Starbucks: no more open carry

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The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The personnel of the Supreme Court are transient. It is rare, but the SCOTUS has on more than one occasion reversed itself, which is clear proof that they can be wrong.

I fully understand that we are bound to act in accordance with their rulings, but that doesn't mean an opinion that they are wrong is "invalid."

Example: Moore. In Moore the SCOTUS said that short-barreled shotguns are bad because they serve no military purpose (obviously relying on the prefatory militia clause in the 2A for guidance). This, of course, ignored the fact that short-barreled shotguns were used by the Army for trench warfare during WW1.

More importantly, in Heller and McDonald the current SCOTUS ruled that the 2A protects an individual RKBA, unrelated to service in a militia. Which means that these two recent rulings completely undermine, if not explicitly overturn, Moore.
The Constitution and BOR are not laws of physics or immutable proclamations of a supernatural entity.

They change and are interpreted by the processes set up in this country.

If we don't agree with the Founding Fathers, the processes exist to alter what they wrote.

Slavery, women's right to vote, election of Senators, etc.

Ring a bell.

The argument that there are no restrictions or interpretations on some part of the Bill of Rights is old and not supported.
My mistake on the spelling. I have always struggled with the spelling of that word as a verb. Bare arms would be Larry the cable guy and Steve Austin.

I think a physical fight against a tyrant government is our last option. Not our first. However, if you say a physical fight against A tyrant government is wrong, then you deny what our founding fathers and young an old men fought for.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The personnel of the Supreme Court are transient. It is rare, but the SCOTUS has on more than one occasion reversed itself, which is clear proof that they can be wrong.

Whether they are "right" or "wrong" is irrelevant. Whether the SCOTUS sometimes reverses itself is also irrelevant. What is relevant is that, once the SCOTUS takes a case and decides it, the decision is the supreme law of the land, no longer subject to challenge. The same founding fathers that gave us the 2nd Amendment gave us the Supreme Court.

The founding fathers never guaranteed us that there would be no "bad decisions", bad judges, bad presidents, bad congressmen, etc. They simply tried to put a framework in place so that all of these bad things didn't happen all at once and even thought enough to try to ensure our right to own the means by which to vote and fight back.

When the Supreme Court is called upon to make a decision, I can guarantee you one thing is certain and absolute: After reading the decision, once side will be very upset, angry, and think our system stinks.
We don't do Let's Have an Armed Insurrection thread - that's the point.

Folks, this is going in circles and I see it little use in continuing, esp. as we are now debating the Constitution.

Thus, I'm pulling the plug.

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