Striker Fired Trigger Weights: Does This Matter Anymore?

stinkypete said:
Heavy trigger pull doesn’t matter, with minimal practice. It won’t save you from having your finger on the go-button when it ought not be there, no matter how heavy the pull.

On the first part, I think it depends on what you consider minimal practice. Now many of us here are likely practicing at a level where we can be proficient with a heavy trigger, but even during my years of shooting DA/SA I can say that in the weeks I didn't dry fire I noticed a difference at the range. The amount of practice is more than minimal, imo. That said I do agree and it's also been my personal experience that a heavy pull by itself is often not enough to stop an accident.

stinkypete said:
My training is don’t point at what you don’t intend to destroy. If I intend to destroy something... I do my best to destroy it.

I think this is well and good in a world where a threat doesn't change, but threats do change. A home intruder with a weapon is something you might point a weapon at. If that intruder then sees or hears you and decides to run or surrender he or she may no longer be a threat. The typical expression these days from law enforcement and self defense instructors is shoot to "stop the threat", not shoot to kill. Even in the event you shoot someone they may stop being an imminent threat if they are disabled by the shooting. In that case destroying the threat could be murder (obviously local laws come into play as well).

stinkypete said:
We all know you can’t fix panic reactions with a mechanical fix.

Again I agree with this, which is why I created this thread in the first place. I neither want to require nor do I personally carry pistols with what I would call heavy triggers. There's a point though where I wonder if even finger placement itself might be enough to discharge a trigger, especially for someone in a stressful situation. Again ideally we keep our fingers off the trigger, but people still make mistakes. Does it make sense to have some kind of leeway?

Take this older joke for instance:
Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill… Well, I suppose… we would have to discuss terms, of course…
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.
I bring this up because if someone told me their self defense pistol had a 1 lb. trigger with no takeup, I would personally consider that unsafe. That establishes in my mind that I am the type of person that does think trigger weight and travel do matter. The question then is what is that magic weight and length of travel that I consider acceptable, and is it frankly artificial to justify what I personally like or does it have real meaning?
. I bring this up because if someone told me their self defense pistol had a 1 lb. trigger with no takeup, I would personally consider that unsafe. That establishes in my mind that I am the type of person that does think trigger weight and travel do matter. The question then is what is that magic weight and length of travel that I consider acceptable, and is it frankly artificial to justify what I personally like or does it have real meaning?

Exactly why I say PPQesqe triggers cross an “imaginary line in my head”. Not saying that line is correct or my opinion is somehow expert in any way just that I know I have that line somewhere. I prefer to err on DA/SA. but the PPQ was my sort of trigger break point on a carry/defensive weapon for me for some reason only for me.

I use the PPQ as an example only because it is fairly widely known and was one of the first “WE MADE THE STRIKER TRIGGER BETTER” pistols and from there on there have been even lighter/shorter/better etc. attempts.
Just one other point. The PPQ is a WONDERFUL pistol to shoot. Is reliable, capable etc. I am not disparaging it or any number of other good pistols. Just trying to illustrate my demarcation point as far too light/too short for me for a defensive/combat type arm.
As much as I don't want a police officer which we give lethal authority to have a stray shot, as an ardent PPQ lover for shooting...I agree. Normal officer probably shouldn't have a PPQ. I wouldn't want a police officer who is wrong pointing a PPQ at someone.
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