL FAST!

10. start a new account with words doom and fish anywhere in them.

9. Ask Snub_Nose, darn he left w/o saying goodbye.

8. How about the old suppressed 22lr to the eyesocket is the best survival weapon. I miss Gunkid, don't you?

7. I had dinner with Ted Kennedy.

6. Janet Reno makes my keyboard sticky.

5. umm, well I don't spread it around, but I taught John Woo how to shoot.

4. I experienced a painful priapism while carrying my AMT Automag III in my Thunderwear.

3. Ultimate street stoppers, Davis vs Raven w/ 94% one shot stop DU hollowpoints.

2.9mm vs. 45ACP :barf:

And the number one fast horse out of town.... I saw Oleg in a swimsuit calendar..and liked it.

and finally a thread that could go on for days. Fackler challenges Marshall to unlimited caliber slingshot duel at noon. Sanow reported to have called in sick for this one.