Striker-Fired vs. Hammer-Fired

I like striker fire or DA only because the trigger is the same for every shot. Typically there are few other controls like on a DA/SA. I don't want more stuff to fumble with.
I always found the "extra switches" thing a little silly. But at the same time also relevant.

Like saying you'd never want a manual vehicle because it has too many gears to shift into. I mean, it's valid but is it valid valid? Or is it an excuse to not complicate things.

Regardless, you're right. If you don't want another step to do to reholster, right on.
Striker or DA only epitomizes the K.I.S.S. principle with a handgun. I like the K.I.S.S. principle in a fight of which I have been in many. The more major muscle use reducing fine motor skills the better.
It's all personal preference. I prefer hammers. All of my handguns have them. I have SA/DA w/safety, DAO w/ no safety, SA w/safety and internal hammer, SA w/safety and exposed hammer. I don't have any striker fired handguns yet, but that doesn't mean that I won't. I just haven't crossed that bridge yet. My 1st firearm was a SA exposed hammer single shot shotgun with no safety. I am comfortable lowering the hammer manually on all of my hammer fired firearms. I prefer a safety on my handguns with the exception of the DAO. I'm not old by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe old fashioned in some ways. Faults can be found in any system. Use what works for you.
Reading various threads in this forum, folks have definite opinions and preferences on the desirability of striker-fired vs. hammer-fired pistols, especially with respect to how they’re carried. I haven’t done an actual count but my impression is there’s a lean toward hammer-fired.

You have more options and control with a hammer—but beside that, they both go bang when you squeeze the trigger. Wonder why folks bring up the two different mechanisms so often.
I have definite opinions about hammers and strikers, but I don't know that I have a real preference. At least not outside the context of "function." I absolutely love shooting my 1911, but I carry a Shield most days.
My carry guns are striker fired since I prefer a consistent trigger pull (Glock) vs. a DA/SA. The compromise would be to get a SA only, but I don't want the extra weight and round count penalty.

For the range, no striker fired gun beats a nice crisp single action trigger of a nice 1911. The best I've fired is the Walther PPQ, but it is still a big difference.
I own practically every kind of striker and hammer-fired pistol. I like them all. I kind of prefer metal and hammers for the range, and polymer/strikers for carry, but that's not at all a hard and fast "rule". I enjoy shooting just about anything, and have carried lots of different pistols over the years.
Reading various threads in this forum, folks have definite opinions and preferences on the desirability of striker-fired vs. hammer-fired pistols, especially with respect to how they’re carried.

I like hammer fired better, but it is rarely a factor in my carry, HD, or purchase choices. When buying, other factors usually are more important. So, I've ended up with more hammer fired guns (when it isn't going to be a carry gun a hammer fired gun usually does win out), but with a few striker fired guns and more likely to be added in the future. The main thing between them when carrying, I am a large guy with a bit of overhang and I usually prefer IWB carry. Thus, that needs to be considered when buying a holster or the hammer is going to press into my sides too much and get really uncomfortable (an undershirt tends to ride up eventually so it isn't the answer, and a little bit of cotton isn't as thick or protective as thicker leather anyway). With a striker fired gun with few sharp edges, I can go with any holster style. Otherwise, I tend to look more to size, weight, accuracy and reliability reputation, and other features over hammer v. striker when picking a gun.
I always questioned the consistent trigger excuse as well. They make it sound as if no two trigger pulls on a DA/SA are the same.
Maybe some people believe they're legitimately different and inconsistent?

10lbs, 8lbs, 2lbs, 14lbs lol! Who knows.

Just messing. Some people don't want to feel obligated to put in the little extra time to learn the first DA pull. I get it. That's their prerogative.
other than the Shield I like to be hammered :-)

