Student Incident

Sounds like he has the most important skill needed to survive, awareness.
For the naysayers, what are you worried about. Those who are armed for legitmate self defense are no threat to you and those who would go to nice neighborhoods and commit random acts of crime don't exist, right? I guess that the random home invasions, acts of terror and violence involving I've responded to in the past ten years as a cop didn't really happen.
WHat is with you nay-sayers? Why would you not believe such bad things happen? SomeONE is shooting up the freeways out here in LA - another RANDOM incident almost every other day. SomeONE has tried plenty of times yanking kids into their car in NY, even in the nice neighborhood where I work. People go missing all the time, only to wind up murdered. Woman are raped. People beat up and robbed. Kids molested/murdered. Etc. etc. THIS is why we carry - because bad stuff happens to good people, and you can only really count on yourself to survive.

Who knows what the BG's intent was - a random shooting, a mugging, an abduction, some punks getting their rocks off. Luckily James handled in nicely and can live to talk about it - so we can learn.
PythonGuy said:
I don't believe in a carry permit making someone feel they can now investigate others transgressions, however.


Transgression: the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle.

Can you explain to us please, how your comment has any bearing whatsoever to the topic at hand? A carry permit only allows the legal carry of a weapon (usually concealed).

You’re asserting that a carry permit gives us the authority to "investigate" another's act of violating the law.

There are two problems with that assertion.

1. This has nothing to do with a carry permit. (I think you have carry permit envy).

2. The only "transgression" involves the punks in the vehicle - whose strategy we are not critiquing. James acted w/in the boundaries of law, duty, and moral principle.

Lastly, and please be honest. Are you a troll?
Don't be a schmuck!!!

That's what I think of Tom's credibility. Here's to you posters who are making light of this. Myself, I've lived in Dallas and Atlanta since 1986, and I've seen the big city. Oh, for a year and a half in there, I lived in a tough neihborhood in Montgomery AL and now I'm with Uncle supporting the War on Terror. Something a lot like this happened recently in Dallas -- according to the newpaper. A restaurant owner in an upscale neighborhood was walking down the sidewalk with his wife, when someone pulled the same stunt, but with different results: they shot her to death. This is not an unusual happening in the big city, folks. Anyone who thinks this is far-fetched or overblown, well, all I can say is, good luck

Everyone who posts here has a right to their own opinion, but for those of you who are ridiculing Tom Givens (the original poster) and James and his sister (the two people who were threatened at gunpoint,) YOU ARE ALL SIMPLEMINDED SCHMUCKS, PERIOD.

On what basis do you challenge the credibility of the story being told by this man??? Were you there? NO. Did your superior powers of observation allow you to sit back in the comfort of your home, hundreds or thousands of miles away and watch the confrontation? NO. Are you able to travel back through time via an out of body experience to see the event in question? NO.

Maybe you should consider putting your preconceived notions of what "really" happened aside and take the man's story at face value, for crying out loud!! Do you really think that these people have nothing better to do in life than to sit around and cook up stories like this that didn't happen? Jeezuz, give me a break!!!

The reality is that we live in a world where we have scumbag psychopaths known as gang-bangers who consider killing innocent people going about their business as a form of entertainment or as a mark of "manhood" that will gain them admission to a gang so they can have help in spreading their crack cocaine, heroin, intimidation and fear in our culture.

The car with the black windows and the gun-pointing thug could have easily been a drive-by shooting about to happen, or it could have been a carful of bored scumbags that just wanted to see if they could make a couple of "straight white-bread" people wet themselves just for laughs. Guess we'll never know.

Thank God James had thought this type of situation through beforehand and reacted in a way that stopped this attack cold; otherwise it easily could have ended up as two more dead people who were guilty of the "crime" of walking their dog down THEIR street.

As far as the possibility of it being someone that James had "pissed off," the last time I checked, pissing someone off did not give the pissed off party a green light to commit murder.

Bottom line: We live in a culture that has a certain percentage of "citizens" who can only be described as criminal predators. Drive by shootings and intimidation with firearms have been going on for decades - unfortunately, they are a part of our culture.

It would be a good idea to study and learn from this incident rather than ridiculing the two people who were a trigger's pull away from the morgue. :mad:
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You know, when I first got my permit and put it in my wallet. I put my .38 on my hip and put my coat on. One of the first things that happened was I pulled up to a Kroger gas station pump on a windy day and the flap of my coat blew open. I don't think it really exposed anything and I caught it real quick, but the first fear that went through my mind was "OMGosh, what if somebody saw it!!! Will the police get called, I would I get in trouble, would they be understanding or will they be looking or an excuse to slap cuffs on somebody!" Later I found out that I could get in trouble if the gun was locked in my car in the console or glove compartment but not in a locked safe and a criminal broke in and got the gun. I could get sued or criminally charged. Later I was afraid of having a bulge show in my coat when I bent over. Found out later that that is legal. Anyway, in a nutshell all these little liberal subjective rules and laws started coming up on what you can and can't do and maybe can do depending on how the judge or how self-righteous the DA is, and honestly made me afraid to carry the gun because I was more afraid of the law than I was of the criminals :confused: (such is the world in which we live :rolleyes: ) Anyway, my chl instructor said that the best thing to do is carry it with you wherever you go so you are responsible for it and if someone is going to steal it they have to get through you first and if they are going to kill you they have to stop your bullet first ;). Besides you never know when or where you are going to have to kill some scumbag. Another CHLer and gun dealer concurred with me that all the rules and regulations and cans and maybes in the CHL rulebook are so confusing, subjective and contradictory that you can't know everything about the law even if you memorize the book. I've learned to put my faith more in a Sovereign Almighty God than fear in a subjective law system that has more holes in it than swiss chesse. Carry your weapon whereever you can (except in places where you know you can't) and as R.E. Lee would put it, leave the rest to Providence. :)
welcome to my world

here in south africa, we have to constnatly watch our backs. im sure you all know that crime is rampant here. muggings can even turn deadly, many people have been killed for20 bucks and a cell phone. i understand being ever watchful and do my best to be. but sadly it is just a matter of time before something unsavory happens. considering a move to the US soon, planning is underway...
No matter the veracity, the points are well taken. Be aware, have a plan, move away from the action, and be capable of defending yourself and your loved ones.
The only point I was not sure of, was if this was an advertisment for a commercial school, or was it an example of what all of us should know in today's America.
Dre sa, stay safe. South Africa is definitely dangerous. I'm sure your situational awarness must be on full throttle at all times.

Good luck on your transition to the States.
Good Learning.

People do random things. Hopefully we were aware and prepared.

I think this story not only talks about being ready for any situation, but that self defense is a skill that must be honed.

I wish I could do paint/simmunitions training. I just don't have the money right now. But, it's still good to know that there are people out there that train well and are mentally prepared for what we all arm ourselves for.

Thanks for the story share and I would love to read any more stories to be offered and learn.
My first thought as I read the story was that the occupants of the car were interested in kidnapping the female, and the handgun was displayed to frighten her. The quick reaction of the two pedestrians threw them off their plan and
they decided to abort it.

Does that sound far-fetched?

All three lesson points right on target. And it goes to show that intelligent planning for certain scenarios is not a waste of time in the least.

Tom Givens is a real person. I've shot at his facility and we've been students in the same class once. I doubt he remembers me, but I remember him. I have absolutely no reason to doubt his story, for 2 reasons:

1. This sort of thing can and does happen.
2. He is a straight up guy and has better things to do than lie and make up a simple story like this.

With all the BS floating around and gun shop commandos telling tales, why pick on a man like Givens? :barf:

As far as the possibility of it being someone that James had "pissed off," the last time I checked, pissing someone off did not give the pissed off party a green light to commit murder.
Funny Pro, but in another thread you had your gun out and ready when a "pissed off" motorist came out of his car to talk to you. Of course in your thread you used YOUR super powers to read his mind
that the guy from the car was walking up to our Chevy Blazer and was acting very HOSTILE. I told het to roll down her window ONE INCH ONLY to see what he had to say. I had already drawn my Glock 17 and was holding it at low ready in my position in the front passenger seat. I was becoming increasingly anxious
Acting very hostile huh? Double standard? And YOU call others schmuck? Thats funny. :D

For Tripp***Transgression: 1 : to go beyond limits set or prescribed by : VIOLATE <transgress divine law>
2 : to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary)
intransitive senses
1 : to violate a command or law : SIN
2 : to go beyond a boundary or limit
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