stopping power?


New member
"There are many like it but this one is mine."
IMO stopping power is something you see in movies and video games.
And a stopping shot is one that hits someone's brain, spine, or heart.
Any other shot will not kill someone instantly.
When I shot a deer this season directly in the heart, it still ran 30 yards. Would a BG been able to do the same? I was surprised when I got the heart out to find that it was split down the middle with my .308. Makes you wonder about just where you have to hit something to make it stop RIGHT NOW.
That heart hting is a good question. I have seen fox,coyote, and deer take off and really put some ground between us whe the heart was destroyed. Does it happen to people also??
Well, physiologically, the moment the bullet struck the animal, it had a oxygenated blood supply in it's brain, which in turn registered the hit & told it's muscles "Move out!"***

As the blood was not circulating (heart shot), the oxgygenated blood supplies ran out very quickly...

*** My wife is a Veterinarian

Now...One Rule of Combat Trauma: ALL casualties die of shock...Think about it...

Hope this helps.
Thats what I was thinking...
just cause you shoot the pump doesnt mean all the fluid in the system instantly disappears. So with good blood still in the muscles, the deer/bg should be able to be mobile for some time... maybe only a few seconds.

Does that mean that we have to shoot for the face/forehead to achieve instant results? (and no where else?)
As for shots that stop the target RIGHT NOW, deer hunting this year, I shot my deer in the spine just infront of the front shoulders *deer was within 15 feet of me, otherwise would have gone for safer vitals shot* It fell down and never moved again.
Nytelight said:
As for shots that stop the target RIGHT NOW, deer hunting this year, I shot my deer in the spine just infront of the front shoulders *deer was within 15 feet of me, otherwise would have gone for safer vitals shot* It fell down and never moved again.

Exactly....You've severed the main "wiring harness" to it's voluntary muscles...

When I shot a deer this season directly in the heart, it still ran 30 yards.
I have actually read the exact same thing about a human.

ALL casualties die of shock
This is why I might want a bigger bullet.
Bigger bullet = more surface area to transfer bullet energy.
I have heard of ppl not realizing that they have been shot with 9mm.
I might carry a .45 in hope that the person I shoot in self defence will realize that he is shot when he is shot so that he might begin psychological shock.

In the end, the only way to instantly disable someone would be to sever his spine above mid back.
And the only way to instantly kill someone would be to destroy his lower center brain.
I have seen and read about ppl that survive massive brain damage.
There was this kid on tv once that was missing half of his head due to a .357 accident.
So a head shot preferably between the eyes (if he is facing you) is most efficient.

It seems that the ppl that believe in stopping power are the same ppl that believe that ppl fly back a few feet when shot with a .357 lol.
Yep, they fly through the air and through the glass window behind them.
I love hollywood.
And of course they die before they hit the ground. lol
O wait, the good guys dont die before they hit the ground, they die when the hero holds them in in his arms. :D
at least you hunters understand stopping power
OK thats enough for now.

[edited to add: between the eyes (if he is facing you)]

Do you really think that the extra .096 inches is going to do THAT much more? It might be true, but there are plenty of people who were shot by a .25ACP and felt it. This myth that the 9mm is a pea shooter and the .45 is the monster hand cannon is just that. I am not debating whether one is better than the other or whether one can put you down faster, just the thought that something 1/3 of an inch entering your body at 1100fps or so being missed is highly unlikely.
Oxygen is good!
Blood Circulates Oxygen!
Ruin one of three things and you have problem solved!
Destroy the pump!
Wreck the plumbing!
Cause a major leak!

Or cut the motor!

Oh gee, these things all require bullets to hit COM!
The sheriff who taught my CCW class related the following story. One of his deputies had an encounter with an armed BG. Deputy had a 12-gauge shotgun; BG had some sort of 9mm pistol. Deputy fired and hit the BG in the chest. BG freaked out and ran off, covering about 100 yards before he fell dead. The coroner said the BG's heart was shredded and non-functional from the shotgun blast, no way to put it back together. However, the BG still had enough life left to react. If the BG hadn't run off, he could have fired back and killed the deputy.

Stopping power is something to be thankful for if it happens in your favor, but NEVER count on it. Also, moving targets are harder to hit. If you don't have good cover (as opposed to mere concealment), MOVE until the threat is gone.

As for the .45 ACP vs. 9mm debate, the FBI report by Urey W. Patrick, "Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness," makes for interesting reading. Regarding heart shots specifically, from page 16 of the report, in the Conclusions section: "Even if the heart is instantly destroyed, there is sufficient oxygen in the brain to support full and complete voluntary action for 10-15 seconds."

As for the "shot placement is king" motto, the problem is that the king usually abdicates his throne at the first sign of stress. Proper training helps keep the king on his throne a little longer, making training a key element in your self-defense plans. But be prepared for shot placement to go out the window.
Thanks for keeping this thread alive. My last threads have been dying.
Do you really think that the extra .096 inches is going to do THAT much more?
No. I do not.
My last carry gun was actually a .32 auto.
My next carry gun should be a .38 special.
Ammo capacity is more important to me than "096 inches".
My .32 auto can hold twice as many rounds as the revolver I want, but it jams.
Reliability is number 1.

Back to stopping power.
I do not believe that ".096 inches" is going to make a real difference in stopping power.
I do believe that the person shot, will react differently if he does not realize that he has been shot.
I have not googled this, but I welcome those not as lazy as myself, to google it for me. :D
Every thread eats it sooner or later czc3513. But cheer up; someone will probably resurect it in the year 2012 :D . In the mean time, there's a ton of subjects as yet untouched. I'm sure you'll think of one ;) .
CAp - in 2012, the Glock 87 will be out in .389 GASP - Glock Automatic Stopping Power and all shots will be one shot stops - even if the round just whizzes by him. Aerostatic shock will do it. :eek:
Why don't ya carry one of these? That'd stop 'em...Head, chest, wouldn't matter


