Stunning wave of violence in Chicago

The liberal/socialist/Democrat media has GOT to be wrong!! Chitcago is modern socialist Paradise where no guns exist, the government pays for everything and crime is a thing of the past. How can this be? Diety Daley will not be happy when he finds out that the media and surfs are complaining about a socialist plan of his NOT working. King Richard the Second, like the one in Shakespeare's play, is nuts and is a petty person who will meter out pain and death to make his point. There will be heads stuck on the top of pikes around City Hall. At Traitor's Bridge across the Chicago River, people will be impaled alive to get them to confess their sins for saying that Chicago needs more failed policies... er... gun control. I would hate to be a member of the media now.... This stuff makes Daley look bad.... AGAIN!!!! :eek:;_ylt=ArOwF79akY02MvUy3oVhkzOs0NUE
I think snide remarks are in order and get the point across with better brevity than a lengthy analysis. Not to mention, repeating said analysis... again and again and again in new threads. Those who have suffered under the Daley dictatorship and the pervasive corruption and cronyism of Chicago are certainly entitled to harsh remarks in conveying the degree of frustration with a city that is all but "lost," which also happens to be barely large enough to practically ruin an otherwise great state. It by no means negates compassion for those who have tragically suffered from the related events. In some ways, it can be very empathetic, as we share a common anger even if the entity at which the anger is directed is not clear to all parties. Because it is the powers that be in Chicago which deserve our ire for letting it decay into a haven of violence where crime can run untrammeled. And while some of these remarks may broach issues of political correctness, I hope we're all a bit brighter than those who would harp on such an ethos.
Associated Press piece out today on devastating increase in gun homicides among Chicago public school children: So it appears that the "other city" that bans handguns is making a bid to overtake DC as "murder capitol of the nation".

Is this not a truely tragic demonstration of how ineffective Chicago's handgun ban has been? I mean if they can't keep guns out of the hands of school children with their law, what chance do they have of disarming hardened, adult criminals?

Yes, it is. But that means nothing to the gun grabbers because, gun control is not about controlling crime. It is about controlling "you", the law abiding citizen. It is "YOU" the government fears... not the criminals.
I wonder when it will occur to people to examine such officials who fear them and why they do so, and by doing so get rid of them. Exactly how much more if this the people will tolerate I don't know, but it surprises me it has gone on this long.
Chicago Public Schools is one of the only urban districts to track how many students are killed by guns — though none of the slayings have occurred on school property.

So what, exactly, will increasing the security presence in school do about a problem that is entirely off school grounds?
The CPS also allowed their students to skip class for a political protest, since it was a protest they liked...

Perhaps they should focus on educating their students more than being a political organization!