Stolen Handguns From My House 3-21-2013


My House In Cincinnati Ohio was broken into on 3-21-13 Between the hours of 1:30pm-3:30pm
8 Handguns were Stolen. The Factory Cases were not taken just The Guns, Mags and custom Made Leather Holsters.
All of these Guns were Reported Stolen The Same Day, and Entered into the FBI NCIC. Also Police Reports Filed Locally! There is also a Suspect A former Friend (Duane G. PM Me For His BIO) He Started Using Crack In 2012 And I no longer wanted to be around him. 8month later all my guns were gone. The Cops wouldnt Finger Print after I told them He had been in my House before. They Said That would'nt prove anything! When they ran his name they said he had been in Prison and had multiple Breaking and Entering, and Stolen Property Convictions!
Here is The List:
Glock 17 Gen3 Serial# FLL503 - 9mm and 4 Mags
Glock 26 Gen3 Serial# RDU141-9mm 1 mag with pinky extension and extended mag release.
Ruger MKIII Hunter Serial#229-63327- Stainless with Fluted Barrel Extended bolt release.
Ruger GP-100 .327 Stainless serial# 175-83646- Custom Made Rosewood Birdshead Grips. GP100
Ruger Blackhawk .357 Blue (1971) with 6 inch Barrel. Serial # 30-95786
Taurus model 617 .357 Stainless 7-Shot Serial # RF-654255
Taurus Model 85 Blue .38-spl. Serial # ME17152
Berretta 92F with Pachmeyer Grips.Serial # Still Looking!
Reward Money Paid for any information about these Guns!
You can contact me through this site! or Call My Cell@ 513-546-zero, two, five, seven
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Very sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope they are recovered. Don't forget a flyer for gun and pawn shops in your County.
Stolen Hanguns From My House 3-21-2013

Keep an eye out on armslist for them too. The crooks are probably local, possibly very local as in the neighborhood. I hope you made it very hard for them to find or get into. Was that the only thing taken?
Reading your post just makes me feel ill. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear that. I hope they at least can capture who did it.
Sucks. Been there. In 1986 I lost 23 guns in a burglary. Got 3 back within a year, another 17 years later, since then nada. Good luck.
Be sure to report these SN's to law enforcement -

they will enter them into the FBI stolen weapon data base.

It took 12 years, but I got one of mine back. It was taken off a DWI stop, but they lost the record of the name of the perp.

I didn't even report it stolen until 8 years after it went missing. Then the police, in a town 30 miles away, didn't run the SN through the NCIC data base for another 12 years - for a total of 20 years out of my possession.

It was a miracle - they do happen!!!;)
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The only gun I've ever had taken was on Oct 23. It was recovered in a drug bust in the next county on Nov. 23. I was just notified by local PD Wednesday and left a message for the PD in the county where my gun was found. I expect to hear back from them on Monday.

I asked about doing all the above suggestions and was told by LE it was a waste of my time. In virtually all cases gun theft is drug related. They enter the SN and about 1/2 the time the gun eventually turns up in someone's possession when they are arrested for something else. Usually drugs.

My brother has one that has been in the system for over 20 years with no luck. I have 2 other friends that had guns recovered. One after 2 weeks, the other 7 years. Several other friends that will likely never get them back. My friends in LE say about 50% get returned IF the owner has the SN. When I filed the report I was told that less than 1/2 of gun owners can provide a SN of their stolen guns.
The Guns were Kept in a Wooden Gun Cabinet with Glass Door Front (what a Joke). It didnt Offer any Protection! I Really Should Have Protected them Better! I will never leave any Guns out out of my Safe now unless I am Home! I beafed up Security also! with ADT and Deadbolt on Basement doors! and Im looking at Installing Video Cameras. But It really doesnt Matter If a Thief wants In He will Get in. "Doors and windows Just Keep Honest People- Honest"
A video Camera Makes Somebody Accountable!
Had that happen twice .
First time 1972 .
Second time 1984 .
Never found the guns .
Insurance paid on both .
Now I only have one gun :rolleyes::
Have you gone through your phone book and looked up pawn shop addresses? Sent a form letter listing all the guns? Posted lists at gun stores in the surrounding area?
Art, that's not good advice. As a pawnbroker for the past 26 years I can tell you that informing the local pawn shops of the stolen items reduces your chances of recovering them.
A pawn shop cannot accept something they know is stolen nor do they want to. A lot of hassle and court time as material witnesses. I've been there many times, so they'll not accept your stolen item and that's one less chance you'll get it back.
A pawn shop reports every transaction to the local LEO electronically and if the pawn shop accepts your stolen item unknowingly you'll get it back. Inform them and you won't get it back from a pawn shop.
Also note that a pawn shop is not authorized to and is illegal for them to confiscate anything.
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Given the record of the guy you suspect, why don't the police lean on him a little. I believe they could hold him for 48 hrs before having to press charges. During that time a crack addict is going to go through a very rough time without his fix. He may just want to make a plea deal ? Give up the guns or give up who he sold them to ? This may seem cruel but with his record, does he deserve anything better ?
Those guns are long gone by now. If he is a crack head then he would need his fix and since 8 months have already past they are gone. I hope you get them back soon.
My dad lost a bunch of guns once. He knew who did it but there was no proof and nothing ever happened to the guy. The guns were in a very inaccessible place in the house. If you did not know the place you would never have found it. Nothing else was missing and dad had only showed it to one person.

Taught me a long standing lesson about discretion when it comes to showing guns in my home. I even tell the kids that their friends have no need to know that we have guns. But I still have no expectation that there are not a bunch of people that know I have guns so I also take steps to keep them secured, even though locks only keep the honest people honest.
The days of being able to display your firearms in a glass-front cabinet within 20 feet of the front door are long gone, sad to say.

Hope you get your stuff back some day, be sure to press the local sheriff to enter it all into the stolen gun database, I've heard sometimes it isn't done.
Very sorry for your loss and certainly hope that you hear good news at some point sooner than later going forward.

That said, at the very least there are 'silver-linings' so to speak in stories such as yours in that they illustrate the absolute need for firearms security. I know too many guys who spend, spend and spend on yet another beautiful gun for their nice respective collections (I get it as it sometimes virtually irresistible when we see a great deal ;)) that are then stored in a closet or the like while they are off at work or vacation :eek:... I say not only is a gun safe (or at the very least heavy duty cabinet) recommended, it should be understood as being mandatory. Moreover, I would then advise that a monitored security system be installed (and no it does not have to break the bank to get this job accomplished as it did in the past). It has been my experience that most of the guys I know that center much of their hobby/recreation around firearms (generally speaking) have enough funds (if properly managed) to secure their hardware.

And, of course, if all of the aforementioned security measures prove still to be of no avail, make sure that you have some form of previously established insurance to lessen the blow (various different outlets available here and, once again, affordable to boot as opposed to the past when only the 'elite' could consider such).

And no, I realize there is no such thing as a panacea for the problem but at least you can leave your dwelling knowing that you have done as much as possible to make the perps objective of ruining your day/year/life :mad: that much more difficult!

Sorry for the ramble but I have a true hatred for the thugs that commit such despicable acts that result in unfortunate situations such as that laid out in the OP.