Suarez Flashlight Finger Ring mod. Cool beans, indeed!


New member
A lot of people talk about using the small Surefires as a weapon because, well, it's there in your hand. It's a good idea, in my mind, because, like punching someone with a roll of quarters in your hand, it just adds to the hurtin' you put on somebody. And I certainly wouldn't want to suffer a hammer-strike from the bezel edge of my 6P!

Well, one of the tricks Gabe showed us in his CRG class some time back, was to use the Surefire lanyard ring to fasten a 1" keyring to the Surefire body in lieu of a wrist cord.

I've since installed said finger ring on my 6P and my Pelican M6 LED lights to great effect and highly recommend you give it a try. The benefits are many but I'll just highlight here for the sake of brevity.

1: it is very easy to "attach" the light to your hand, but you aren't as tightly attached as with a wrist thong. If you need to get that light off of you, or it's ripped off, you don't have to worry about losing body parts. Having worked around machinery all of my life, the one lesson that has been drilled into me countless times is that you just don't want oddities on your hands that might get caught in the lathe.... In a fight, the badguy might grab that hand/light and you don't want to get tied to the badguy. While the light is very secure in your grip when you want it to be, it's also easy to get out of as the ring isn't snug around your finger. Use either the 1" ring or the 1.25" ring, depending on finger size.

2: being attached to your weakhand trigger finger, it is very easy to flip the light around to the back of your hand so you can access a fresh mag, manipulate the pistol, or grapple with a doorknob. A simple flick of the wrist and the light is right back where it started. Literally a tenth of a second to go from light to no light and back again.

Gabe was using grenade (smoke or flashbang) rings, but I couldn't find any around here and had to settle for the key ring. It's kinda cheesy looking, but it clips right on to my belt hook and comes off just as easy. Just not as cool as having a grenade's pulltab on there, though.

Gotta give Gabe credit for thinking outside of the box. This is just one of many tricks he showed us and we are all better off for having taken his class.

Try it out and report back in the morning.
Is this like that rubbery "figure 8" thingy that was out about 10 years ago? I think that guy was from Canada. Don't know if he applied for a patent or not?

Anywho, is a good idea, especially if you're like me and dislike the taste of Surefires. :D
Don't know about rubber thingies from Canada. I put the package together after a training session for a group that used a great deal of bangs. As some of you know, its good to keep a few extra pins around during those classes just in case and when I got home I had a handful laying on my desk. I was also emptying the pockets of my carry on, reading email and talking on the phone. Multi-tasking can be done, but not for very long.

I was looking over an email with pictures of something called a Koppo stick (from Don Rearic's site, and as I talked, read, and so on, I realized the grenade ring could easily go on the Surefire Lanyard Ring instead of the lanyard.

I found the arrangement to be a much better way to handle the flashlight, gun, etc. in a low light environment. Try it, you'll like it.

Gabe Suarez
That Koppo thingie looks like that Chizikunbo thingie that the Ryute guys use and are always flipping around. The end off of a fishing net or something like that I heard one of them explain at a qin na seminar.

Never tried a grenade pin; don't have regular access. We used to make ours out of 100 mph tape, folding the loop so it would not stick to us. Finally a tactical application for origami! :D
Flashlight? who carries a flashlight in the daytime? Sounds way to 'tactical' for an old guy like me.
Sounds more like play time ,than crunch time.

Be inside a room/office when there's a power failure and you'll see the value of a flashlight. I carry a little Proton light on my key ring. It also comes in handy if something is dropped & rolls under a desk.

Ever drop something in the backseat of a car and wonder if there are klepto-gremlins hiding under the front seats? I have a mini-mag lite solitaire on my keychain for just such an occasion. The AAA battery doesn't last forever, but it does the job and is easily replaceable.

There are plenty of places a flashlight comes in handy, even during the daytime. You wouldn't know it unless you carry one. In fact, you will find use for a flashlight so many more times than your carry piece, you might as well get a holster for the light and leave your gun at home. Unless you're as paraniod as me...
I tried the key ring on my mini-mag lite, it seems to work fine.

grnzbra: What's the significance of August 14th, 2003?

Mannlicher: By the way, I consider flashlights to be practical, not tactical. There are plenty of uses for carrying a light, unless you happen to have superhuman night vision or something. :rolleyes:
8/14/03: "I feel safe in New York City." AC/DC. :D

Besides not having uberhuman night vision, I just consider good manners to identify my target. Rule #4 and all. If safety and concern for others makes me a mall ninja, then I'm the Team Leader of Mall SRT, baby! :D :cool:
Cool view of Aug 14,'03

There is a site that has a satellite photo of the USA at night. (No, I don't know where). If you've seen that pic, the same pic from the night of the 14th is really awsome.

By the way, I have my Z-3 on the keyring with my car keys (actually, it's more like having the car keys attached to the Z-3) and I don't think I'd be wanting to have my finger through the keyring during any serious social interaction.
Not trying to redirect the thread, but I consider flashlights and EWs so important that I carry two of each every waking moment. Well, not in the shower. One each for utility, one each for defense.
I've carried a flashlight constantly (used to be a 2-AA cell maglight, but I lost it at the dentists, now a Browning 2-AA cell) since 1984 when I was caught in the basement caffeteria of the Federal Building in Cleveland when the power failed, and the backup generators didn't work. There was ONE emergency light in the far corner. I had to thread my way through the tables in pitch dark. Three days later, it happened again. I unscrewed the head inverted it on the table and used my flashlight like a candle. After I finished my peach pie, I led a bunch of people through the darkness to the exit.

Besides, I'm a geek, goes with the pocket protector.

Who keeps too many flashlights around, I'm sitting at the computer at 0454 and I can reach a flashlight. I also change batteries twice a year when I do the smoke alarms.
I just got a Surefire 6P and I'm lovin' it! :cool: WAY more powerful than my mini-Maglite. I also got one for my girlfriend to keep in her purse with her pepper spray, since she refuses to carry a gun.

Hmmmm, the 6Ps I bought at my local Army surplus store don't have keyrings. Is there some kind of adaptor I can buy? I'd like to put a keyring or a lanyard on mine, but there's nowhere to attach one. Maybe I'll just order myself a holster.

KSFreeman: Why do you "dislike the taste" of Surefires? They taste pretty darn good to me! Is there something I should know about the company or the product?
Ok, I looked into it, and found the lanyard ring on a website. Now I just have to decide between the lanyard ring and a holster. Or, I could spoil myself and get both. :D

Has anyone seen Surefire's Executive Defender? It has a "crenellated strike bezel" for use as an impact weapon. Evil looking little thing.
gold, because before I started making the origami ring thingies, those many, many moons ago, with duct tape, er, I mean 100 mph tape, I put the Surefire in my mouf, still do. That's me, Mr. Low Tech.

I feel really untactical. I mean, how can I swagger about the range without a grenade pin to cut my finger, er, to hold the tactical torch while I work my ninja magic? Tactical origami duct tape? Man, I could never show my black BDUs at the range again. :D
So, when you wrote that you disliked the taste of the surefires, you meant it literally! He he, I've done that with my mini-maglite, but I've yet to find myself in a situation where I have to bite my surefire.

You know, they make several products that can assist you in your endeavor to have hands-free operation of your light. There's a bite-piece that slips on over a mini-maglite and a headband that clips a flashlight on for hands & teeth-free operation. I don't know if they make 'em for surefires, but you can get 'em for the mini-maglite.
I wonder if they make a headband for the full size D-cell maglites? Probably not, but that would be quite a sight, no?!?!?! :eek: