Stupid neighbour scenario

Sorry, I cannot accept 18/19 y/o as "kids". They are men and are responsible/accountable. Call 911 and advise that a armed confrontation is in progress. A weapon is involved, baseball bat. Yell to warn all that you have called the police and be prepared to kill. You may well become the new target. The alternative is to find a good cover and watch. Once you know there is just a bit of posturing going on, call out to your neighbour and ask if he is OK. The entry of a third party usually defuses events. The yobs don't desire attention. The big decision is whether you are prepared to kill. If not, call 911 and watch, don't get involved. Remember, these are NOT "teenagers", they can vote, join the military, get married and be past clients of the juvenile justice criminal education system.
Oh well

Not enough information. What was he growing in the hothouse? HInt hint . . . .

So, the Sgt. is giving us a rundown. We are doing graffitti survellience on a building. A guy comes up and starts to do his artwork. Before you can call it in, a car goes by and a rival gang member shoots the tagger.

Now comes the question. "What do you do".

Lurch raises his hand and is acknowledged and gives the answer: "you don't do nuthin'. There's been no crime committed!" Cheers go up in the room.

Relax, your neighbor was just trying to clean out the gene pool or get ready for spring practice. . . . .
i'm by no means an aggressive person, nor prone to fits of rage. however when a group of young kids (12-14 yrs old or so) were throwing snowballs at the car i was driving, i did slam on the brakes and threw it in reverse. the kid who threw the snowball bolted for home, the others stood around sheepishly. i didnt threaten them, i merely told them how i did not want to see them ever doing that again, and that if a rock was in the snowball causing the window to break, any driver would be rightly upset.

with that said, i do recall throwing all kinds of things at passing vehicles. packets of mayo/mustard/ketchup. snowballs. mountain ash berries. crabapples. i guarantee if an irate driver ever stopped to express his/her frustration, my behavior would have been corrected in a hurry.
call the cops, its their job to sort this stuff out. Kids started it, if some get their noggins busted, oh well........... Face it, teens are not little boys being naughty. You know that and so do I.
Boy it seems easy to me, first you run up and say stan you need some help, whats going on. You help your neighbor by supporting him or talking him down to reality and protecting him from his own actions if need be. Whats the problem?
Sometimes I think people think too much. Can't anyone just act anymore without taking polls? I'd like to see what responses would have been 30-40 years ago on the same subject.
Remember back then the guy holding the bat would be the kids old man, and the kids would apoligize to the old man if they were right or wrong.

kenny b