Steel challenge

I ended up fabricating 5 target stands, 10",12" steel plates and setting up the Pendulum stage. 33.36 was best time with 5 string minutes worst time . I noticed my first shot time is getting better. First match will be in 2 weeks. What sage do you think is the toughest?
Steel challenge is accuracy driven as well as the other disciplines. Maybe a touch more because its either a hit or miss. Pendulum is probably the toughest with the size of the inner plates. All the stages have their difficulty. Folks come up to the Smoke & Hope stage and think how could I possibly miss those 18X24 inch plates. You can miss, and folks do miss. Go out shoot the match and enjoy it. Worry about times and scores down the road. Just my opinion, if you start out worrying about time and score you are setting yourself up for disappointment and a feeling of failure if you do measure up to what you thing you should be shooting at. Let the speed and fast times come as it will.
There are pro shooters who will post times on smoke & hope in just under 8 seconds total, 4 strings, worst tossed out
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Yeah, I've seen folks wonder how they could miss those large close targets.
They were shooting dirt, not only the stuff behind and beside the targets, but the dirt in front of them, too.
They were going too fast for their skills.
If you're worried about what others think, you should be less concerned about what the other competitors think about your equipment and more what they think about you.
It's absolutely guaranteed they will think more good things of you if you slowly hit every target first time, than if you spray lead all over the range trying to beat the clock.
End of unsolicited advice.
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No one gives a tinkers dam about gear UNLESS you are a top shooter. Then they think "if only I had that gear...." LOL
My first match I told myself, "Get your hits, just get your hits. Speed does not matter. Just get your hits."

I was shooting a 1911 in .45. and I was scared as all get out.

I got the first 18 in a row. Hit rate was 75-80% for the match.

Ended near the top (did not win) of my division.

Do not worry about the time. Just get your hits!!!!

Your gonna get addicted.
One more thing. Be ready when you come to the line. Have all your magazines loaded and have at least one spare so you don't have to have a friend loading for you while you are shooting.

Help paint the targets after you shoot. Help other shooters pick up their brass. If you are doing the work needed the other shooters will be happy to help you along the way.