Stuff Anti-gun People Hate...


New member
I will buy gun stuff that Anti-gun people hate, no not just hate, loath. Some of this stuff is actually pretty neat while some things I eventually end up thinking are pretty silly or down-right useless, but I like it anyway. Most of the time, I don't buy this "edgy" gun stuff just to make Antis angry - I genuinely like the gizmo. In fact, I doubt any Antis would ever even see me using any of it.

So, being the humble and not-too-serious person that I am, I thought I'd share some silly (and some not-so-silly) gun things I've purchased in the past and some in the present:

1. 37mm Flare Launcher to hang off of my AR15 - never fired anything from it, just bought it for effect.
2. Grenade launcher sight
3. Fake suppressor for an old Mac 10 (no longer have either)
4. Drums, drums and more drums - love those drums!
5. Stainless Steel AR charging handle - don't know why I need one, but I got one!
6. Shiny chrome muzzle brake that happens to fit my Encom CMP45 - just for the bling factor!

My latest thing Antis might hate - a Franklin Armory Binary Trigger - makes the AR doubly scary in half the time.

Am I unique in this regard or are there others who like to buy things the Antis hate?
Seriously I doubt most anti-gun folks would have any idea what those things are or if they were even on your gun. The sad thing is the people who squeal the most about new laws know nothing about guns or what might actually help. Does anyone remember the Colorado politicians who said banning 30 round magazines would help since when they were empty we would throw them away? This dimwit had no idea that a magazine could actually be reloaded.

As for cool things I guess for me it would be a large box of those previously mentioned 30 round magazines and/or my 33 round GLOCK G26 magazine. Sadly they were all lost in a boating accident with the rest of my collection.
Am I unique in this regard or are there others who like to buy things the Antis hate?

Indeed, these seem to be fashion faux pas amongst shooters more than items antis dislike.

I have a slip over flash hider I bought because it was less expensive than a thread protector. I suppressed my embarrassment and took it to the range on a 10/22 because I was curious about the effect of the weight at the end of the barrel.
I bought a 40 round PMAG just because. I'll be getting a Magpul D60 and a silencer when funds allow.

You forgot another thing that Anti's hate... Facts. But those can't be bought. At least not by common folk with a moral compass. But I digress ;)
What pro-gun control people (I call them Antis) really hate are people having guns and gun related stuff. They seem to be highly prepared to pounce on lawful gun owners as soon as they find a murderer who used a gun to kill people. You do know that the Antis actually prepare and spend time and money well in advance of any murder spree to immediately launch a new phase of their anti-gun campaign once such a spree happens. I'm not saying they advocate murder, but I am saying they prepare in advance for the next murder spree to attempt to ban guns and gun stuff. And, yes, I do believe a portion of the Antis are actually happy and elated to when a murder spree falls in their laps.

Anyway, I don't really want to derail this thread - its really about "edgy" guns or gun stuff that might make an Anti jump out of his/her skin.
Buzzcook said:
What pro gun control people really hate is the number of gun deaths.

This is the truth. Now, its also very true that Gun Control proponents do not know where to direct this hatred, so it gets aimed at the guns.

Anyone who thinks there are not WAY too many gun related crimes in the USA is diluted. You can do whatever you want with the numbers. I have read "well if you only include every country, the US isn't #1 in gun related deaths, it isn't even in the top 20!" Can't we have higher standards? We are the freaking United States of America! It's a problem! It needs to be worked on!

Will Gun Control solve the problem (it's a problem) of gun violence in America? I don't believe so.

I didn't mean to go on a tangent, nor hijack the thread! Go buy things that make you gun "shootier" :)
Buying stuff you don't want in order to bug someone else seems pretty silly. I buy stuff I want, and don't care what anti gun people think. Seems to waste less money in the long run.
What hard core gun opponents really hate are guns period. They are true pacifists. They hate being in the presence of guns, they hate seeing guns and some actually go into panic attacks just thinking about guns. They see no use or need for any gun. There will never be any changing those people's minds.

Every time there is an attack or gun death it only reinforces their beliefs.

Next are the nanny staters, They think that it is their responsibility to protect everyone from anything that could hurt someone or any living thing. Hunting and fishing are just cruel pastime's and are unnecessary because we can buy everything we need at the supermarket. They get behind whichever issue is in vogue at the moment. Which is why we now have some ridicules warning label on everything we touch.

Those people are not necessarily anti gun they are just plain anti-everything.
What hard core gun opponents really hate are guns period. They are true pacifists.

I don't consider people who riot, burn, and loot when protesting "gun violence" to be pacifists.
"gun violence" - this is a gun-banning Anti word. There are just people who commit violent acts and a tiny fraction of them use a gun in the commission of the violent act.

"gun deaths" - another Anti word - there is no such thing. There are people who die. From lots of things, a very tiny percentage of which were caused by bullet wounds.

"gunman" - another Anti word. Am I a gunman because I own guns? Or because I shoot guns? Should I be associated with a person who commits murder because I am a man and have guns?

Anyway, to the person who insinuated I buy things just because it makes the Antis angry, I don't. Most of the things I listed are things I bought at a time when I thought they were cool, or fun, or I just wanted it. I could have listed plenty of others. My tastes have changed some, so some of these things seem silly even to me.

But, I will admit I do sometimes buy things I want or somewhat want because I think the Antis will declare that no one can buy these things anymore.
TinSr., I find that funny because I don't consider rioters, looters and arsonist to be anti gun, I find them to be criminals. So their view on guns to me is moot.
Anti-gun people don't think you should be allowed to own any firearm.
Anti-gun people hate the AR, for no apparent reason, considering most of 'em have never seen one outside of TV and movies, not all the daft crap you can hang on 'em. You need said crap because you just do. An AR isn't complete without all the junk you can get just like an M1 Rifle isn't complete without the bayonets, grenade launchers etc, etc. Even though an AR-15 is not a battle rifle.
"Gun violence" and "gun deaths" are terms(not words) invented by the assorted media hacks.
"Gunman" is a 19th Century invention by those guys, like Ned Buntline, who wrote fictional "dime novels".
Skans said:
Am I unique in this regard or are there others who like to buy things the Antis hate?

I admit, I have often been *tempted* to buy gun stuff just to spite the Antis but I never actually have. Every time a new wave of "Ban the Evil ARs" talk comes around I am tempted to buy one but I just have no desire nor use for one so I never do.

On the other hand, I do the opposite with Pro Gun stuff. I tend to shy away from the popular and common and buy the (relatively) obscure and unusual. That's part of why I don't want an AR. Everybody has one, so I don't.
I too do not find a need or want for me to own an AR type rifle. Now if I were to live in the south or southwest were abundant feral hogs were running wild I might see it differently. But here there are just to few large varmints.

Though a very close friend has a number of Hi power heavy barreled varmint rifles that I find interesting. He used to travel yearly to Montana to hunt Prairie Dogs.
What they really hate is:

When we don't argue with them and simply ignore them.

When the NRA does not offer up a proposal of any type.

When the Republican Party has a majority in the House.

When there is a discussion of Mental Illness or any other links to gun violence other than firearms.

When there is an absence of gun violence in the news.

When Gun Rights Folks act like adults and not like Children.

When gun sells go up.

When Gun Rights Folks don't try to provoke them with stupid thinks mentioned above.

This is a just a starter list, and it could go on and on.
There is only one answer to anties, it will come around in November.
And if you don't vote then its a vote for anti's.
And we all know what Hillary will choose.
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