Stupity (Dum things you have seen)


New member
What is the most stupid or dum thing you have seen someone do with a firearm?

I've seen some people at the range wave the gun around pointing it at everything or everyone.
Here's a good site, and a story I had heard as well from a local LEO friend. Note that this site has a ton of stupid, and often tragic (of course) stories concerning guns:

"On February 3, 1990, a Renton, Washington man tried to commit a robbery. This was probably his first attempt, as suggested by the fact that he had no previous record of violent crime, and by his terminally stupid choices as listed below: 1. The target was H&J Leather & Firearms, a gun shop; 2. The shop was full of customers, in a state where a substantial portion of the adult population is licensed to carry concealed handguns in public places; 3. To enter the shop, he had to step around a marked Police patrol car parked at the front door; 4. An officer in uniform was standing next to the counter, having coffee before reporting to duty. Upon seeing the officer, the would-be robber announced a holdup and fired a few wild shots. The officer and a clerk promptly returned fire, removing him from the gene pool. Several other customers also drew their guns, but didn't fire. No one else was hurt."

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-01-99).]
This happened in my jurisdiction about a year ago.
Subject #1 was 5'8" 150#. Subject #2 was 6'4" about 265#. The two were arguing and S1 drew a 25 auto and shot S2 in the upper leg.
This angered S2 to the point that he took the gun away from S1 and pummeled him senseless. S2 then went to the local ER.

I saw a guy, just before deer season, trying to sight in a .30-30 Winchester M94 Carbine...that didn't have a rear sight!

I saw a guy sighting a rife in that had a scope on it. He was twisting the caps for the adjustments to adjust it. DUH! I think every one has had a gun waved in their face.

At our last qualification, our outgoing Sheriff put his gun into the pocket of his coveralls, instead of his holster. It fell out on the ground, and I have never seen a group of cops scramble for cover like that! It did not discharge, and it was a 5906 S&W.
A member of one of our local IPSC clubs reholstered his colt 45 prior to starting the next stage. He held the holster with his left hand to stabilize it. Apparently he got a little confused and the pinky finger on his left hand is now 1/2 inch shorter.
While talking with a gentleman at work about the subject of reloading, he mentioned he might want to try reloading for his rifle. I mentioned I'd help him get started and cautioned him to always proceed in a safe manner when reloading. To that he promptly exclaimed, "Hell, what's the big deal, this is a bolt action rifle, it's damn near impossible to blow one of those up ain't it!" To which I promptly walked in the other direction and wished him the best of luck.
Live fire training with tactical withdrawl at the range. We were told many times not to cross a safety line. The firearms instructors even personally asked each and every one of us what we weren't suppose to do. Well, the exercise starts and this guy runs in front of my muzzle. Well, I pointed my muzzle into the air and the instructors screamed at him. Amazingly, he finished the academy.
I was at a PPC match in Wyoming about 20 years ago. During team competition spotters are allowed. Team member number 1 (a county sheriff)drew his revolver at the fifty yard line. The firearm discharged striking his team mate (son) in the ass with a 148 grain wadcutter as he layed peering through his binoculars. But that's not the dumbest thing I ever saw.

About two years ago I watched a fellow sighting in a semi-automatic rifle at our local range. I watched him fire his rifle several times, place the rifle on safety, walk to the front of the bench and proceed to drift the front sight over with a brass punch and hammer with the muzzle pointed at his crotch. He then proceeded to the rear of the bench, sat down, took the rifle off safety and continue shooting. That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen. But I heard of one better.

My next door neighbor is a deputy coroner. He tells of the time he picked up a deceased John Wayne wannabe. The poor sap was praticing his quick draw in front of the mirror with his single action .45 long Colt. After executing his lightening fast draw, he pushed his cowboy hat back with the muzzle of the gun. You guessed it, the .45 discharged and the rest is history. Now that is dumb.
One day at our local range a fellow showed up with a cap and ball revolver. He had the black powder stored in a large fruit cake tin. He proceded to start firing the gun with the powder tin open on the shooting bench directly in front of him! Luckily, one of the range officers reached him in time.
I used to shoot at an unsupervised range years ago. We'd be shooting and a group of people would show up to shoot. We'd see them setting up their gear on a bench then they'd just start walking downrange. While we were firing. This happened on a regular basis. Sometimes the groups that came in were drunk. They'd set their sixpacks and weapons down and start blasting at everything. Needless to say I quit going to unsupervised public ranges. I don't see nearly as much idiocy at my gunclubs.
When we had an indoor range in Rome, one of the regulars was always bragging that his loads were ONLY 2 grains over maximum! His 45acp loads were loud, but his 44mag loads rattled the observation windows. NO ONE wanted to shoot near him. He also practiced quick draw at home. Rumor was that there were lots of holes in his house.

this one might take the cake:

I know a guy who was using one of those Beamshot training aid lasers that you insert into the barrel of your gun. He was using a Glock and put a loaded mag in so that the weight would be more realistic. After pulling the trigger he racked the slide to cock the trigger for his next shot at the electronic target. BOOM, Laser and bullet shot across the room, destroyed the target. Oops.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-03-99).]
Hey, sounds like laser sights really works! That guy got a Star Wars laser light show, a flash, a bang and the target destroyed - all with one squeeze of the trigger. Kinda expensive though.
I think I have told the story before here about the Excutive Protector that shot a hole in the wall with is Mustang about 3 feet from his client. He still blames the gun, I now own it, and though it has its problems, it has never gone off by itself.
Last year, the beginning of elk season here in Colorado, an out of state gentleman (Texas)pulls into a Division of Wildlife checkpoint in his new pickup. The DOW officer discovers that the rifle in the rack in the back window is loaded, a definite no-no in this state. He gives the gentleman a stern lecture about safety and the law, gives him a ticket, and sends him on his way. Later that day, DOW has their checkpoint set up in a different location, here comes the same pickup, with an exit hole in the cab. Officer stops the truck, rifle is STILL loaded.
Advice given to me by a sporting goods clerk (older gent): M-1 Garand clips? We don't carry those. I'll give you a secret, though. You don't need those. You can just put the shells right into the receiver. It'll feed without the clip.

Overheard by another clerk (younger) at the same store: You should shoot non-jacketed rounds through the gun to break it in. It'll give it a nice coating of lead down the barrel.

Overheard Another clerk at the SAME STORE when asked about the difference in trajectory between the .223 and 7.62X39: Oh, they're a little different, but they hit about the same (spot) at 100 yards.
I did not see this one, but read about it in Pravda of the Potomac (The Washington Post :) ). Also got it confirmed from a friend on the inside.

FBI instructor shot a student, in the classroom, at the academy. Seems he wanted to demonstrate the service weapon functioning/takedown. However he forgot the order in which you take the magazine out and rack the slide. Student was pretty seriously injured, but lived.

I say this not to rag on the FBI, as much as to say lets stay smart with our weapons and NEVER NEVER NEVER point them at anything we are not intending to shoot. Remember the best safety is between our ears.

Freedom is not Free
One day while at the range, a gentleman approached me and asked if I knew why he was having problems with his Ruger Old Army Black-Powder revolver.

After examining it, it bacame apparent that the cylinder was streched out which was preventing it from turning, The gun had completely locked up.

The reason for this was quickly realized when I looked down at his bench and saw that he was loading his revolver from a large can of Unique smokeless powder.

That the man was still alive and the gun in one piece was a glowing testimony to the strength of the Ruger.

It takes all kinds..........