"Strange Ranger" caught with gun, grenades near U.S. Capitol

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Capitol Police arrested a man Friday after an officer spotted a rifle in his car when he stopped the officer to ask for directions two blocks from the Capitol building.

What can you say about stupidity on that scale. :confused:

But, this is part is the scariest of all...

Christopher Shelton Timmons, 27, has been charged with carrying a deadly weapon, having an unregistered firearm and having unregistered ammunition

Unregistered ammunition? There you have it, a glimpse of the method of how they will disarm us in the future. They won't take our guns, they will take our ammunition.
Authorities said Timmons was convicted of carrying a concealed weapon in March in Albemarle County, Virginia, and served a month in jail. In that incident, Timmons had two grenades in his car, said Albemarle Police Chief John Miller.
He’s in possession of DD’s and gets jugged for a month??!! Something here doesn’t smell right.
Statists live for these type of guys.

In all likelihood, he's probably happy to be in lockup because because now he can get free dental care. :o

He's not literate (or even aware) enough to object when the police-state cranks up its spin machine for their own purposes...justifying increase budgets, more restrictive laws, or attempting to make some abstruse point about increased sentencing against gun owners.

I may be missing the legal/political import of this article. :confused:
I also suspect that's because he wasn't carrying his home-made bombs near you or your family members.
Hey Stagger Lee, how do you think I feel everyday when I see Johny out here with an AR15 in his squad care and I can't even legally own one in this state? I feel like am an oppressed subject behest to the rule of this state. Frankly I think that their are bigger issues to worry about than a single loon with homemade bombs. There is an out of control federal government who's bent on complete control, has well built bombs, and is determined to take away our freedom step by step. Stories like the aforementioned and people to spin them are exactly what they need.
Stories like the aforementioned and people to spin them are exactly what they need.

Out of control government is a certainty. Justifying a man with homemade grenades looking for the capital is another issue.
unregistered ammunition? Hell, I made all of mine, I guess mine is unregistered too, call CNN. Not one of my several dozens of firearms are "registered"
The guy was probably a nut. The problem is, it will be blown out of the water by people and used as justification for gun control.
Hey Stagger Lee, how do you think I feel everyday when I see Johny out here with an AR15 in his squad care and I can't even legally own one in this state? I feel like am an oppressed subject behest to the rule of this state. Frankly I think that their are bigger issues to worry about than a single loon with homemade bombs. There is an out of control federal government who's bent on complete control, has well built bombs, and is determined to take away our freedom step by step.

Several issues here.
Actually how you "feel" when you see a police officer with a rifle is irrelevant. Are you a law enforcement officer who has to respond to violent crimes on a daily basis? Comparing them to you is apples and oranges. But you're always free to apply for that job, aren't you?
And as to the state that you live in...if it's so bad, why are you living there? Just like your decision not to apply for a police officer job, you live in California because you want to. You have complete freedom to move away. You just choose not to.

Now to the third point. I keep hearing about this conspiracy to take away all of our freedoms. Only thing is, I can never find out from those who talk about it just exactly who is involved in it and why they are supposedly doing this. It seems to be a very well-guarded secret. :rolleyes:

But again, assuming that such a conspiracy exists (and I don't believe it for a minute), if I recall from other threads, you're one of the people who refuses to even vote. (Voting for a third party = not voting when it's a obviously two-party race.) So what right do you have to complain? Just like your decision to remain unarmed and live in a state that you hate, your choices (or refusal to act) have more to do with your situation than anything else you can point to. All you have to do is man up and run your life.
In all likelihood, he's probably happy to be in lockup because because now he can get free dental care.

He's not literate (or even aware) enough to object

Do you actually know this guy? Because he may be one of those "the constitution says that I get to own bombs to overthrow a repressive government" screwballs. Hell, he might even be a poster here. Who's missing? :rolleyes:
Several issues here.
Actually how you "feel" when you see a police officer with a rifle is irrelevant. Are you a law enforcement officer who has to respond to violent crimes on a daily basis? Comparing them to you is apples and oranges. No it's not, they are citizens just like me. I probably have more time in combat than most of them, but that would be irrelevant right? But you're always free to apply for that job, aren't you? I sure could, but why would I want to live here?
And as to the state that you live in...if it's so bad, why are you living there? Just like your decision not to apply for a police officer job, you live in California because you want to. I live in California because I got stationed here buddy. I'll be leaving as soon as I am no longer under orders to be here. You have complete freedom to move away. You just choose not to.

Now to the third point. I keep hearing about this conspiracy to take away all of our freedoms. Only thing is, I can never find out from those who talk about it just exactly who is involved in it and why they are supposedly doing this. It seems to be a very well-guarded secret. It's not a specific person. It's common sense. Disarm the populace for total control.

But again, assuming that such a conspiracy exists (and I don't believe it for a minute), if I recall from other threads, you're one of the people who refuses to even vote. (Voting for a third party = not voting when it's a obviously two-party race.) Actually, blindly voting for one of the two parties because they are 'the only ones who can win' is already an admission of defeat, and could be a first step to relinquishing one's liberty. So what right do you have to complain? Hmm, lets see, 6 years faithful service, Iraq and Afghanistan vet, FNRA volunteer, good honest citizen, I just can't see how I have any rights.... Just like your decision to remain unarmed and live in a state that you hate, your choices (or refusal to act) have more to do with your situation than anything else you can point to. All you have to do is man up and run your life. Man up? I need to man up? You really are humorous aren't ya...
staggerlee posted:

Because he may be one of those "the constitution says that I get to own bombs to overthrow a repressive government" screwballs. Hell, he might even be a poster here. Who's missing?

As I said, it didn't take long for the spin-machine to start cranking up...:rolleyes:

The OP's agenda, and the point of this thread, is becoming clear (if it was ever in doubt). :p
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Stagger Lee
Actually how you "feel" when you see a police officer with a rifle is irrelevant.

That is not irrelevant at all. His point was well made and relevant. Not everyone desires to be a "boot licker" in life.

stagger lee
But again, assuming that such a conspiracy exists (and I don't believe it for a minute)

Yes, because we all know that conspiracies exist only when the government says that they do.

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Republican National Convention protesters targeted in a series of police raids Friday night and Saturday say they won't back down from their plans to march on the event's opening day.

Organizers have said they hope to attract up to 50,000 people to the protest Monday.

Four people were arrested at two Minneapolis homes and booked on probable cause of conspiracy to commit a riot

Thank you for your service. You fought for your own rights and opinions as well as mine. I don't have to agree with you and, in fact, don't see things from quite that same perspective. Regardless, thank you for your part in preserving my right to type here.
So who is trying to get all the "control" and why? Nobody can ever tell me this.

Here's a part of it: People in higher echelons of power- the elitists. They don't want armed servants. They don't want to go to sleep at night knowing that a pawn with a gun could knock them off of their perch. But they make sure they keep their guns. Look how many rich people in California have body guards with CCWs. Yet, if I go apply for one I will get shafted out of it and ignored.
That is not irrelevant at all. His point was well made and relevant.

But it is relevant. The police officer that apparently makes him feel less than adequate doesn't own that rifle any more than Copenhagen owns any of the arms that the government entrusts him with. In both cases, such weapons are owned collectively by we, the people, and made available to the people tasked with performing certain jobs.

Do you think that a police officer gets to own such weapons personally? Nope. Because they ARE citizens, and nothing more, when not on the job, and their fellow citizens have decided that they don't want anyone in that state to own such arms. That's not a state that I'd choose to live in, but any actual proponent of states' rights has to at least recognize their right to govern themselves according to their own wishes.

BTW, it sure didn't take hammer4nc long to start calling me names again, did it? "staggerpee?" What are you, guy? About 12 years old? :rolleyes:
keep hearing about this conspiracy to take away all of our freedoms. Only thing is, I can never find out from those who talk about it just exactly who is involved in it and why they are supposedly doing this. It seems to be a very well-guarded secret.

They, being the leftist liberals, don't want all of our freedoms. If they took them all, who would be laft to vote for them?

The ones usually in question are the rights involving guns. I don't know how much you actually read the posts, or even know what is going on in the US. I don't know how much research you actually do, but evidently not much.

Right now in Congress, H.R. 6257 is on the table, The reinstitution of the assault weapons ban. DC, Chicago, and Kalifornia have eroded the rights of gun owners. Legislation to code and stamp all manufactured ammo is and has been underway for sometime.

Some of the greatest gungrabbers in history are running for the two largest seats in the world. Their supporters have invested millions of dollars in them. How do you think BHO and Biden will be able to repay them?

It's no conspiracy, it's a fact Jack. And if you can't see it...
People in higher echelons of power- the elitists. They don't want armed servants. They don't want to go to sleep at night knowing that a pawn with a gun could knock them off of their perch.

So who are these people? Are there really people in office that are more afraid of armed rebellion than they are of just being voted out? Who exactly are we talking about?

But that aside, I don't want to get shot either. No one does. And I'd suspect that it's the fear of becoming a victim of violent crime that drives the call for fewer guns on the street far, far more than any politician's nightmare of armed peasants storming the Bastille.
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