Step back, take a deep breath and think about this...

Moral equivalency?

To all those who believe that their party is the home of purity, integrity and virtue, and the other party is the home of deceit, ill will and depravity, I recommend a thorough reality check. They're ALL liars, cheats and whores.

David, I applaud your efforts to be a voice of reason ... we need a lot more of that right now.

Recently, I read a column by Ellen Goodman, a liberal columnist with the Washington Post - see . Now, I strongly disagree with her perspective that the Gore camp has always been 'ambiguous' about their win - I recall in the early days of this mess how Gore's henchmen argued that it was obvious more Floridians meant to vote for Gore. However, her liberal search for truth and reality was pretty refreshing.

Personally, I'm not even a Republican ... I registered Libertarian years ago because I was disgusted with the Republicans' weak support of individual freedom and personal responsibility. However, the Democrats went down the toilet long ago. And, you're right to some degree ... there are plenty of liars, cheats and whores in both parties.

But, that doesn't make them equivalent.

Each of us will make our own judgement about where the greatest truth lies, and which party is more likely to support the causes we hold precious. To be frank, I think it is a bit of a copout to simply throw up our hands and say 'well, they're all bad'. I see that statement used quite often by liberals when they've run out of logical ideas and cogent arguments.

IMHO, the Democrats have taken hyperbole, hypocrisy and propaganda to impressive levels in this mess. They've argued that every vote must count, and then worked to disallow military absentee ballots, and even domestic absentee ballots because of the application process. They've mounted public demonstrations of their own, and then protested when Republicans demonstrated in like manner. Democrats pretended that outrageously partisan canvassing boards could somehow be trusted with subjective evaluations of 'voter intent'. Democrats called for selective, manual recounts in heavily Democratic counties. In sum, Democrats have worked to disenfranchise their political enemies, and the mainstream media have cooperated by advancing Democrat propanganda.

And, what of the Republicans? They won the initial machine count. They won the machine recount. And, they've protested any subjective recounts since that time. They won an election, and they're defending their turf. I don't blame them.

So, you can see the two parties as equivalent forces of evil if you wish. For my part, I perceive a real difference between these groups. And, in this political war, I'll fight with the Republicans, thank you very much.

Regards from AZ
Spinning an opinion!

How can anyone, much less a spinning Democrat, try to explain the fact that currently, Florida has:

A) A 2/3 majority of Republicans in House
B) A 2/3 majority of Republicans in Senate
C) A Republican as Governor (I think as Asst. Gov also)
D) A Republican as Secty of State

How can anyone say that this state would all of a sudden just 'tip' to the Democrats. Come on. That's beyond belief. No one. NO ONE wants to address that logically.

Hey David, spin that question for me.
We would all like to see all the votes that were cast counted. By accepting those votes that were machine counted and any that the machine could not count by defining a vote as anything with more than 50% of the chad punched out.

That's a reasonable definition. As long as it is applied fairly we would agree to it.

There is blatent proof available that huge amount of unscrupulous people are counting the votes in Florida and no one is being prosecuted. There are democrats claiming that obvious Bush votes are actually Gore votes. The right thing to do would be to jail the liars who are doing this and appoint someone else. With the evidence of impropriety in Florida and a lack of prosecution we can only assume that the people who are supposed to uphold the law are condoning these illegal acts and therefore the counting process is illegal.

THAT is the correct way to handle this situation, but everyone is so busy pointing out that Gore is a hyprocrite and that Bush is trying to stop all of the hand counts that we're ignoring the voters of Florida.