Storing firearm


New member
I recently purchased a glock for home defense/range use. I bought a little nightstand safe and then bought some pick and pluck foam. I opened the safe today and it looks like the slide is drying out, if that makes sense. Should I not store it in foam?
Bore-Store Bag, CLP.....

If it were me, Id store the firearm(loaded magazine, empty chamber) in a Bore Store Bag. It's a soft material that protects the weapon but allows the air to circulate thru the bag. They are only $6.00-$8.00 USD for most handguns.

A light coat of CLP like Ballistol, Eezox, LPX, Gunzilla, Weaponshield, etc will aid in protecting the metal pistol parts.

Newer egg-crate type plastic cases are sub-standard for long term storage. :mad:

If you have a swamp cooler, all your guns are in danger. I found this out first hand when I moved to AZ from mid-west and first encountered a swamp cooler. I keep a night stand pistol in a similar safe and never had issues. I use a product called frog lube.
I worry more about scratching the furniture than the firearm. A mouse pad has worked for a couple of decades.
Thank you for the mouse pad idea cecLL. Protects the weapon and furniture and is noiseless. At first, it sounded like a good idea inside the safe too, but mouse pads are foam, which would attract moisture from the air.
Colbad, a friend just told me about that frog lube. He had great things to say about it. How long have you been using it?
I live in a fairly dry area, but I take my bed side firearm out once a week and give in a light cleaning and inspection. Sometimes the cleaning is nothing more than inspection and wiping down with Balistol and checking the bore for rust.
I first learned of frog lube in Afghanistan along with a couple of other similar products. Needed something that lubed well (dry) but was not a sand magnet. I have been using it now at home for about 6 months and have been pretty pleased with it as a lube and a finish protectant. I have to admit though I still put a couple of drops of breakfree on the rails if I am going to have a long shooting session. I prefer the frog lube paste. You break down your FA and then heat it up a little with a hair dryer or a heat gun. Brush the paste over the warm finish and it melts int all the micro pores. Let dry and buff with a towel. Clean up after shooting is also much easier.
storing guns

Please don't use foam.
I take my guns out 10 - 14 days inspect n oil if required. That's if i'm not used them of course.
Froglube works but so does a light coating of oil. My favorite is wrapping a silicone gun cloth around it while it's in the box.
I have a bedside safe which is foam lined, but mostly open space inside. I keep an XD in there. I have normal A/C. It keeps the house about 73 on average. The only negative is it is basically inside my bathroom. When I get done with this, I think I'll turn the fan on as it felt really moist in there this morning!

So that is pretty bad, right. I use good lube. I look at it weekly. I have never had a single corrosion issue.

I guess I'm saying...keep it in your house, at hand and lube it as often as you need to to allow it to survive the envionment. A Glock should be way better than most.

If it matters to you, I use Weaponshield on all my handguns and have NEVER had an issue. I have used the original FP10 since about 2000 and moved to Weaponshield when that ran out. These are the best CLP's I have ever used. I see no reason to change. I have stored guns in a foam gun case for a year before I knew it was "bad" with no issues.
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A cheap and effective storage technique...

Take an old t-shirt you were going to use for rags and give it a good spray of CLP, RemOil, etc. Wrap it around your gun. Take the gun out and inspect it every so often. When you do, respray the CLP or other oil. Even in humid climates, this will do the trick.
There are two kinds of foam: open-cell and closed-cell.
Open-cell attracts/stores moisture, closed-cell doesn't.