Starting to Realize the Merits of SBRs

I bought several minimalist stocks once when I thought they would be the bee's knees--I ended up not liking them. To each their own I guess.
I’ve thought that might happen too.
Every time I think of other stocks, I can’t help but to weigh the fact that a $30 M4 style stock does the job just fine.
Bull pups are a viable alternative if you don't have a lot of time behind a conventional AR, and/or dedicated yourself to only that design.

For me the magazine change on a bull-pup is a fumblers nightmare compared to the regular gun, so I spent the coin to register four SBRs a good while back.
Around 30 years ago I did a bull pup conversation to my mini14 and definitely didn’t care for it. It just didn’t feel balanced right to me, not sure if this is a thing in general but would guess even the ones designed for this configuration would be rear heavy too.
Bullpups are interesting, but I have this unfounded, irrational fear of having a receiver under my face.
Maybe one day I’ll get over it.

Thankfully, as a lefty, bullpups are out of the question for me....not only is the receiver under my face but the cartridge cases keeps hitting my cheeks..and the gases blow into my ears!
I've never tried a bullpup (but I'm beginning to think I'd like to), nor have I ever tried an SBR, but I've always preferred rifles on the shorter end of things. Give me a quick-handling carbine and I'm a happy guy. I know that long barrels are better at distance, but I grew up and live in north Arkansas. You have to really go looking to find a place to shoot out past about 200 yards. I could have a lot of fun with a rifle like the OP's.
10/22 Pocket Rifle

I always wanted a folding stock, SBR 10/22 with suppressor since the first time I saw one but I don't think I'll ever be able to have one.
I always wanted a folding stock, SBR 10/22 with suppressor since the first time I saw one but I don't think I'll ever be able to have one.

I SBRed my M&P15/22 pistol… it is definitely my favorite .22. Especially adding the Rugged Oculus and subsonics, it is a perfect pest control device.
One bullpup

I have but one bullpup in the accumulation, a Walther G-22, I really like the darn thing. It suffers the typical bullpup issue, lousy trigger.
The G-22 is also a PITA to suppress, need to sleeve the muzzle to do 1/2 28 direct thread. It will get done when I break down and do the process for a can.
The Walther takes about 15 minutes to switch around for Southpaws, they recommend a gunsmith it is easy DIY watch out for small springs.
I can see a bullpup conversion being a right hand only affair. While the G-22 is not popular, i like mine.
Adjustable stock SBR's are particularly useful to those of us with short arms. Keeps the cog closer to the body, and can provide a 12.5 in lop. Stick a suppressor on a 10.5 in ar, and it is still short.
Well, I'm a very slow learner.

My pair of FALs plus the M1A with the 21" or so barrels (The PTR has an 18") will never be in a war zone doing room clearing, or in the trenches of southeastern Ukraine.

The advantage of an SBR for me would be the option of owning a cool-looking gun, resembling what has sometimes been carried by the (British) SBS, Seals and probably Delta Team.

The targets are clay pigeons at approx. 100/120 yards or an 8" x 10" metal gong at 200, possibly 300 yards.
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I grew up on the high plains, moved and lived most of my adult life on n the rolling plains of Texas, lived a few years in SW WA, didn’t shoot as much there. Now I’m permanently living in my own dense forest of deep East Texas. I can tell you that rifle length and portability makes a huge difference depending on where you’re tromping around.
I like other peoples SBRs and Bull Pups, but I'm not going to own either no matter how cool they look... I've eighty sixed the idea of turning my K1A1 into an SBR.

My shortest do everything I need it to do rifle is an M14 with a 16.25" barrel, it's accurate, reliable, suppressible and easy to maneuver. If I somehow find myself needing extra muzzle velocities I will grab my 18" M1A, or my 22" M14.
Sbr's are not limited to rifle calibers, are capable of replacing regular pistols for home defense use and are a lot lighter and more accurate for some of us old folks. If in a common pistol caliber, ammunition is a hell of a lot cheaper, as are reloading supplies.

Granted they may not have the "cool factor" of a 308 battle rifle that some's primary purpose is for looking cool at the range. And am in possession of Fal's and M1A's, but am not very likely to be in some battle environment anywhere. There are excellent rifles, but heavy and expensive for this old boy aging out on a fixed income. As i age out, it becomes increasingly more difficult to even level up some old iron battle rifle with fully loaded mag and keep it leveled for more than a few seconds. Short 223 or short 9mm sbr is no problem.

People have differing and legitimate purposes for what they decide to own/shoot/take to the range.