Strange grouping question

I have zero desire to compete with anyone else on any level.
Other than an appreciation of something done well, I couldn't care less how I compare to someone else.
The idea is to improve, not beat the other guy.
You should be only competing with yourself to do so.
Trying to run the other guys' match is a sure way to do poorly.

Do they have a divison for fat old guys that have to hobble around with a cane & can't stand up for more than a minute or two?
It's known as "Put the fork down and get to the gym" division.
I highly recommend it, and not only for shooting.
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Ok - I might - might - look into it.
As long as there isn't even a hint of competition.

I'm not a bad loser, I'm a bad winner.
I can't even allow myself to get into a "friendly" match with anyone.

This horrible desire to crush the other person takes over & I can't help but to give into it. It's like a drug to an addict or alcohol to a drunk.
Hal said:
I'm not a bad loser, I'm a bad winner.
This horrible desire to crush the other person takes over & I can't help but to give into it.

heh...if you haven't competed yet, I don't think you'll have to worry about winning. ;)
heh...if you haven't competed yet, I don't think you'll have to worry about winning.
Then again....maybe I don't have to worry about worrying.....;).

Anyhow, it'll never happen.
There's a "Ty Cobb" jerk inside me that competition let's out.
The desire to not only beat the other person, but, humiliate them so badly they never want to shoot a gun again.
Don't sweat it.
With that attitude, you don't have to worry about your inner soul revealing itself at a match.
At least for very long.
Most games have a rule allowing for disqualification for unsportsman like conduct.
Besides, like MrBorland sez, it's not likely you will succeed in "crushing" anyone, but your own ego.
But mostly you are denying yourself a whole lot of fun with a lot of good folks.
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Each hole looks like a kill. Good shooting! The impact groupings tell me you are right handed. It seems to still be the basics of trigger pull and breathing. You can't be breathing when the firearm fires, but you need to feed you lungs before each shot to prevent hand fatigue. Your right hand twists to the left when pulling the trigger rather than squeezing it.
Each hole looks like a kill. Good shooting! The impact groupings tell me you are right handed. It seems to still be the basics of trigger pull and breathing. You can't be breathing when the firearm fires, but you need to feed you lungs before each shot to prevent hand fatigue. Your right hand twists to the left when pulling the trigger rather than squeezing it.

Yes sir I am right handed! If I work on my breath control do you think I could improve my groups? I'd love to take some lessons to see what else I can do to tighten things up.