Starting a collection for my son.

Only markings on the rrb are on the tang. E Remington and sons followed by 2 rows of dates. Very hard to read even with magnifying glass. I found some ammo from Buffalo arms. I believe the ammo is worth more than the gun lol. I havnt found anywhere on the Web about safety issues with this gun so if nobody here has any I will be shooting it when the ammo comes in. Then locking it in the safe til he gets a Lil older. After he cleans it of course.
Thanks kil, I've been pulling up old reads on the gun. Havnt found any value estimates yet but my son looked at it and said " really dad-another teddy Roosevelt gun?" I guess he's been in my bedroom a Lil too much. He's young and learning.
I really was expecting some warnings about the national ordinance 03A3. I've heard of a few cases where 4 or 5 of the cast failing. If memory serves correctly they were all very close in time frame and area. In the back of my mind I wondered about the possibility of those guns going thru the same shop because of the close proximity of time and area. Havnt heard of any blowing up in recent years.
If you knew National Ordnance receivers were terds, why did you buy it? Are the GI parts in exceptional condition to transfer to a GI receiver? Was it so cheap it was a deal for parts alone?
I bought 3 guns for $500. The 03a3 was bought to put in my son's collection. The gun looks brand new and if he never shoots it, it's still a nice representation of a classic. I have several all originals in my grandfather's collection in which my kids will inherit one day. As of now alot of them are on loan to museums. The other two guns were a remington and sons rolling block chambered in 43 spanish and a marlin 1894 in 32-20. For 500 why not bring all 3 home? He's only 9 and it will be awhile before he can shoot most of these.
One from each major WW-II power be very cool,,,

When I was a kid and we could order these rifles through the mail,,,
I wanted one rifle from each major country,,,
Something like this list.

US - M1 Garand (or to stay with bolts a 1917 Springfield)
Japan - Arisaka (6.5mm or 7.7mm)
Great Britain - Lee Enfield
Germany - K98 Mauser
Italy - Carcano carbine
Russia - Mosin Nagant

You would still be looking at 2 to 4 grand,,,
But those rifles (with accessories and ammo) would be a nice collection.

In reality though my friend,,,
Would this be for him or for you? ;)


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I bought 3 guns for $500.

Got it, I'd pry have done the same thing. Years ago I bought a low number 1903 Springfield because it was an Arsenal refurb with all new parts. The only thing that wasn't new was the receiver itself. I found a nice 03A3 receiver & handguard and transferred all the parts. I now use that rifle for CMP matches.
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The 32-20 was for the wife. The other two were for my son. In the last 5 years 90% of guns purchased around my house was for the wife and kids. I have used the kids for an excuse to buy guns before but the wife got wise to that. She picks most all of her guns out now. Honestly I have never seen all of my grandfather's guns. Some were donated or on loan before I was ever born. He collected wwI thru wwII. My father had a bit older taste and collected mostly civil war but had a very fine revolutionary period collection. I inherited both collection's. I truely don't know what all I have as its not all at my house. Been working on it for over a year. I'm definitely not as knowledgeable as I would like to be.