Statistics Indicate Women Dont Need Guns for Protection?

As I stated above, this "study" was commissioned by the Violence Policy Center, which is about as anti-gun as they get.
The result of this study was predetermined. They wanted to be able to counter the claims that women would be safer if they armed themselves. In other words, this was never an objective analysis. They took whatever "facts" fit their desired goal and twisted them to suit that need.
This is just more of the same bogus M.O. that the anti's regularly feed to a compliant media.
As the anti-gunners say, "If it saves just ONE life, isn't it worth it?"

They're right. If it saves just one woman's life, isn't it worth it?
A number of women's magazine have followed the same theme (so much for any independent thought in the press). Basically their point is that self defense is "not feminine", that it is "better for a woman to submit" than to harm someone, and that women tend not to use defensive weapons so if they have them the attacker will take and use the weapons either against that woman or against someone else. For these reason, women must be discouraged or prohibited by law from owning guns or other weapons. One magazine actually proposed a law banning women from buying guns.

So, women out there, you have your orders. You may not defend yourself. Your masters have spoken. Submit. Bill Clinton will propose legislation on that any day now.

I honestly can't imagine how women contain their rage if their 'own' magazines / media spout such demeaning nonsense. I certainly pray that American women will not accept this incredibly flawed perspective.

Empowerment, anyone?
I cant believe that there was a magazine that actually proposed that women be banned from buying guns. Do you know the name of the magazine? Its pretty sickening when you think of it, how society encourages women to be victims.

Weapons are not feminine but niether is murder. Nor is a woman feminine as she is lying dead after some maniac just got through with her.

Oh and weapons might not be feminine but they sure are sexy and they can turn any docile little lady into a real tigress. :)
People and publications that claim to speak for others rarely do. I just found a Jewish magazine devoted to both US and Israeli issues. They had an article using Hobbsean points from the Leviiathan in support of gun control. The writer actually stated that Hobbes was right and we all need a Big Brother/Protector. Funny part is, most other photos (for other articles) had Galils/M16/AKs all over them. And, no, they do not speak for me or other Jews I know.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
DC: The Kellerman "43" came from comparative numbers of deaths. One dead burglar, compared to 43 dead family members. Damfino is this a "real" number, but it's meaningless.

This means that to the CDC and Kellerman, the use of a gun in self defense is only successful if somebody dies. Wounding doesn't count; scaring away an assailant doesn't count.

Bloodthirsty bunch, ain't they?

:), Art
Donna, ummm, err, don't take this the wrong way, but ... tell us more about this 'tigress' deal. I appreciate firearms for self defense, target shooting, hunting and even their engineering. But, you may be opening my eyes to an entirely new line of thinking ... ;) ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 20, 1999).]
Be careful what you wish for. ;)
If your interested I can video tape it for you! It will not be quite what you expect though. It will involve my wifes reaction to the *unexplained* $500.00 gun store charge on the Discover bill.

CCW for Ohio action site.

You got that right...they make us look like wussies. :)

Must be nice to "know" the sacred truth....wonder if they sleep better than us?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA! the boys...

Women's mags are great for recipes, handy type tips, fashion and other trivial pursuits...only morons accept the face value political push.

At the risk of exposing my bigotry...Like I'm going to let a NY lib dictate whats proper?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I think DC has hit it on the nail, this nation is run by morons. I've been saying for years, there are a lot of stupid people out there.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Back when I used to get into discussions about guns with antis, the only real success I ever felt like I got (they are all blind, deaf, and DUMB!), was when they liked to point out, smirking, what might happen if my wife ever got hold of "my" gun (they of course assumed I would not allow the "little lady" to have one) when she was mad at me. My pat response was that I have bought her several guns, taught her to use them, cleaned and loaded them for her, and told her flat out that the first time I raise my hand to her she is welcome to empty the clip.

ALWAYS followed by a look of stunned surprise, which I then jumped on with "What exactly is it that you are doing to your wife which makes you afraid of what would happen if she had a loaded gun available?" One hundred percent end of discussion. Period.
These women magazines love to print all those stupid "How to Satisfy a Man" articles. If they only knew the truth about firearms. :)