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Stating a fact

Kelly J

New member
I just want to clear up a couple of things, I have been taken to task so to speak for using bad Grammer, Spelling and generally being less educated than a lot of you here, and it is true, but I will submit this, if you can overlook some of these errors of my skills, I will remain as always a active member to the forum. If you want me out of here, say so and I will move on. I got along before I got here and will do so again, No one likes to be put down publicly.

Not playing the victom as I was accused of or any such thing, I am simply stating a fact that an 8th grade Education will not match a Colledge Education any day of the week, but that doesn't mean that I don't have a thought of some importance to contribute once in a while.

Not one of you people know my limitations better than I do, I'm not proud of the lack of an Education nor am I asking for anyones pitty or anything like that, but no one likes to be called low life or low down in so many words, simply because they don't measure up to the standards some seem to set for everyone, let me say this, even the smartest person in the world was a dummy at it start of their life, (Ignorance can be tought, stupidity is forever) and others got a break and were able to attend the schools of higher Education and I think that is great, I had no such opertunity, I went to work at the age of 15 to help the family went into the navy at 17 and learned my trade so that I could support My family (Wife and Kids). The most money My dad ever made as a Baker was 2.65 an hour and he raised 5 kids 3 through the depression, there are not many here that could take your High Education and go through the things they did and survive, because in those days you stood in the soup line next to the same people that had nothing, so where did Education help you there, just pointing out a fact of history. I learned to work with my hands, You learned to work with your minds, we both worked and a lot of the time all your brain power could not get anything done without some of us low life type getting dirty and using our hands to impliment your ideas, Everyone cain't be the CEO.

It is not the easiest road to travel but it was the road I traveled, I appoligize for my short commings, and ask for your endulgence. Or I simply bid you a Good day, Your choice.
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Don't worry about it Kelly, that how you know you're doing something right.........................they start attacking your spelling and grammer and then you as a person, instead of your argument;)
Hey Kelly J. Like the man says, don't worry about it. If we all agreed on everything there wouldn't be any point in discussing stuff. It's too bad some people resort to personal attacks.

Kelly , I don't think they were attacking you personally. There are a few people on the different forums that think it's their job to spell check everybodys post. I read post's with misspelled word and i'm able to figure out what the person meant to say and think 99.9% of everybody else here can also and really don't care. I have gone back and read some of my post's and seen mistakes, who cares. I would bet that most of the people here enjoy reading and replying to your post's just like I do. Don't let a few get you down.
I will tell you spelling isn't all it is cracked up to be for example check this out.

Spelling isn’t always important if you can follow these guidelines.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd
waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan
mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs
is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
kelly welcome to the club some have corrected my spelling and grammar as well I guess they are neglected english teachers
kelly welcome to the club some have corrected my spelling and grammar as well I guess they are neglected english teachers

Apparently they forgot to include punctuation and capitalization.... :D

But seriously, it is much easier to read a post where the sentences are composed correctly.

If a poster, no matter how wise and learned, commits too many grammatical mistakes he loses the strength of his message.

A long run-on sentence, with no capitalization, punctuation, nor indentation is maddening to read. The writers message is lost in the noise.
#1: Every member, when they joined, agreed to the forum rules which include not mangling the English language due to ignorance, age, sloth or intent. Kelly's beginning post isn't perfect, but is completely readable and understandable. Obviously, you are able to write above an eighth-grade level, so your posts aren't going to be deleted. I've seen the quality of your posts improve since you joined. What are you worried about?

#2: Pointing out errors in spelling, punctuation or capitalization isn't a personal attack. It should be done privately the first time out of courtesy, but if you don't take the hint, it's your own fault. So if a member takes Tony Pasley to task for never touching his shift key or using punctuation it shouldn't be a surprise, and it isn't an attack.

#3: TFL is all about raising the bar. That includes honestly evaluating yourself and striving to improve in all aspects of your life. If one is happy with a fifth-grade level of literacy, perhaps TFL isn't the right place to belong. If one speaks and writes at a fifth-grade level of literacy and strives to improve, and actually shows improvement (as I have seen from dozens, if not hundreds of members over the years) such a member will be most welcome.

#4: This thread would be better off in S,Q&T than in L&P. Better yet, if you've been contacted by someone privately, keep the conversation private.


Not all of us are perfect with our grammar and certainly there are some who have never learned how to spell. Do your best. At least on my screen, in the upper right corner of the reply/post screen, there is a spell-check option ("ABC" over a checkmark). You can always try using that feature to help you improve your spelling.

If you at least end sentences with a period and begin them with a capital letter, people will find them easier to read.

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to work for a $4-billion/year company and see e-mails from vice presidential level employees who cannot make the distinction between similar words like ...

Your vs. You're
There vs. Their
Break vs. Brake
Where vs. wear
It's vs. Its

So don't let the spelling issue take the joy out of posting.
Send me a PM if you want some private tips.
This post, as are most of my posts, was composed in my word processor. While I never make use of the grammar check here on THR (I get tired of being told I may have used a verb in the passive voice), I rely heavily on the spell check to catch typographical errors. This is a process I can recommend.
I want to echo what Dave said above.

Kelly, your writing has improved over what it was when you first started posting. You've shown me that you are more than willing to take difficult topics and learn from them. I don't think that we can ask more than that.

Simply because someone stopped their formal education at a certain grade level, doesn't always mean they have stopped learning.
Thank you for all your kind words and comments; it is nice to know that others have had a problem.

One of the major problems I have had is the fact that as a Toolmaker, writing and spelling were not a requirement, all that mattered was whether you could use Math skills proficiently, run the required machinery and make a buck for the boss.

English Lit. Was not a major!

I realized that after I got my computer and started e-mailing people, that the spelling had become an issue, and tried to improve my skills, and to some degree I have but I know I have a long way to go.

I will continue to try and will make the effort to improve, but be advised, I will get in peoples faces that don’t use good manners, when pointing out short falls, as I stated before no one knows my lack of skills better than I, to offer suggestions or to point out, that an error was made is fine, but to imply stupidity just isn’t.
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TheBluesMan, I am using the Microsoft Word Spell check and generating my post there then apply them to the thread so far I think it is helping but if not I’m sure you will let me know. I’m an old dog but I can be thought, under the right set of procedures and guidance.
Hey there Kelly, I don't know you really, but do know what it's like to be put down because of bad spelling/grammar. Sure, it does seem a little mean, but I have learned from experience that it is a much needed thing to hear. See when I first started coming onto gun related forums like this, I was making my posts look the same way my IMs and text messages look and also the way I would post in the teen forums I would visit. I still do talk like that in IMs and stuff like that, but I take the time to make my posts look clean and neat because the better your posts look then the more serious people are going to take you. Take this for example. Which Maser would you take more seriously:

Maser#1: sup guys im new to guns and want to get into them cuz they fun n stuff like dat and are reel kool.

Maser#2: Hey eveyone, my name's Maser and I have always shown an intrest in the shooting sport and I want to learn all the information I can learn from this site.
Kelly, if your posts here are good examples of your general postings, then you have nothing to apologize for. Please don't worry at all about an occasional misspelling or slip in grammar rules. :) I can absolutely guarantee that even the best spellers and grammarians here will make at least one mistake a day if they post at all.

I guess what I'm saying is that the main hurdle has been jumped and you can relax and enjoy TFL for what it is without having to constantly be on guard about your writing. Also, please know that we sincerely appreciate your efforts, and everyone's efforts for trying to improve the demeanor of TFL (that old "signal to noise" ratio you hear so much about).

Maser - that was a very classy response. I, for one, am proud of you for saying it. I know you had kind of a rocky start here, but you obviously have much to give as well as take from TFL.
I will continue to try and will make the effort to improve, but be advised, I will get in peoples faces that don’t use good manners, when pointing out short falls
That I would not recommend. Responding in-kind to personal attacks is a good way to get banned along with the primary antagonist. Also, I think you're getting a bit too upset over relatively polite attempts to point out errors in your spelling and grammar. (Sarcastic responses are not necessarily personal attacks.)

Can you really expect someone to read a post discussing "illeagle alians" and "emigrants" (when you mean "immigrants") and not mention one or both of those errors? What would you think of a post discussing machining and using "tule dyes?"

Words are nearly all we have to communicate over the internet. It may not be fair to people like you, but it's the truth. Try to improve, and don't get upset when someone corrects you, sarcastically or otherwise.

I am using the Microsoft Word Spell check and generating my post there then apply them to the thread so far I think it is helping but if not I’m sure you will let me know. I’m an old dog but I can be thought, under the right set of procedures and guidance.
Turn on grammar checking, too. MS Word gets some things wrong, but pay attention to the errors it finds, and it'll help you.
i too am a poor speller. the best download ive ever made was the one for the spell check. i hate the abbreviations worse than misspelled words. you can tell what a 'wourd' is supposed to be if its misspelled, but what the (insert your favorite profanity here) is omgrolmfao supposed to mean? but according to the picture below you dont need to know how to spell anyways.



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