SSS: Sig Service Sucks

FWIW, I sent my P232 to SIG for warranty repair on February 20. It's still there. I figure that's about 11 weeks and counting ....

consider yourselves lucky !! Here in Europe the fire arms manufacturers (H&K on top) consider us - civilian shooters - as s**t and treat us accordingly. The reason is that the European market for civilian shooters is neglectable. For instance you will hardly see any advertising of a fire arms manufacturer in European Fire arms magazines. I even don't consider the option of a warranty repair if my gun would break down and can only hope that my gun (a Walther P99) will proof it was worth it's money. This is also the reason why I never ever fire +P ammo.
Uh, oh. Oleg's throwing a penalty flag. Oleg, let me have it right here...I'll take it like a man. Let me guess...too many masked four letter words in my posts? Sorry, won't do again. Uh, maybe I can change the subject...did I tell you how much I like my Sig P239 40S&W?


Thanks Oleg. It is in fact a Hogue (with Hogue hard chromed hex grip screws). Hard chromed slide courtesy of Tripp Research (matte finish, brushed sides). Everything else is stock.

P.S. My apologies for out-of-bounds conduct and inciting to riot. I think I burst my spleen on this one. I'll take a break from posting until I can regain my composure.
If you have any interest, check out several ongoing threads about Sig service problems at the sigforum. It seems like the mishaps are increasing...kind of has me worried now, rather than angry.
It only took a one year to get a part for my SIG 220!! Granted it was an special part (extended slide release).
It took a week for a fellow shooter to get a firing pin for his SIG.
As much as I love my SIG's (I have 2, wife has 1) we end up shooting a Glock just because we know we can have service so much faster.
The gunsmith we deal with simply refuses to deal with SIG ust because their customer service is so bad.
I hope it improves!!
hsvhobbit, you wanna' tell me how many people reload for .22LR??? I suspect you won't run out of fingers on one hand counting them all!
Coronach--FWIW, about two weeks ago I called SIG to find out the status of my P232, which I'd sent in for repair over two months previously. At first, the person I spoke to wouldn't tell me anything, because I didn't have a "return number" (whatever that is!). When I told her I had the serial number of the firearm, name of the shipper (me), and the shipping address, she relented. She informed me that SIG had received the pistol, and that it had been routed to a gunsmith. But, she said, that was all the info she had.

Well, I guess I can't complain, because it was more information than I had before! When I phoned SIG, so much time had passed since I shipped my P232, that I was wondering if I hadn't gotten it back because SIG never received it. (Of course, some service departments send the customer a letter acknowledging receipt of the gun and estimating the time required to service it. But, apparently, SIG does not extend this courtesy.) So, I was kind of in the dark. Now I know something, even if it isn't much!

Anyway, best of luck on your phone call to SIG. Maybe I just caught them on a bad day. :rolleyes:
Chris, I sat in a chair for a couple days while George Harris (a truly AWESOME instructor) taught everything anyone ever wanted to know about SIGs. Did the little paper test, put one together, and Voila! I'm an official SIG armourer. Gee......I wonder if you're a real cop......or are you just a SIG fan pretending???

UPS stopped by today while I was out. They left a slip that they have a "signature required" shipment from SAI. Methinks Sig may have sent my Trailside...
I bought the first Trailside that I saw. Total lemon. I sent it back to SIG. They replaced it. Look several weeks. Trailside #2 wasn't as bad, but also started to jam. I feel that the crappy plastic magazine had a lot to do with the problems. Oh...when I first called SIG about #1 and expressed my disappointment with the Trailside after owning several perfect SIG pistols, I was reminded by the nice lady on the phone that it was a "Hammerli" not a "SIG". I dumped #2. I cannot recommend the Trailside much as I would like to. Best. Watch-Six
I haven't had any function problems with my Trailside. It doesn't like hollowpoints, but it shoots CCI Blaser crap ammo perfectly. It also works great with my Ultradot scope.

The crappy plastic magazines are a bummer, but they worked for me. Regardless of what Sig says:

1) the Trailside comes in a Sig case
2) it is stamped "Sig Arms, Inc., Exeter, NH" on the slide
3) it comes with a white and blue "Sig Arms" owner's manual
4) it has a warranty card issued by Sig Arms
5) "Trailside" is a Sig Arms trademark
6) it is distributed and serviced by Sig Arms

The only place you see Hammerli is in small type on the second line of print on the slide - "Hammerli Made in Switzerland". If this POS didn't say Hammerli anywhere, it would be worth $200-250. They simply use the "Hammerli" brand to extort $450 bucks out of people for a sub-par .22LR.
It's back...

Got my Trailside pistol back this afternoon:

- New slide
- New plastic frame/barrel guard
- 2 new plastic mags (1 new/1 exchange for my old one)
- Tested with 2 mags (20 rounds) of Winchester .22
- No charge (obviously)

The slide design does look different from the last one. First of all, the top and the inside have machine marks and also some "casting" marks, giving me the impression that they have changed from casting only to casting and machining. The area that previously chipped is thicker than before and was machined rather than cast (I bet previous castings were too thin to cast reliably). The plating (which was peeling on my last slide) looks different too. I can't tell what it is, but it looks like nickel. Overall, the slide looks much rougher than my first one (more machining and casting marks) with even one imperfection on the side of the slide. I am taking a ride out to my dealer tomorrow to talk about an exchange.

I also just noticed that the magazines are different. I was playing around with it tonight and the magazines drop free (one frequent complaint is that the plastic mags don't drop free). I looked at them closely, and it seems to me like the springs are stronger, the plastic is harder, the feed lips are a little bit more rigid. It is apparent that the stronger spring makes the magazines drop the way they should. I am tempted to go shoot a couple mags through it.

[Edited by Cruzer on 05-16-2001 at 11:49 PM]
Cruzer, I was looking at a purchase of the same gun. I think it will be a S&W model 41 instead. I love my sigs. I have 220's and 239's and a 245 and a 229. I have never had any glitch with any sig product but I am going to evaluate service before any further purchases. I know that HK's poor service is legendary and hoped for better from SIG. I can say that the folks at glock have been among the best in the world for info and service . I have had several guns sent to glock for mods and new lowers and shelly in the warranty dept is the best guy in the world to deal with. Thanks for the info. Maybe give your pistol another couple hundred rounds to see if you like it enough to keep it....
On a related note...

...just got my P232 back. The fixed the obvious problem with it (the take-down lever that *fell* off), and I've not yet made it to the range to see if it is working any better than it was.

Minor peeves thus far:

1. It took a long time to get back. Okay, thats fine, but at least let me know you received the G*d-d@amned thing.

2. The gunsmith mentioned in the paperwork that the take-down lever was forcibly broken off. As the Brits would say, my bloody arse. The damned thing *fell* off while shooting, and I told yer little phone flunky as much.

3. Despite the economy of language used in the write up, the gunsmith managed to convey the feeling that the gun was jamming because it was dirty and unlubricated. Huuumph. It was adequately lubed, and I informed them that it was coming in dirty... about 75 rounds through it. If the gun is so prissy that it won't function with less than 100 rounds sent downrange, we have a problem.

Major Peeve thus far:



Yeah yeah, not sig's fault. I heard the knock at the door, ran upstairs in time to see the Big Brown Van head away with some new guy behind the wheel...and there sat my box from the middle of the porch...emblazoned with "ADULT SIGNATURE REQUIRED UPON DELIVERY" stickers. And I live in a crappy 'hood, too. Glad I was home.

I'll give a range report later.

Flawless what

Took my Trailside to the range...100 rounds crappy CCI Blaser .22LR. Flawless performance all around. The magazines are definitely different...heavier springs and a bear to load, but they hold the ammo perfectly for feeding. Also, the slide weight/spring tension combination is different. I don't know which they changed, but the ammo was feeding smooth like butter. I am going to clean and check how the slide held up and post an update later.
Final update. The slide held-up very well from the first 100 rounds. There is some battering in the slide stop area, but the initial wear looks normal and looks like it will hold-up in the long-run. The inside of the slide has very typical/normal wear marks and absolutely no signs that it will peel (my first slide started peeling on the first trip to the range). I am also disappointed to report that the rear sight fell-off during cleaning and I had to Locktite it in place (you'd think the gunsmith would've caught that).