Stand hunting not for me!

I stand hunt and still hunt. Of the two methods, I guess I get more "satisfaction" from still hunting, but the deer I've killed from stands taste just as good. Which method I choose on any given day depends on where I'm hunting, who I'm hunting with, if anyone, weather and just how I happen to feel that day.

I agree with another poster who mentioned using other hunters to move deer to him. I usually stand hunt on public land. It's also safer. If I want to still hunt public land, I either go way back, real early or hunt during the week.

I have a climbing stand and 2 strap on stands. If I take the climber, I have a definite tree I'm headed to. My 2 strap ons have "hung around" the same cutover for the past 3 seasons.

Even when I still hunt I usually have 8 to 12 screw in, lag type steps with me. I've shot quite a few deer sitting on a limb 20' foot up in a tree I just happened to like. It's not the most comfortable method but the tree steps are much more portable than a climbing stand. I've rigged fairly comfortable "seats" out of body harness webbing in the forks of trees. I'm careful to always tie off, too. This is definitely not the safest method. Lately I've been using this method more and more and leaving the climber at home.
I saw a Trophyline "Tree Saddle" at Outdoor World the other day. It looks like it would fit right into my style of hunting. Has anyone here tried one?

The older I get the more I still hunt. I might have the steps in my bag, but many days, that's where they stay. There's something about ghosting through the woods and taking an unaware deer at close range. Your standing there at 30 or 40 feet and the deer's still eating. You know you did something right. That's why they invented a lever action .35, aint it?