"Stay Muddy", Two officers open fire on idiot

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^^^^ You also don't wander around in public impaired by drugs or alcohol. I didn't read any stories about this incident, but the way he drew his 'gun' leads me to believe he was not operating at 100% capacity.
Me, personally would have confined the individual to the bathroom, slammed him to the tiles.

If I had a male partner, in good shape! I think that Lady Cop would have been a liability in that scenario.

Reference the various comments saying that as a self defense armed civilian, a not so large capacity pistol would be fine? Why? If a Glock 19, my choice is not to heavy, 16 rounds are fine?

The only time you do not want extra bullets? If you are on fire, or drowning.
Having a good (in shape and trained) partner makes ANY violent encounter easier.

If working with a partner that trains with you and understands the mutual supportive role in the physical control of a suspect...then sure. The confined space of the bathroom MAY be an advantage. I personally would not want to be involved in a ground fight in a public restroom (YUCK), if i had a choice in the matter.

Taking it outside is almost always preferable. IMHO
I think the fact that she drew her tazer first just goes to show what the public and media are doing to these officers and not letting them do their job properly. If her partner wasn't so quick on the gun, and if the perp's gun was an actual firearm, that could have ended very badly for her. These days officers are so afraid that even if they rightfully use their gun in the line of duty they will be chastized by the media and a select few from the public and labeled a murderer.
What would have been different here if the roles were reversed, and the bad guy was you, and the cops the bad guys?......You'd still be basically caught flat footed out in the open, no cover, no real retreating, unless in a rear guard fashion, and now with multiple assailants......what makes a similar situation with bad guys and your average Joe, any different? You dont get to pick and choose the fight
No, but you might get to pick some aspect of it, might. In this hypothetical reversed scenario, you would try to do the opposite of what the cops did. In other words, you would try to stay inside, where you might have cover or help from other good guys. Remember the old saying "if you find yourself in a fair fight then your tactics suck". That goes double if you're on the wrong side of an unfair fight. So do everything you can to improve your tactical advantage or reduce your tactical disadvantage.
In other words, you would try to stay inside, where you might have cover or help from other good guys.
If I were the boy who got shot, and had bad intentions towards the cops, I would likely have made a move in the rest room, where I could use deceptive compliance, the confined space, and them as cover against each other and ended it as quickly as possible. But thats me. Id have done the same thing outside, but you lose the advantage of proximity, and using them as cover against each other.

Remember the old saying "if you find yourself in a fair fight then your tactics suck". That goes double if you're on the wrong side of an unfair fight. So do everything you can to improve your tactical advantage or reduce your tactical disadvantage.
Well, absolutely. You'd be foolish if you didnt.

My whole point in the switch was, it doesnt matter who you are, or what you are, a fight is a fight, and once youre in it, your head had best be in the right place, and you had best be in it to win. Everything else is secondary. Youre points are well taken, and youre absolutely right about what you said above.

We keep hearing that we as lowly citizens, have a duty to run away, or do things that are often contrary to winning or prevailing, which is BS, especially once things start. If there was an opportunity to do so prior to that, yea, maybe, but even then, not all places require you to do so, if youre within your rights of being there. You dont always have the opportunity to run away, and youre still within your rights of defending yourself if you dont. Of course at that point, defense isnt where your head should be anyway.

Im not saying you shouldnt be aware, and avoid trouble when you can, you'd be a fool if you didnt. But once its understood that there is going to be a fight, then you should put everything but winning the fight, out of your mind, and do everything necessary to win it. And youre right, if cheating, and doing everything you were always taught "wasnt right", isnt part of that plan, youre really way behind the curve.

If that boy had any reactive shooting under his belt, and wasnt drunk, and had a real gun, and accepted that it was going to be a fight, and acted decisively, deceptively, and with explosive aggression, those cops wouldnt have had a chance. The women would have been DRT, and I doubt the other officer would have even cleared his holster.
The good part of a call to a Bar, especially were you are dealing with a single individual? They are probably drunk? Which makes them vulnerable to balance inability! A simple open handed slap to the ear/temple, normally destroys balance. When you then start to maneuver the individual, quite often they do not know you hit them in the first place.

And no bleeding, or broken bones!

The partnerships in Police work is mandated by a Sgt.? And you have no choice in the matter.

But a fit, 5'3" female, with fights under her belt, will operate to her best strength's. IE Pepper Spray, OC effective. Surgical strikes with a 21" ASP Baton. And firearms skills do not need 200lbs behind the sights to be effective.

A good friend of mine has a 26 year old Daughter working patrol as a Police Officer, armed with a .357 Sig. She is normally the top shot on the line.

The first laying on of hands dictate the outcome, sometimes not a good end.
Posted by seeker_two:
Maybe the "old timers" had something with the double-tap strategy. If two rounds don't stop the perp, aim at something else and fire two more.
If he is not "stopped" he can shoot you. No one in his right mind would wait to find out whether two more are required.

This guy forfeited his life because he stole booze from Walmart and then tried to draw an airsoft gun on two uniformed police officers who ere arresting him.

Points I found noteworthy...

1. BG got a <....> grin on his face, and postured his body to access the gun just before he drew it...

2. The female officer's shrill shrieking did not help the situation at all. Nor did drawing her tazer (and then not using it).

3. I'm curious why they didn't frisk him and cuff him in the head. I can only assume that they didn't want to cause a scene in the restaurant and upset the customers or annoy the management, so they took him outside.

4. Female officer seems to be trying to redeem herself by firing on the BG after he was down and out.

5. I'd really like to know if the BG got a shot off with the airsoft. It seems like he really got the drop on the female officer and could have plugged her at close range.... it almost looks as if he was trying to spook them... which fit's with the flippant comments he made inside.

As we often said in my navy days.... "the stupid shall be punished"
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I'm closing this as we don't need internet experts commenting in a sexist manner on one of the officer's actions. Those posts are deleted.

In fact, some folks came very close to taking a hike.
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