Sue California after the Heller decision?

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The term is generic in reference to people here illegally.

No, the derogatory term 'wetback' refers to hispanics who have just crossed the Rio Grande river. As such, it is a racial slur and has no place in this forum, in my opinion.
The antis are always paint gun owners as ignorant and bigoted and here one of our own goes out of his way prove them right. There is no place on this forum for racism. If you want to refer to illegals use the term illegal.
The antis are always paint gun owners as ignorant and bigoted and here one of our own goes out of his way prove them right. There is no place on this forum for racism. If you want to refer to illegals use the term illegal.
Yes, it seems like it is becoming more and more prevalent on the forum lately. You have this example here and cases of people referring to Obama with racist slang in other threads. It really makes us look bad.
Why must people protect illegal immigrants? They are here illegally, why should I give them any respect?
No one is protecting illegals. I'm personally for sealing the borders and deporting as many as possible. But there is no room for racist slurs here. Your ignorance just gives the antis the ammunition that they need to paint all gun owners as ignorant racists. I have high hopes that the moderators will give you a couple of weeks aways from the forum to think about it.
No one is protecting illegals. I'm personally for sealing the borders and deporting as many as possible. But there is no room for racist slurs here. Your ignorance just gives the antis the ammunition that they need to paint all gun owners as ignorant racists. I have high hopes that the moderators will give you a couple of weeks aways from the forum to think about it.

Anti gun people can paint me however they want, why suck-up to somone who's never going to agree with you?
As a resident of the PRK, I'd love to see this state get it's ass handed to it as regards firearms legislation/regulations. Then there's the lead bullet ban in condor country thing too.
maestro pistolero said:
No, the derogatory term 'wetback' refers to hispanics who have just crossed the Rio Grande river. As such, it is a racial slur and has no place in this forum, in my opinion.

Just as a point of clarification, not that it matters at all to the point you are making, the term is for hispanic farm laborors who sweat in the fields while they pick produce bent over. Well, it may have morphed into your definition in Texas, but it was regular term used in the 60-70s in California for farm workers. See I learned something after living in Southern California for 48 years. :)
One of the most dangerous laws on the book in my state is a law that gives the authorities the power to seize guns from citizens if the governor declares a state of emergency. The rest of you probably have the same or similar law on the books in your state. I can't imagine any circumstance that this would be necessary unless the people were actively fighting to overthrow the government. In which case, the law is a bad idea for the people. I hope that our pro-gun organizations in my state attack this law next year.
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