Stunning wave of violence in Chicago


New member
Associated Press piece out today on devastating increase in gun homicides among Chicago public school children: So it appears that the "other city" that bans handguns is making a bid to overtake DC as "murder capitol of the nation".

Is this not a truely tragic demonstration of how ineffective Chicago's handgun ban has been? I mean if they can't keep guns out of the hands of school children with their law, what chance do they have of disarming hardened, adult criminals?
sheep to the slaughter. btw Chicago and D.C. have exchanged highest murder rate for a number of years.

ignore your rights,privileges and they will go away.
nothing to stunning sounds more like media sensationalism to help with anti gun legislation.
its for the children.

police to have access to school camera's. whats next thought police?
Just so long as they're kept out of the statistics that the antis use in telling us how freedom to own and carry firearms is dangerous.

I didnt want to quote you on what you said, but I think you should rethink that statement, it does not serve the gun owners as a whole very well, there are a lot of Democrats on this board who hold guns in the highest regard, so that statement is way off base.

Had to copy Capt Charlies sig...
TFL Members are ambassadors to the world for firearm owners. What kind of ambassador does your post make you?

Associated Press piece out today on devastating increase in gun homicides among Chicago public school children

I don't believe school children are responsible for public policy and they are most likely not members of a political party.
GWbiker said:
Strict Gun control in Chicago appears to be working.

nate45 said:
Silly gun nut...Dont you know that banning weapons fixes everything?

sw_florida said:
The good thing is that they are all Democrats. Let them die from their own stupidity.

Don't you just love how ineffective gun control legislation and the deaths of dozens of kids can be excuses for making sarcastic and biting comments? People like the ones quoted above make me lose even more of what little faith I have left for humanity.

Thanks for supporting gun rights, you guys... but no thanks.

Compared to the OP:

Is this not a truely tragic demonstration of how ineffective Chicago's handgun ban has been? I mean if they can't keep guns out of the hands of school children with their law, what chance do they have of disarming hardened, adult criminals?

On topic, if Daley thinks he is entitled - or has the right - to personal protection, he should extend that right to his unarmed constituency.
KIDS not adults

the data here is on kids not adults. Nothing is going to affect the kids using guns no matter how many rules are in place. And anyone who wants to profess the kids should be allowed to carry to protect themselves is blind to the problem. Ten and twelve years olds killing each other is a major issue that is completely outside the gun rights issue. Its a tragedy that needs solutions.
Chicago is a sewer run by sewer rats.

Unfortunately, a lot of good kids are stuck in that sewer without the option to leave. This is a very sad situation for the good kids.
Don't you just love how ineffective gun control legislation and the deaths of dozens of kids can be excuses for making sarcastic and biting comments? People like the ones quoted above make me lose even more of what little faith I have left for humanity. Thanks for supporting gun rights, you guys... but no thanks.

So what is your solution to keeping guns from the hands of children in Chicago? Strict gun control doesn't seem to be working in chicago when only the honest citizen is deprived of legal gun ownership!

I grew up in a time when guns were readily available to just about anyone of legal age during the late 1940's. There were guns sold in hardware stores, gun stores, department stores, military surplus stores, just to name several. I had to wait until 1957 to receive my first gun - a M1 Garand, on loan from the US Army.

At an early age I was taught gun safety and why I should respect a gun by my father who was a WWII veteran as were many of our neighbors.

Like others my age, I was taught how to fight. How to use fists to settle any differences among school chums. We fought until we were tired, shook hands and became friends.

Try to imagine a time when there were very few gun restrictions while piles of surplus small arms were sold everywhere at bargain prices and children didn't need a gun to settle a quarrel in school.

Figure out how to get society back to the way you remember it growing up and you will be on to something. The evils that plauge todays society have nothing to do with the tools that are available (legally or otherwise), but the evil that instilled into the people lives through their upbringing.

From you remember guns being everywhere is the truth, and for some reason there was no blood running in the streets. I hear the stories all the time, and yes even when my dad was younger he bought a gun from a store at a YOUNG age, with a note from his dad or something. He wasnt even 18! Try that today and man you would be in big trouble. Oh maybe that is something that is wrong with society and people in general, "getting into trouble"? People seem to have am idea that nothing is their fault, even if they put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger, by all means I didnt do that the GUN made me do it... Nevermind the same thing crosses their mind if it had been a knife, bat, or even their oh hands/feet. Responsibility and caring for one another is what is missing from the world these days. While the vast majority of people are decent enough (except maybe from northern NJ) there are enough people out there that are complete lost in terms of their own humanity.
but I think you should rethink that statement, it does not serve the gun owners as a whole very well, there are a lot of Democrats on this board who hold guns in the highest regard, so that statement is way off base.

Agreed, but sometimes, the DemocRATs shoot a few of us Americans. You don't really think that ONE of those murders was committed by a Republican, do you? :rolleyes:
I understand the rhetoric and the venting here, I really do. But since I have actually held a bullet ridden child who was losing their lease on life, I have to say I pray somebody will find a way to stem the violence before more kids are hurt.

Violence and sudden premature death have always been with us. It's always sad. From experience there is something really messed up when it happens to a kid.

I don't agree that child on child crimes are outside gun control policy. This member would suggest that legal firearms in the home and in the hands of adults reduce these tragedies. Gun prohibition is victim disarmament. Victim disarmament encourages lethal violence at all levels and in all age groups.
The answer is simple; keep guns out of the hands of uncivilized savages. When the savages commit murders, execute them swiftly.
Y'know, I joined this forum to share thought and ideas about my love of firearms and have had the pleasure of picking up alot of usefull info from alot of you and I appreciate it very much. I even like to go thru the legal and political section and check out peoples opinions on a variety of issues. Its a way for me to kick back after work and look forward to this part of my long day.
But let me tell you, when I come across a post that states that democrats should "Die for their own stupidity", it reafirms that no matter where you go, cyber or otherwise, there is always that one ignorant person that makes us all look bad. Well done!
Here's an idea - instead of trying to make up more ways to take away more rights of legal gun owners, why not arrest the members of the gangs who are already breaking the law?????? It's ALREADY against the law to have the guns!!!! Raid their meeting places and seize their illegal guns. Put them in JAIL! Hmmmm Gee, Ya Think?
Here's an idea - instead of trying to make up more ways to take away more rights of legal gun owners, why not arrest the members of the gangs who are already breaking the law?????? It's ALREADY against the law to have the guns!!!! Raid their meeting places and seize their illegal guns. Put them in JAIL! Hmmmm Gee, Ya Think?

Gun control has never been about keeping guns out of criminal hands. It has always been designed to weaken the law abiding citizen. The 2nd amendment is intended to help the American citizen fight their government should the need ever arise. Those who want to see the power of the government grow know this. They prefer a compliant citizenry which does not threaten their goals of increased governmental power and intrusion into our lives.

Gun control is not for criminals. Criminals do not threaten the government. It is for control over the decent people, which is who your government "really" sees as a threat to them.