Stop saying I should get a semi auto, I love my revolvers!

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New member
I always catch a lot of flack for my CCW choice. I like wheel guns so carry a wheel gun as my ccw, either a gp100 or a Snubbie bepending on the weather.

When I tell people this, they normally say the samething. Man, u need a semi auto. You get more rounds.

I would agree with this if I was at war or doing raids but Im just walking around enjoying life, I dont see me needing 30 rounds of ammo in SD.

I carry Six in my pistol and two speed loaders. That is more then enough for anything I will run into.

Like I dont really care what the next person carries but it does bug me a little that some people feel a wheel gun leaves u under gunned. That just isnt true.

I personally think there is to much hype about the number of rounds u carry in a CCW for SD. Do u expect 10 armed people to come after you? If that is the case you will be dead no matter what you carry.

Do you think you will need all those rounds to kill, stop or scare one person? Do they think it will be like the old west where u duck behind a car n shoot at each other for 30mins? Like, I really dont see a need for all that and its always one of the main reason semi auto guys say the semi auto is better. Like I said, if you arent in a war zone or clearing rooms in a raid this point holds no water to me.

The six rounds I have in my wheel gun are there to stop the BG, scar the BG, give me time to get away from the BG. I dont need 16 rounds to do that. Mose SD cases are short and over very quickly with few rounds fired.

Anyway I guess the whole point is if u carry a semi auto dont look down on us wheel gun guys like we dont have enough gun to get the job done. Shoot whatever u like and be happy with it and allow the next man to do the same .
If five or six shots aren't enough, you could always carry two revolvers.
If it was good enough for Wild Bill Hickock......
You might need to wear suspenders, but your hips will be better aligned.
I think a revolver has plenty of shots you will need. Heck, my little bitty mousegun semi-auto is a 6+1 capacity while by other one is a 16+1. I don't carry either one of my 2 revolvers because they don't conceal very well since they are both heavy and wide. I open carry my revolvers when I carry them.
My take is simple, have a gun, one you will carry, and have confidence in.
Make, model,action type, caliber and so forth really does not figure in, the aforementioned and the ability to make quick effective hits does.

Folks forget, when things get serious, most likely their Internet Gun Buddies are not going to be with them...

One's responsibility is to themselves first...
I prefer revolvoers over simis too!

I always say..If 'ya can't gett 'er done in 6, 'ya better practice a bunch!

This spray-n-pray mentality with 15 or more rounds is not for me. Revolvers are more reliable, easier to load for (who cares about OAL!) and just look coooool.
Many people carry revolvers. The revolver is an effective SD tool. I feel very well protected with a 5 shot .44 Special.
If you are not in LE, or required by your job to be in evil areas then if you need more than a revolver provides you made some really dumb decisions!:D
So I guess I'll be the first semi guy to speak...

But lemme start off by saying I really could care less what anybody carries. As long as your good with it, you've practiced with it, and your comfortable with it. Than what's it matter what you carry.

Wheelguns are fun to shoot but as a rule I just prefer semi's. They just feel more natural to me and how can having 14 rounds hurt??
Since you are never likely to ever use it anyway, 5 or 6 rounds are plenty. If you are "likely" to use it, I would be carrying two guns.
Auto pistol fans were touting the advantages of their pistol's magazine capacity 100years ago when the worlds auto pistols held 7 or 8 in the magazine!

When the Browning High Power came along (1935) it was king of the hill for firepower, it held 13!

And note that it wasn't until about a half century after that, that police generally switched to the auto over the revolver.

A large capacity is a comfort, NOT a guarantee.

Despite the constant FANTASY gunfights on TV, a civilian defending themselves has no business throwing a lot of rounds downrange at an attacker. Providing your own "cover fire" works in the movies, but in real life its a poor idea. Police have a large organization behind them, and that group (city, county, state, etc) will pay their legal bills and for damages they inflict.

YOU and I don't have that. We are legally responsible for every round we fire, where it goes, and what it hits. Lots of us, knowing there is only 6, try real hard to aim.
I agree with u JimBob and notbing is wrong with having 14rounds. I just dont feel its needed or a major selling point for a ccw that is used for sd.

What brought this up, I was at the range. N a few guys were there with there semi aitos as I was setting up, they seen my Ruger case n asked what I had, happily I showed my gp100. We started talking and when I pulled out my ccw to shoot it, a little EAA Windicator 357. The slick talking started, on how I should get a semi auto n the whole number of rounds popped up like always.

I was in the service for a few yrs so I know how the number of rounds you have can save your life, walking my dog down by the river isnt one of those times, nor is it while Im out eating with my family. I told them that just to point out that just because a revolver has less ammo doesnt mean it cant be deployed and used to stop a BG.

Some people just over look alot of good things the revolver has going for it based off of the ammo count that IMO probably wont play that big of a deal on a SD case. It maybe hard to get a jury to side with you of u shoot up a place with 16 plus rounds or hurt a bunch of people while trying to stop a BG. In court they seem to like to pull the trigger n show everyone how many round you fired.
Amen, jimbob. I've never understood the obsession with what other people carry. Some of it may make me roll my eyes but at the end of the day, you have to do what works for you.

Party on and be excellent to each other.
why do you care what others think or say about your ccw piece?

and for the busy bodies, stop wasting time on criticisms for his ccw piece and spend your efforts on those whom do not ccw at all.
Both semi-automatics and revolvers have distinct advantages and drawbacks and which is better for a given individual depends on a lot of very specific circumstances. Without knowing some pretty intimate details about someone, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to know which type of gun is the best for a given person. I, personally, find it very arrogant and rude for someone who doesn't know those specific details about me to think that they know better than I do what sort of handgun works best for me. Choosing a handgun for self-defense is a very personal thing and there is no blanket right or wrong answer.
I've carried both semis and revolvers - started with revolvers, switched to semis - and now have (just recently) transitioned back to revolvers. I, too, just like wheelies better. I've never had an issue with round count - 5 in a revolver + a reload is enough for me - to heck with what anyone else says about it.
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