STUCK BOLT on m44!

Dude, Pabst and good never belong in the same sentence without a negative modifier... :barf::p

Seriously though, beating on it only does so much. Using the 4' pipe was a good start, but you really need something longer. My buddy has a ten foot long pipe that fits a breaker bar nice and well for those ridiculously stuck bolts. I suggest finding the same. Forgo the hammer, just apply massive amounts of torque with a long pole... And get a few buddies to help...

The only other thing I can think of is rigging the barreled action upside down and using a hydraulic press on the bolt handle...
Good Ideas, KRANGL. I guess it's like removing the flywheel from an aircooled VW engine! A ten foot pipe and a few buddies. No wonder morale was so low among the Soviets :D
I guess it's like removing the flywheel from an aircooled VW engine! A ten foot pipe and a few buddies.
Funny you mention that, because my buddy does indeed have a baja 60s VW beetle, and I have been that buddy helping with the ten foot pipe ;)
The ammunition you used sounds like Czech steel core, light ball. That ammo has a lacquered steel case that's notorious for sticking. I think your bolt starts opening, but hangs up when it starts camming back and extracting the case. Try putting a stout rod down the muzzle and tapping the case back enough to loosen it after you've opened the bolt as far as it'll go. If you get the rifle open, clean the chamber thoroughly and try different ammo next time.
I've never experienced this problem myself, but maybe the rim came off of the case and is wedged between the extractor and the chamber, or something.

Post some pics, so we can see what's going on.
But in the mean time... and in betwixt beatings and cussings- I guess you've had it soaking with a good penetrant like Kroil or something?

That's just plumb weird.
FINALLY GOT IT! Thanks guys, I left it soaking in PB Blast for a couple days. Put it back in the vise, and decided to try a crowbar- just the ticket. Was up all night, but its all good now. It had NEVER been cleaned! All kinds of laquer was in there!
My M44 did this. I had to beat opened the bolt with a block of wood set on the bolt and hitting it with a hammer. I could not believe how stuck it was. It made me appreciate the Mosin even more, that extractor dug into the case a pulled it out.

I tried to allivate the problem, what I did was I took a 20 gauge brush. Put it on the end of a section of cleaning rod. Stuck that in a drill. Wrapped a patch round it soaked in Hoppes and ran it in the chamber moving back and forth. Then I Let is soak for a few minutes then put a clean patch in. Did that about 6 time to get all the crude out. Then I took a patch and put some J-B Bore Cleaning Compound on and polished the chamber with it. Then went back to Hoppes until the patches came out clean. Then a little oil. I have not shot it yet to see if it was still sticking but the chamber looks a lot better.

My big mistake was not buying M38 when they where $70:(
I took a 20 ga brush and hoppes to my chamber, too. Yeah, im wishin I'd gotten a 38 when they were cheap. But, I do well just checking the bargain and clearance and trade-in bins at pawn shops. Got a sweet m39 for cheap a while back. That things nice!