Street survival tactics

You would be much better serve by using the combat glide for your footwork in a dynamic setting.

Better served by the lesser experienced, as most boxed in and published techniques, in shooting and martial arts. You may notice that the best is usually doing their own thing, which does not always translate to easy learning, hence not used in the classrooms!

Did Musashi follow others as a Samurai, NO, he developed his own, real world style. I have his book, The Book of Five Rings, he mixed his martial arts with being a master of the sword. The gun and martial arts also translates and facilitates advanced techniques that non-martial artists cannot do.

You can shoot well without being a master of martial arts, but, and there always is a but in life, Martial Arts will make you better!:D
Here I was thinking footwork wasn't complicated in shooting.

It is Not Complicated if you are shooting. I and some others are talking about combat, street survival, which is so much more than just shooting! A lot of cops who are good shooters get killed by their own gun, as just shooting doesn't cut it on the streets. Every fight on the street is a fight with a gun involved, because the cop, or CCW person has one. If you can't keep it, you feed the thug a gun even if has none, thus, this is where the other skills come in, to Survive. Not every bad guy yells from afar his intentions to attack, thus the real need to survive to have time to bring your gun to bear in the fight.
I suggest that the guy in the video, still not sure if it's the OP or someone else, might very well be a great guy, great shooter, great martial artist, great street smarts person. Just not a great video producer. No problem. We're not video producers, we're shooters. But I, and apparently some others, had a very hard time distilling any kind of message, training, suggestions from the video.

Again, that's not a problem. But it simply means it's another anonymous guy on YouTube saying something that most people won't "get" because the presentation is disorganized.

Stay relaxed. It's hot out.

Sgt Lumpy
I do like the video's and DVD's from Paladin Press...on the art of knife fighting, firearms and survival tactics.
The main point of heading out, with your partner, into the streets of your City/Town, in my estimation, because this is basically a gun forum.

Have enough gun, and skill with same, if it becomes a gun play scenario.

Back in Sept. 2004, in Dayton Ohio, we, my wife and I, stepped into an elevator, big Hotel.

As the doors closed, young man, in suit, with martini in right hand.

My very attractive, well dressed Wife, pressed #2, floor to walkway to parking garage.

Our new companion, ignored me, told the Lovely Indian Lady, "I need a hug" and lifted his left foot, in preparation to step forward, which I stopped by coming under his armpit, and driving him into the rear of the small elevator, and the wooden board built to stop damage, he froze.

I was carrying a pistol, never thought of the gun.
As far as footwork goes, it's really as simple as creating space to use your weapon safely in, and not tripping over your own feet.

Even with military training, I will not survive a close-in fistfight, and using knives is a crapshoot. Create space, draw, fire. A million what-ifs cloud your ability to respond to a situation while you struggle to remember what your appropriate response to the situation you're in is supposed to be.
A million what-ifs cloud your ability to respond to a situation while you struggle to remember what your appropriate response to the situation you're in is supposed to be.

You are right about that. This is why experience trumps training every time. The training is the first step, but it takes a natural response to work, and it doesn't become natural until you do it thousands of times ... period. Practice, train and have fun doing it ... one expensive class for a week or two doesn't cut it.

It is like falling ... if you are trained in Martial arts with years of experience you BREAK THE FALL ... if you have to think about it ... THE FALL BREAKS YOU!!!

No truer words were ever spoken Wild Bill. I just posted on another forum the same sentement. You dont get to choose the circumstances... they choose you.
Why is martial arts important?

I just got back from Alaska where on board a ship I COULD NOT EVEN HAVE A KNIFE.

Hence being able to use ones hands and feet does have some importance.

Others live in such as NYC or DC where it's about like being on that ship.

A gun is a tool (a good one for SD but still just a tool) and one must adjust to the fact you might not have that tool or not be able to access it, thus hand and feet.

Had a bypass? Mobility problems? Ok, then find methods to militate that. Use a cane for SD, or use a yarwa stick. In any case there is no guarantee you will have your gun so keep that in mind and devise a plan 'B'.
