Suggest me a gun, please.


Must be light weight and compact, yet sturdy and durable. Iron sights, no peeps, beads or scopes. High capacity, preference toward a magazine for road hunting. Common cartridge, something I will find at the gas station. Powerful, I like 30/06. Cheap, budget of around $300.oo, no chinese garbage though.

I've got a BAR longtrac, but it's scope only, and expensive, and big. Also a SKS, but it's heavy and not grizzly powerful. An H&R 12gauge with chamber adapters, it's light and powerful but single shot.

A 30-30 lever wouldn't do since no magazine or powerful round, also not cheap.

It would be used for hunting in bush on foot and quad. I've never killed anything past 40 yards, six deer and one bear.

Hand guns are a big big no no.
Sounds like you are describing a marlin 1895 in 45/ might find a cosmetically challenged one for a little more than $300.00, but a nice used one will run in the $600- $700 range.
Sounds to me like a sportered Lee-Enfield would be peachy for you, as long as you don't road hunt Grizzlies. Lots of Yukon types still use the 303 cartridge.
It's legal to drive down a logging road then hop out and blast a deer. It's illegal to shoot from inside the truck, have a loaded gun in a truck or use the hood as a shooting bench.

I was looking at a lee enfield today, good suggestion. I'll have to look closer.
You might look at a Rossi 92 in .454 Casull. Some are stainless. I believe that will kill anything in Alaska and also handle 45 Long Colt.
You might look at a Rossi 92 in .454 Casull. Some are stainless. I believe that will kill anything in Alaska and also handle 45 Long Colt.

OP already discounted lever 30/30, partly due to price:
A 30-30 lever wouldn't do since no magazine or powerful round, also not cheap.

I doubt the '92 or .454Casull ammo would qualify as cheap, and there's still that "no magazine" thing


So ..... short, handy, quick to load (such that it can be carried completely unloaded in the vehichle, yet loaded and put into action very quickly), cheaper, yet more powerful than a typical 30/30 levergun .....

..... a quick look @ gunbroker suggests that used 30/30 levers are running 450-500 bucks......

Would a stripper clip be fast enough for you? That opens up a plethora of old milsurps that would fit nicely ...... Type 53's (Chicom copy of M44 Mosin Carbine) are listed under $200 .... Hungarian, Polish and Russian M44's for 4-$500 ..... There are plenty of various Mausers out there (those in oddball calibers like 7.65x53 are dirtcheap, and if you handload, not any more espensive to feed than anything else) .... many of which are carbine length, whether they started that way or were chopped when sporterized ..... in the latter case ..... they will be dirt cheap since they have no collector value ......
The gun you are seeking doesn't exist. I'll save you some time, you can stop looking.

Someone tell me a gun that fits ALL the OP's criteria:
High Cap Mag Fed
Caliber large enough to take bear
under $300 price point
Not heavy
Cheap Ammo
Easy to find Ammo
Iron sights that aren't peep type

If you drop just one of those criteria we might be able to find you something but right now you are looking for the fast, reliable, cheap car. Pick two, all three in one package doesn't exist partner.
I hardly consider a Mosin high cap.

Savage hog hunter seems like a slam dunk for you but its a little more expensive than you want and from the factory it isn't mag fed or high cap in factory form. You could get aftermarket bottom metal for it with detachable mags and then you have everything you want except the total investment is likely to be about $700. The gun alone is about $450.

You could look at a Mossberg MVP which would take standard AR-10 mags in .308WIN and that gun is just over $500. However I don't believe it comes with any fixed sites from the factory.

I say again, you are unicorn hunting with your current list of requirements.
"...never killed anything past 40 yards..." Shotgun with rifle sights using slugs. Assuming shotguns are legal in the area you're hunting. BC's hunting regs say no more than 2 rounds in the mag for a shotgun.
No shooting from or across any road.
No "high capacity" cf magazines. Five rounds is max allowed by FEDERAL law for a cf firearm other than a Lee-Enfield or M1 Rifle(neither of which are exactly cheap any more. You will not find an M1 Rifle for $300. You can find a Lee-Enfield for that. If you go that way, get proof of good headspace.). FEDERAL law also says no loaded firearms in or on any motorised vehicle.
Don't know about Canada… but at least in Washington State it is illegal to have a loaded long gun in the vehicle during hunting season.
$300 Canadian to USD is about 225. I have no clue what you can get with that besides a Mosin. You're going to be roaming used gun shops for a solution. 303 British does have the Oomph. And it is still inexpensive and can be bought in surplus.

The SKS is on the same scale of the 30-30 so nothing lost in the cartridge. But a 30-30 in a Winchester, Marlin or other is nice.