Stabbing spree in Japan - Japan may ban survival knives mean you can't even smoke in Pubs anymore??? That's...insane. Smoking and English pubs are more together than a PB&J. WOW.
Urban areas in the US have very low rates of gun ownership while rural areas, particularly in the west and south, folks are armed to the teeth, and I'm not just talking about pistols.

There is absolutely no relationship between availability of guns and murder. If that were the case, rural areas acrosss the US would be under constant siege, with running firefights in every soybean field and country gas station. There are relatively few gun owners in US cities, which is where most murders are committed. The fact is that city dwellers just aren't "gun people" and very few city folks have even a passing interest in firearms, excluding of course gang members.

Banning technology won't work, never has, never will. The lure of black market is just too strong. Our borders are far too porous, keeping out guns will work just as well as keeping out illegals and drugs. How has that worked out for us? Not too well.
You know Colbo, this gets pretty crazy. One of the things the Brits did to beat the Irish into submission a couple hundred years ago was to forbid them from carrying their traditional war clubs. So what did the Irish do? They started carrying longer clubs and called them 'walking sticks'. So now the traditional Irish shilleleigh (spelling) is actually one of those heavy walking sticks which evolved from the ancient war club after the latter was banned.

There is absolutely no relationship between availability of guns and murder.
Not true. There is actually an inverse correlation between the availability of guns and the number of non-criminals murdered in a given reporting area. (I'm talking here about the 15+/- % of murdered Americans who do not have a criminal record.)
The problem with gun control laws are that you are trying to regulate behavior by limiting access to an inanimate object that is incapbale of harming anyone by itself.

Laws are simply the behavioral norms for the society with penalties for violating those norms. The majority of society will have no trouble staying within the letter of the law or the spirit of the law. To those who chose to deviate from the norms the only thing left is punishment which occurs if they are found guilty through due process.

When the politicians pass thse laws they are trying to make the people feel safer. Notice I used the word feel. Feelings have nothing to do with actual reality. It is like a political placebo.

A law in the case of the events in Japan would not have stopped the guy he would have probably continued to use the vehicle.