Still shooting with these ammo prices? - No need for gun control!


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"You don’t need no gun control, you know what you need? We need some bullet control."
Chris Rock

Anybody (other than LE and pros) still shooting at this ammo prices?

My club canceled its steel challenge because of not enough participants.

I heard an anti-gunner comedian years ago say that instead of banning guns what they should do is make ammo so expensive that it would be out of reach for the average Joe.... that's what has actually happened!

I have resorted to shooting bbs in my backyard...
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Aside from the occasional .22, I'm sitting on what I have. No sense shooting it all up. :cool:

My agency can't even get the order filled for practice / qualification ammo. :eek: Which is a huge red flag to me.

I'm focused more at the moment on my first lifelong passion... Traditional Archery / vintage recurve bows. I can just keep using those arrows over and over. ;) Hopefully the government (President Harris), won't ban / confiscate my bows and arrows or demand to buy them back. :rolleyes:
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Yes, it makes you wonder. I have shot only 22s for the last 4 years and I have stocked up on pellets for my air pistol.
I’ve found enough deals locally and online (by keeping my eyes and ears open then buying quickly) to have substantially increase my round count across multiple calibers and continued to shoot every week or two.

There are a few retailers that haven’t substantially raised their prices.

I also predict prices will slightly drop and availability increase once Feb / March credit card bills start showing up.....
Still shooting! If you don't use it, you lose it, got to practice! Also you have to manage your stockpile, buy it cheap, stack it deep! You have to plan ahead.

For whatever its worth here's what I have done.

1. I budget money for ammo every payday. If I can't find ammo, I set it aside, put it in an envelope in an ammo can until I can find some.

2. When I buy ammo I set half aside for later and put a date on it. For example if I buy 2 boxes, I shoot and I save 1. If I buy a case I shoot 500 save 500. Over time you can really build up a reserve this way.

3. I Figure out how much I want to have in reserve as a buffer for shortages or price hikes. everyone will have their own number
3a. I estimate my minimum, minimum round count per session, and how
frequent my sessions need to be. For me that is 1- 50rnds session a
month minimum.
3b. I Figure out how long I want to be able to shoot without being able to
find more ammo. I try to keep a 1yr stockpile on hand, but based on
current issues, 2-3 years would not be a bad idea.
3c. I put the numbers together. 50rnds a month for 1 years is a 600rds
minimum that I need to have set aside at all times
4. I keep stacking, I currently have a 3yr supply for my minimum of 50rnds a months. Everything extra I get, I am able to shoot. With my current stockpile I have been able to shoot 100rnds every 2 weeks, 200rnds a month, which is my preferred amount, without touching my 3yr reserve.

5. I also reload and stock up on powder, primers, bullets when I can get a good deal. even now I can reload for around 18cents a round, or bout $9.00 for a box of 50rnds. This is in addition to buying factory ammo.

Hope this did not come off a preachy, I got some good advice from the gentleman that taught me how to shoot years ago. I have not followed it as well as I should have over the years, but that has just reinforced to me how good the advise was.
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"Buy it cheap and stack it deep" has been my motto for years. I haven't been shooting since yesterday. I shot some 45acp, 22mag, 22lr, and 22 shorts. I am always on the hunt for more ammo. This ammo shortage will end one day. It may be 4 years from now but it will end. I will buy more ammo and the kids can spilt it up when I am gone.
I'll be cutting back some because it's getting too cold out. It'll be back in the 50's next week so I'll probably try and hit up the range then.

I certainly won't be buying any ammo at the current prices, but I'm good on reloading components for a couple years.
Up until now, I've been shooting once a week. 100 rounds per session. I reload for 8 pistol calibers, and I've got a pretty good stash laid up, and components to replenish them a few times over. Even so, if this thing goes on for the long haul, I'll use it all up at this rate.

I'm considering cutting back to once or twice a month on my range sessions, just to conserve a bit until I get a sniff of where this whole political nightmare is going to take us.

Shooting and reloading are my only real hobbies. I hate to think about losing them at some point in the not too distant future. I'm a horrible artist, and I suck at bowling.
Still shooting pistols as often as normal, 100+ rounds per week. I got somewhat lucky and saw this shortage coming. I'm set for .22lr and components to reload .32acp, .32 S&WL, 9mm, .38spcl and .45acp. As for rifle, .22lr only. I'm saving everything else for rifle. Don't want to take a chance.
I have cut back significantly. I was really getting into shooting, going once or twice a month, but I just don't have the stockpile to continue shooting with any regularity. I have really only been through two ammo shortages, this one and after Sandy Hook around 2013 when I was just getting started. During the Sandy Hook dearth I could at least find .308 ammo and make a day of it at the range. Today you can't find anything. Hardly worth it to spend $20 for range fees to shoot 100 rounds of .22lr. I know, I know, 'you didn't learn', 'buy it cheap, stack it deep', 'the salad days lasted forever'... But I did alright, I bought a few guns, went on a few hunts, and have a reserve 'break in case of civil war' stash. I can't complain.

What I do find surprising is that the range has been rather busy with the few trips I have made. Typically this time of year, after hunting season, in the cold, the range is near empty. I went last weekend and the place was busy. I talked to the RSO, he said it hasn't slowed a bit. I can't make sense of that? Dudes are training!
I reload, cast bullets, and have a decent supply of primers and powder. A little more won' hurt. Last winter, I tried casting glue gun bullets with the same bullet molds and they shot well in the house. The sound is like a cap gun. I used IMI .38 special brass because the walls are thick and I can hand fit the plastic bullets in the cases.

Archery is another option. I shoot 1-2x/week. The range is only a few miles away compared to 80 miles to my shooting range.
I recall an article I read years ago in American Handgunner, the Rhodesian who won the IPSC championship that year-with a Browning High Power-said that due to limited ammunition supplies he shot intensively,not extensively. For the last 4 years I have fired only 22RF, currently 40 rounds per range session. I try to make every round count, when I shoot a rifle, I am a sniper stalking his target, not a machine gunner laying down suppressive fire.
The weather has been the only thing keeping me from shooting this year. During a lot of the time I would have been shooting last summer we had crazy forest fires that kept me home.

I'm still sitting on a lot of .223 ammo I loaded for that AR15 I was building before money got tight...

I had a decent stash of reloading supplies, but was caught a bit short on small pistol primers. So, the N frame revolvers, and 45ACP pistols have been getting more range time, while the 9mm, 38s and 357mags are taking time off.

I had a nice pile of 22 ammo, so I am using them more too.
I have been networking with friends to cover shortages and availability issues. Trading with friends that need something I have surplus for my needs, for something he has. This week, I swapped 200 SP magnum primers for 200 SP regular primers.
Obviously the high volume I was shooting before the chaos is over. I had started stock piling even before 2013. A very good stash of especially 9mm and
Was at the range the other day, typically still a minimum of once a week, but only a 100 rds. Shot the Nano and Kahr. Tomorrow will be the LCR22 and Sunday the rifles and a few shotguns at the outdoor club. I am trying to hold on, but each box of ammo shot is a box I know I most likely will not see again.

My new "STRIKEMAN" Laser trainer arrived today and hoping that will be a aid to keep skills up. Along with my Air Pistols and Rifles.

Here is the future. Yes you can still find ammo but you might have to hit the streets. Ask for a 9 DIME. They will know what you are talking about.


My Target sports club will be expiring soon. How unfortunately I will not be renewing. No reason to, they have not had any ammo now for months.
Gone are the days of many shipment from them. I had 37 shipment in 2019 and that many in April of 2020. Pretty much stopped after that.

Gone are the days of orders like this one.

Lately I've only gone to sight in new optics.
The range I frequent is fairly steady, at least 3-4 people between the 3 ranges during a weekday, usually more. Last time I went (2 weeks ago) I had it all to myself for about half the time I was there. Even then only one other person showed up and they were using the pistol range while I had moved to the 100yd rifle range.

Did score some M855 today for a decent price considering the current run. I was surprised to see 1K cases locally like that. I wasn't going to question it, just loaded it up and headed for the checkout.
I was lucky and started to reload 5 years ago and on a whim I started to cast and coat about a year back. I also hoarded primers and powder starting about 5 years back too. I was one of the lucky ones. I’m good on stock but not enough time to get to the range as work is always getting in the way.
Getting lots of practice with the 350L rifle and pistol. Walmart still has crates of that caliber. Still selling for the same price it sold for before the roro too!