Stuff Anti-gun People Hate...

I honestly think anti gun people is a small group. They just so happen to be mostly politicians. What they hate? Not being in total control is their fear. That's why they hate guns. Some are truly ignorant on the subject and fear guns. They really think the gun is the problem. But the politicians wanting gun laws want more control. With that if the slowly convince the public they are right with everything they slowly get their way. Anyone ever watch Demolition Man? That's the world some politicians want.
Heck, I want to buy my first AR soon just because of all the negative attention it has gotten recently. I have always wanted one anyways, but I think buying one now just makes it that much more special. :D
stuff Anti-gun people hate

If you simplify what is it that anti gun people hate, it is FREEDOM OF CHOICE! It is our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. They are ignorant of guns, gun safety, and how many people use guns in a safe and legal way. They don't have guns, so they don't want ANYONE to have them. They want to stop gun owners freedom and right to bear arms. They are afraid because of their ignorance that others will have something they don't! Many anti gun people are rich or politically connected and have bodyguards that are armed and feel this right and security should be ONLY for them. They are the elite, the entitled, the 1% class and they feel their lives are worth more than the rest of us so the protection of firearms should only be for them. Anti gun people hate others having the RIGHT TO HAVE OR NOT HAVE ARMS.
What hard core gun opponents really hate are guns period.
It's actually a bit more complex than that. They certainly dislike guns, but the main point of it can be broken down to two concepts: virtue signaling and the politician's syllogism.

Virtue signaling is the public expression of an opinion for the purpose of displaying one's moral superiority before a large audience. Hence the, "I want to ban guns because I care about the children more than the awful NRA" narrative. We saw this in full bloom a couple of weeks ago during that weird sit-in John Lewis organized on the House floor.

The politician's syllogism is even more dishonest. In our case, it reads like this:

  1. There is too much gun violence
  2. We need legislation to stop said gun violence
  3. My bill is legislation, so we must pass it.

The implication is that anyone who opposes that bill (background checks, watchlists, whatever) doesn't want to do anything about the violence.

Sound familiar? Yep. Both are egregious forms of intellectual dishonesty, which is pretty much stock in trade for gun-control advocates. Gun control advocates know their measures aren't going to do anything about the problem, but boy do they look virtuous when they put on a big show of it.

They are true pacifists.
Actually, no. Pacifists eschew violence. Gun control advocates frequently employ armed bodyguards. You can bet they'll call the police the minute they feel unsafe. The upshot is that they're fine with violence so long as they're not the ones doing it.
Webster's Dictionary


1 : opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes; specifically : refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds

2 : an attitude or policy of nonresistance

Exactly how I meant it.

You are correct though that it is more complex than that.

The 2 actions you state are just that, actions to a belief. It is the belief that insights the actions in an attempt to gain a response.
I've bought t-shirts with pro-2nd Amendment or pro-gun text just to annoy anti gun folks in my own family. I wear my NRA cap to family functions just to bug these same people. I've even bought gift memberships in the NRA for some family members just because I know they go crazy when NRA mail comes to their home. All in good fun on my part.
vito, that could be a dangerous game there, sending Organizational material to people that don't want it. I could backfire and just reinforce their hatred and distain for the group which isn't going to help the cause.
I doubt that the anti-gun family members that I have, who hate the NRA as evil incarnate, could hate them any more than they already do. But getting the NRA material in their mail there is a tiny chance, but still possible, that they would actually read some of the material. These relatives believe that the NRA is encouraging people to go out and shoot others, that it wants it to be legal for children to buy machine guns, etc. When they see that the NRA is in the business of protecting our constitutional rights and promoting gun safety then they might not hate it quite so much.

But as others have stated, the anti-gun crowd does not want facts and reason. They are reacting emotionally. So, for example, when they demand that "something be done" after a mass shooting, I have often said to them "what specifically do you think a new law might accomplish that would prevent another mass shooting" they will say "ban all guns", "Confiscate all guns" or things like that. When I point out that this will not happen, and how would they handle the reality that there are hundreds of MILLIONS of guns already in this country, and that those in the hands of criminals are already illegal and that there is no chance that these thugs would surrender their guns just because of a new law, the anti-gun people just refuse to answer or deal with this reality.

So since I know I will not change their minds about it, I can at least enjoy annoying them. On the other hand, if they are open to learn even a little about guns and gun safety, there is hope. I worked with a woman who didn't hate guns, but was fearful of them. I convinced her to have her and her husband join me at the range after I gave them a "class" on how guns work and how to safely be around guns. They now are active shooters and enthusiasts. Its my only success story in this area but one is better than none.
The reason I asked this because back in the '90's they wanted to ban:

1. Bayonet lugs;
2. Pistol Grips;
3. Folding stocks;
4. Semi-Auto shotguns with capacities over 10 rounds that had "no sporting purpose"

Does anyone remember all the rhetoric they came up with concerning bayonet lugs? The evil bayonet lug - had to be lopped off. No one even thinks twice today about wanting a rifle with a bayonet lug, or even a bayonet for that matter.
As said many times above, gun grabbers hate the true facts about guns and the vast majority of gun owners.

But what really ticks them off is when some of their own see the light and becomes pro-gun! And is vocal about it!

So let's get out there and show others that we're decent law abiding citizens who happen to support the 2nd Amendment. Don't rub it in their faces and scare them, instead, we need to win over some of their more moderate percentage. Many bought into a cock'n'bull story that of course won't hold up to truth. We have to get the truth out there any way we can. Take an "anti" or fence sitter shooting, teach them gun safety, use a mild caliber so it is fun for them. I've done this many times and it does change opinions.