Stainless vs Blue...which is STRONGER?

blued guns are metal different grades also,Tempering

comes to mind in regards as to hardning as in tightening the molecules or loosing them as not as close together, case hardened vs other types. Brittle vs malable. Lots of things go into making the shooter do what is necessary for safe and sound operation, forge vs cast etc.etc.

Pretty complicated thing these weapons of destruction.

Over time/heat changes them also they have a life span. It is because of a lack of taking care as a general rule, unless you are shooting a lot the gun will last numeous generations.

Human bone is tough maybe we ought to figure away to use it, so we can kill more people, then we will have an endless supply of material. :barf:

Wildalaska, I have to say, after reading enough of these threads to make my eyes cross over the years, Im always looking to see what "wildXXXXXXXXXalaska" will be in your next response! Thanks for being original!