"Strange Ranger" caught with gun, grenades near U.S. Capitol

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Right now in Congress, H.R. 6257 is on the table, The reinstitution of the assault weapons ban. DC, Chicago, and Kalifornia have eroded the rights of gun owners. Legislation to code and stamp all manufactured ammo is and has been underway for sometime.

Yeah, and such legislation gets introduced every year, only to be shot down by other representatives of the people. That's how the system works. Anyone can propose any law that they think makes sense. However that doesn't mean that it's going to pass, and 97% of the legislation drafted eventually dies on a committee floor or gets voted down. Any proposed legislation has to be approved by a majority in both the House and the Senate and then be signed by the President, thus ensuring that it undergoes significant scrutiny by a large number of people who can easily stop it if they don't approve. The system actually does work.
I didn't think that you knew, Firemax. Trying to imply that I'm too obtuse to "get it" doesn't cover up the fact that you can't name any of the players in this alleged conspiracy either. :rolleyes:
Fake grenades, filled with powder and firecrackers for fuses.:eek:

I made better bombs than that when I was in grade school.

There isn't even any proof that this goob was going to do anything.

He is either mentally deficient, mentally defective, or both. To get caught by the geniuses that make up the capitol police you have to be.:p
I wasn't saying that every piece of legislation that gets introduced , will be passed.

You just answered your own doubts.
Yeah, and such legislation gets introduced every year, only to be shot down by other representatives of the people

So how do you not see that our rights are not under attack. You just stated that they are evident. I'm not quite following your logic.

So you are now saying that it's not a conspiracy theory?
Stagger Lee
I didn't think that you knew, Firemax. Trying to imply that I'm too obtuse to "get it" doesn't cover up the fact that you can't name any of the players in this alleged conspiracy either.

My comment was more generalized and not specific in nature. The fact is, when two people disagree such as you and I likely do, it will not change your mind for me to point out facts which are already in front of your eyes. You choose to see what you will, and I suppose I do the same.
Since I was asked, I'll state for the record my belief that there's no conspiracy theory. But that wasn't the original question posed now, was it? I've been trying to get one of the people who believe in such conspiracy theories to simply tell me who is involved and what their goal is. Simple questions, but ones that apparently cannot be answered by any of the true believers here. :rolleyes:

Oh, and Nate45...you know many Capitol Police officers? I know a few, and I suspect that you'd have a hard time measuring up to them despite your obvious scorn for them. But feel free to apply for the job any time that you want to prove me wrong.


Watch out for that "Character" requirement.
Stagger Lee, facts are only facts to people who will "choose" to see them. Try to tell liberals the facts about gun control and watch them squirm and deny that guns make us safer. You are no different in your beliefs in regard to which facts you will choose to see and not see. This also goes for me. Thus, I spend little time trying to convince anyone who bows at the alter of the republican party to look at facts, because they have already had their minds made up for them... IMO.
Do you think that a police officer gets to own such weapons personally?

Actually Stagger, that is one of the few ways an individual in CA can own these weapons. For instance, they won't let active Military buy a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds, but by golly if you are an LEO you can walk right in and buy it- don't even have the wait time. I'm sorry, I don't believe they rate these extra rights any more than anyone else. I believe that any citizen of this country rates these rights.
Sounds as this idiot compares to the idiots that had the great assassination plot on Obama not long ago. Also sounds as though the media is trying to make as big a deal out of this also. When story first broke about these meth-head pieces of cow dung, they where supposed to be some big white supremist group with some big well thought out plot to kill Obama. Turns out they where some meth-heads not smart enough to get out of the state they lived in. This wacko caught with gun(no ccw),more important, a grenade(considered to be weapon of mass distruction) should be locked up no matter where they caught him. I`m sure the media libs are having a field day with this also.
Stagger Lee, here's an interesting little fact for you:

The 1968 Gun Control Act, as we know it today, became law during the Johnson administration. The history behind the 1968 act is indeed fascinating.

The author of the federal Gun Control Act, Senator Thomas Dodd, was an attorney with the U.S. Justice Department at Nuremburg. He obtained the Reichsgesetzblatt, which is the German equivalent of our Federal Register. He was able to use the German gun-control laws after giving them to the Library of Congress to translate for him. They did indeed translate the laws for him, and that was the model, the basis, for the 1968 Gun Control Act in America.

There is a connection between gun registration, confiscation, and how a police state is able to come about. Gun control lets the police state target individuals they don’t want to live and murder them. Historically it happened in Turkey, known as the Armenian Genocide, and then, of course, in China, Russia, Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda, Uganda, and even now in Darfur.

The media is using this isolated nut job to make a case against our guns- and rightly so, as you can see how elitists stand to benefit by disarming the masses.

Stagger Lee said:
So who is trying to get all the "control" and why? Nobody can ever tell me this.
As I see it, it's a natural tendency of any government to seek greater power over its populace on a progressive basis. It's the sum of its functions and purposes, in a sense. It's not "wrong" from the standpoint of the ruling entity, but it is insidious and ultimately oppressive to the individual.

As with any dynamic system, it needs balance, like the predator/prey relationships in nature. When imbalanced, wide swings of the pendulum, and perhaps chaos will result.

The American ideal, as expressed in the Founding documents, is based upon a presumption of the right to wide liberties on the part of the individual. I believe the premise is long since proven correct. The vast majority of people will respond to such freedom with unprecedented brilliance and with cooperation towards prosperity and justice. I believe the abuse of liberty has never equaled the magnitude of its benefits.

But those freedoms have eroded over time, by various mechanisms, more or less summarized as the growth of government and extension of its power beyond the limits of the intended model. And commonly that erosion is motivated by well-intentioned efforts to curtail the aforesaid abuses.

I consider it as much a phenomenon of human government itself as of any individual's intent. I doubt there's been a Grand Plan of Oppression.

But there are and have been individuals in positions, elected or not, to promote some of the more corrosive assaults upon the ideal. Lately they've been unusually successful because of the climate of fear that began with 9/11 and that has been, I believe, intentionally fostered ever since, by any number of persons, enterprises and offices, each for its own reasons.

I've come to appreciate the efforts and sentiments of those who seek to fight the trend, every bit as much as I appreciate the voices of moderation such as your own, Stagger Lee.
In Kali, it's real clear. Rich folks live in certain areas, like The Palisades, Malibu, etc. They either have police, or, more likely, they have a very efficient private security firm. They also own guns. LOTS of guns.
When the Rodney King riots were in effect, these folks set up baracades, in Beverly Hills, and West Hollywood, and the Palisades, and, Korea town,covered with high powered rifles, and assault weapons. Don't live in that area, you don't get in.
The police had pulled out of LA, along with the Fire fighters, and, let the burning, looting, and killing go on it's own. Anarchy, for 1.5-2 days, until the national guard got there, and, get this, they went in with NO AMMUNITION, BUT, THE BAD GUYS DIDN'T KNOW THAT...

The groups that were responsible for most of this were gangs, Mexican, Cryps, Bloods, 13's, and 14's, etc. The fires were started at the same time over a very large area. This was an organized effort by the LA gangs to redistribute wealth, given an excuse. THEY are armed, well armed.
The gangs targeted marketable items, stores like Goodguys, were totally looted, and then burned to destroy any evidence of theft.

I pull a couple things out of this situation. First, the wealthy LA rich folks sponsor lots of bills to limit poor people getting guns. Given that they have vivid memories of that riot, and it's situation, do we forgive them for throwing our service members, and poor folks, like teachers, under the bus in their effort to keep guns out of the hands of the gangs?

I don't.

I'm told, even though I live in a nice area, I have to have a 600 dollar plus safe to keep them in. NOT the easiest thing to move. That's fine, if you are rich, and live in a mansion...

In politics, one of the first lessons one learns is if you create a large poor class, a small middle class, and, a oligarchy, as LA is, you are highly likely to have armed insurrections. Rodney King riots were living proof of that.

Finally, the people that MOST need guns are the folks that aren't rich, who are force to live in proximity to gang territory. Because of the lower rents, they are MOST likely to be robbed, killed, etc. and, they are the ones MOST in need of firearms for SD.

In Washington D.C., congress is the one responsible for overseeing D.C.'s laws. CONGRESS let that 25 years of no handgun ban exist, under THEIR WATCH. In our nations capital, a place where one would think all those hallowed places would remind our elected reps of their duty to our way of life, and, our Constitution, they have in fact, allowed Nazi like gun restrictions to exist for 25 years. I can think of little more clear and convincing evidence of the majority of our government reps REAL position, and leanings, then D.C.s gun laws.
Oh, and Nate45...you know many Capitol Police officers? I know a few, and I suspect that you'd have a hard time measuring up to them despite your obvious scorn for them. But feel free to apply for the job any time that you want to prove me wrong.


Watch out for that "Character" requirement.

Ya, thats what I want to do apply for a low paying civil service job, thats educational requirements are HS Diploma or GED.:rolleyes: I already had one of those 27 years ago, the US Army. I'll just stick to being one of the saps who supports these failed institutions with our hard earned tax dollars.

Capitol Police officer admits setting fires

A policewoman suspected in a series of small fires in restrooms in buildings around Capitol HIll late last year has admitted guilt and agreed to resign and pay restitution to avoid prosecution.

Recruits Who Failed Checks Were Hired by Capitol Police

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The U.S. Capitol Police have dismissed about one-quarter of their latest group of recruits after discovering the individuals had been hired despite failing criminal background checks, psychological exams and other employment criteria, officials said yesterday.

Looks like an elite outfit with exacting standards, that are tough to measure up to.:rolleyes:
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