Stimulus package has no anti-gun laws...

Right now the firearms and ammunition industries seem to be the only segments of the economy that are blazing.

I was at the gunshow at Dulles outside of DC today and it was a frigging madhouse.

Heard a bunch of people were talking about how the stimulus package was going to "rob us of our gun rights."

Lets not be confused. Although there may not be something written outright about restricting guns/ammo in this legislation, before things are done and if the anti-gun political society history holds true, there will be some political moron try to use his/her interpretation of something in it to manipulate our 2nd amendment rights. Bound to happen.

Yes, but that's really not to the point now, is it?

Let's face it, someone in Congress could well use interpretations of existing laws to declare white males illegal residents and have us shipped off to some other local...


How about we worry about what is right in front in of us right in black and white right now, and let's not try to create a billion and one screamingly paranoid "OMG THEY'RE GOING TO DO THIS BY INTERPRETING THAT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT......!!!!!!!!!!!"

It doesn't do anyone any good, and in fact tends to make people look bad...
Mike, not trying to create a thing. You made my point for me. Whats 'been in question in black and white' is the Constitution. I`ve not sit down and read the stimulus package(neither has senators or congressman) but I`ve learned from a lifetime of watching how the anti-gun society has manipulated whats clearly written in black and white(the Constitution). If there`s a gray area in any legislation that the anti`s can use to promote taking guns/ammo they will and gun owners should be aware(not paranoid) of how things are written and 'could' be used. IMO thats just being aware, not paranoid and does not make anyone look bad. My feelings stand.
"Not trying to create a thing..."

Oh really?

"before things are done and if the anti-gun political society history holds true, there will be some political moron try to use his/her interpretation of something in it to manipulate our 2nd amendment rights. Bound to happen."

That's called creation -- creating the spectre of what MIGHT happen.

As I said, worry about what's in the bill that just passed, NOT what you think might happen days, months, or years down the road.

Prognostication is best left to Jimmy the Greek and Jean Dixon.

Around here it tends to turn into the screaming mimi of all conspiracy theories.

"Made my point for me."

In order for someone to make a point for you, you have to have a point to begin with.

Running around in circles and screaming fire at the top of your lungs isn't making a point.

As I said.

There's plenty of complete and total crap in the stimulus bill. Concentrate on that, and give the crystal ball back to Mesmerino.
Yes really! And our forefathers when they wrote the Constitution, thats spelled out in black and white, never thought that it would be manipulated either did they. If they could see things now! Our whole Constitution has been manipulated from time to time. Does it register to you the history of the fight thats been going on with our 2nd Amend. and some of the backdoor tactics the anti`s have used on the Amend. and other past legislation to further their cause. You expect me to take what is written in this bill at face value and believe that politicians won`t use the grey areasand manipulate them for their own agenda`s gun related or not. Ha! Go ahead and believe that if you want. History has shown me different and with the group thats in there now, IMO we`ll see manipulation of alot of legislation before its over with. As I said, IF THE ANTI-GUN SOCIETY HISTORY HOLDS TRUE, there will be some political moron manipulate it if given a chance. 'Creative' and 'careful' of what can happen are two different things. If your theory of " Prognostication " is correct then none of us should be ccw`ing for self defense cause its only "in the stars" that something could happen. We carry cause of the possibility that something can happen . I worry about grey areas in all legislation for the possibilities of what can and has happened. Lastly, not trying to create conspiracy or any other kind of theories. My point in the first post I was trying to make was that if the anti`s can take any grey area of this bill,manipulate it now or in the future, they will and thats something that concerns me and should you as well. Hope I`m proven to be wrong and this bill is never manipulated in any way. For now I`ll just agree to dissagree with your line of thought. P.S. Hope to see you at the march, Spring of 2010.
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I have not looked into how the bill affects gun laws specifically but in general it seems to be yet another step on the road toward a socialist government in the US. The only true debate is whether or not it will be the final step.
"And our forefathers when they wrote the Constitution, thats spelled out in black and white, never thought that it would be manipulated either did they."


You've ever heard of the Alien and Sedition laws, which heavily manipulated the Constitution, and which were passed by many of the same men who WROTE the Constitution?

I'm not sure why everyone seems to think that the Framers laid down the Constitution, quit there, and retired to have their likenesses carved into marble for posterity.

They didn't.

The entire US Code, passed in increments throughout the 1790s through the early 1800s, was an exercise in manipulating the Constitution.

How about Louisiana Purchase? Nothing in the Constitution gave the Federal government the right or ability to add to the nation through outright purchase of land from a foreign government. Jefferson and many of the men who wrote the Constitution manipulated it to make the purchase legal even though there were calls that it was an unconstitutional usurpation of power by the Federal government.

If the Framers could see things now, they'd see a continuation of the process that they started. Nothing more.

Some of them would be supremely ******. Others would likely be more than fine with much of what's gone on in the past 200 years.

I'll say it one last time.

Unclench your buttocks, pull your skivies out of your rat hole, and concentrate on what is happening RIGHT NOW. Don't fight the battle that you THINK you might have to fight, fight the battle that is in front of you.

Your advocacy is far more effective that way.
Your right Mike. Thats all the anti`s are trying to do to the Framers version of the Const.(2nd Amend.) today. Just re-frame it alittle. I love this bill and you`ve talked me into accepting it as written. It will be the greatest thing a Pres. has ever signed and if it is manipulated, you,me,children,grandchildren and our forefathers will be proud. It will be done in a positive way. Could have done without some of the cute,sarcastic words you used as a mod. but your thoughts are appreciated;). The condition of my buttocks and location of my skivies are personnal and i don`t want people to get the wrong impression of you and I. Again,hope to see you at the march.
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Is it a good sign that the stimulus package doesn't have any anti-gun ornaments... There are a lot of pet projects, and I think it's a good sign that there are no anti-gun measures.

For the most part, it's a spending bill. Hard to tell, of course, since nobody seems to have read the thing. I think even the people who created it put what they wanted in there and passed it on to the next liberal without much concern to what they might add in.

Not a good sign at all. They're going to attack the 2d Amendent with more than just stuff they snuck on to some other bill. Not to say they've abandanded that tactic completely, either.
i got this in a email. I hope its Bs. Some one help me please
The long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said.”

As to why these US Troops are being prepared to be unleashed upon the American people one need look no further than the massive New World Order ‘stimulus’ bill President Obama is set to sign in Denver, and which unknown to virtually all of these poor souls had ‘slipped’ into it, in ink, and just minutes prior to its passing by the US Congress (rendering them unable to read it), a provision titled “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009” and named after a 16-year old honor student in President Obama’s hometown of Chicago who was murdered in May, 2007.
It is no wonder that this new law has been kept secret from the American people by their propaganda media organs as with its coming into law means that every single American owning a firearm will have to possess a US National Firearms Permit [Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following]and that all guns in the United States will have to be registered and that no private sales of guns [Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section 101 of this Act] between Americans will be allowed, all of which are designed to effectively disarm the entire population of this Nation exactly one year [SEC. 901. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENTS.The amendments made by this Act shall take effect 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act.] upon President Obama’s signing on February 17th."

that was just an exerpt from the whole thing. I hope its Bs
i got this in a email. I hope its Bs. Some one help me please

Yes, it is an inaccurate report. H.R. 45 (Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009) was NOT "slipped into" or in any way included in the stimulus bill (H.R. 1).

Check for yourself; H.R. 1 contains the word "firearm" precisely once, in relation to ATF funding. H.R. 45 contains the word "firearm" 112 times.