Stabbing spree in Japan - Japan may ban survival knives

C Philip

New member
After 7 people were killed in a stabbing spree in Japan,
The Japanese government is considering tighter restrictions on large-bladed survival knives after a stabbing rampage in the capital left seven people dead over the weekend

The full story is here:

How would banning survival knives have stopped the murderer? In the BBC article, it also mentions another stabbing where kitchen knives were used. Even if survival knives were banned, a kitchen knife can be just as deadly. Furthermore, making your own knife is incredibly easy with a piece of steel and a grinder. They might not be pretty, but I've made a few of my own knives in this manner, and they are very sharp and sturdy. What will they do, ban construction equipment?

I fail to see how legislation against survival knives would be anything more than a "feel good" move by the government. What are your thoughts? Do you think laws banning survival knives would pass in Japan, or is the folly of attempting to ban a simple piece of steel so obvious that it wouldn't even pass as a "feel good law?"
"How would banning survival knives have stopped the murderer?"

You must never have seen a survival knife. They obviously have no sporting purpose, and NO ONE has any good reason to own one unless they're in the police or military. If just one life is saved, isn't it worth it? It's just common sense.

Japan...the land of anime and all things cool

Wel...the land of all martial arts stuff. Knives are big over katanas and stuff. Banning them wouldnt do squat...they can be made in prison where people are watched 24/7, sure as hell can be made by civilians.

Guns can be and are made here too...Funny aint it?

The pipe-actioned sub machine guns get shipped up here and work just fine.
JP already has restrictions on blades over certain lengths. Items you can or cannot purchase/own without having them registered, etc.

It still doesn't matter the tool, if someone wants to do damage, they will.
Sound Familiar...

This is the very same argument that our anti's are using against us this very day. "Take away the guns so folks won't get shot". It's the very same thing, "but if only one life is saved..." BS! The anti's are saying the very same thing about 50 BMG's, and all other large bore rifles, semi auto's, and assault style rifles. "They don't serve a purpose." We shouldn't be supporting any kind of legislation to ban weapons...period. If they allowed the open ownership of guns in Japan, that's what it most likley would have been. Take away an evil man's guns, he'll use a knife, take away the knife, he'll use a bat, take away the bat...everybody has a broom handle, pool stick, whatever. Evil men will do what it take to do evil. Can't stop that, no matter what you take away from them.
This is not the first stabbing rampage in Japan:

Simple fact - if someone goes nuts and decides they are going to kill a lot of people, then chances are pretty good they are going to go out and kill a lot of people. I'm not thrilled when the nut job uses a gun for this purpose, but in my opinion it is much worse when the nut job decides to rut around in the victim's blood by using a knife.
Simple fact - if someone goes nuts and decides they are going to kill a lot of people, then chances are pretty good they are going to go out and kill a lot of people.

Simple fact: having a gun makes that much easier.

To deny that is silly. If it that were not so, we'd go into battle with baseball bats.

It's better to not deny the facts, and defend our gun ownership on other grounds.
I could do as much with many garden tools, home ornaments with spikes attached or mechanics tools.

I find it odd that we can always find a way to kill one another. Take away the guns and knives and we will resort to sticks and rocks. We may dress nice but we're still cavemen in the end.
Simple fact: having a gun makes that much easier.

I don't know about that. I could just as easily carry household cleaners and mix them. Probably would attract less attention than carrying in a gun.
I don't know about that. I could just as easily carry household cleaners and mix them. Probably would attract less attention than carrying in a gun.

That will be welcome news to our military which, trust me, is always looking for something that is just as good at killing, cheaper, and takes less training than guns. Shoot them an e-mail and let us know what you find out.
lol calm down. I'm simply making a point. I pretty sure I don't have to inform the military in which my husband serves in that chemical warfare is possible ;)
If somebody wants to kill somebody, they WILL find a way. The means doesn't matter, the drive does. A dedicated person will complete their objective regardless if it is themselves or someone else.
Guns also

The government there is also talking about tighter gun laws as well, as a result of these stabbings. Aside from the fact that Japan already has just about zero gun ownership already, what has gun ownership got to do with these stabbings?

Japanese TV quoted colleagues at Kanto Auto Works as saying Kato's behaviour had never given them cause for concern until he disappeared last Friday. The government, meanwhile, said it was considering tightening the law on knife ownership in the wake of the attack, the latest in several stabbings carried out on busy streets.

"We need to consider the possibility of discussing tightening the control of guns and knives," said the chief cabinet secretary, Nobutaka Machimura.