Stupid kids

It's amazing how much variance there is re: use of deadly physical force from state to state. Article 35 N.Y. State Penal Code "Defense of Justification" states that you can legally use deadly physical force IN YOUR HOME when you REASONABLY believe it is necessary to prevent or stop a burglary,arson,or other violent crime.
Turning over a car with no occupants is vandalism at best.
Just posting the info for reference. It's not likely you'd find anyone with legal experience recommending that you pop someone to prevent vandalism--not even in TX.

There's even one school of thought that says if an item is insured, that it is already "protected by other means" which would remove the legal justification for use of deadly force.

What it really comes down to in TX is that you have the right to go out, armed, and tell them to stop, knowing full well that if they attack, you have every right to shoot. In essence the law gives you the right to initiate a confrontation to protect your property while still preserving the right to self-defense should the need arise.

In many areas, if you initiate the confrontation, your right to self-defense may be compromised.
don't know about you, but (if i were said vandals) i'm not going to escalate a minor vandalism charge (from which i could easily escape) to murder.

That is an assumption that could turn out fatal, for you.
Did dialing 911 ever enter into your thinking? You weren't in danger, so then you need to call LE to take charge. That's what they get paid to do.

Which planet was that again? The SCOTUS has already ruled the LEO community is not responsible, or liable for the protection of you, your family, or your property. What part of that isn't getting through?
Break out a can of the hottest mace on the market for those little punks. No need to get yourself into all the legal tangles if you can avoid it. Plus its easier to sue someone if they are still alive :P


1) One hand on the cell one hand on your holstered gun. Don't brandish it.
2) If your cellphone has a picture option use it. Then dial 911 right in front of his face and report that mofo if he tries to rush you light him up. Make sure you sound scared for your life, tell the operator something along the lines that this guy is going berserk. If the guy suddenly takes his attention away from your property onto you, yell "get away from me or I'll shoot" on the phone. I think at this point you got all the legal evidence you need to cap this fool.

Happy hunting.
I'm no lawyer, but the way I understand NH law is that physical force, but not deadly force may be used to protect property. However, if your car was parked in your driveway, you reasonably believed they were trying to commit felony criminal mischief and you reasonably believed they were likely to use unlawful force against you in the commission of that felony, then deadly force may be used.
Senior Member

That being said, no property is really worth the price of a human life


Then why do they have armed guards at the us mint?
That being said, no property is really worth the price of a human life

Well there it is... That is exactly the concept the criminals need to grasp, not the position that should be forced upon the people. The fact that we have adopted this type of philosophy, and given over to the criminals in the first place is the very reason the problem continues to worsen.

Ever hear of what used to happen to cattle rustlers, and horse thiefs? Those crimes were far from rampant because of the consequences.
A running chainsaw does wonders for getting people to leave. What? I just wanted to trim this tree real quick before I forgot about it. And I was in such a hurry that I was running and I kinda stumbled and "lundged" at them. Sorry about that arm.