SSS: Sig Service Sucks


New member
Just got off the phone with Sig. They have had my Trailside for six weeks now after the slide chipped. They told me that the slide has been redesigned and new production is in progress...adding at least another 30 days to the current 42 days. I am guessing that the 30 days quote was a total swag, and it may be another six weeks.

Gotta love it. Kel-Tec customers are paying $224-250 for their pistols, and get 2-3 day turnaround and most work is done for free. Sig customers are paying $500-750 dollars for their babies and getting the shaft...go figure.
I'm sure you are frustrated by not getting your gun back. But if the slide design HAS been changed you really wouldn't them to replace yours with an old defective design would you?

It will be interesting to see if they charge you anything when the work is done. They shouldn't.
AC, I guess you're correct. I should've said "Sig engineering AND service stink." The slide is obviously a POJ. It is cast and plated, the plating peeled off from day one, and the casting is uneven on the inside and thin in places (particularly where mine cracked near the slide stop lever). I'm sure they won't charge me anything...they ought to be reimbursing me for shipping and lost time.

Yep. I'm frustrated alright, and everyone's gonna hear about it. You know, there's a saying in business that every happy customer tells two other people, but every unhappy customer tells ten other people. This post already has 20 reads...ain't the internet wonderful.

[Edited by Cruzer on 05-12-2001 at 12:41 AM]
This won't make you feel any better, but I'm willing to bet that a much much higher % of KelTec customers are sending their guns back to the factory than Sig customers. You're the one in the one in a million :).

I also have the Trailside and haven't noticed any problems yet, but am now concerned. I've put about 3000 rounds downrange with mine. How much had you fired it when you noticed a the crack in the slide?
About 2,000 rounds. The spot right above the slide stop lever was battered by the slide stop lever at the end of every magazine (so about 200 batterings). It developed a very small burr, and eventually cracked off (a piece about 1/8 inch square). It didn't affect function, but it sure ticked me off.

EricM, I agree. The only problem is that when I bought my Kel-Tec I figured if I was 1 in 100, it would be no tragedy because it would get handled right within a few days. Now, every time I look to buy a Sig I will have to factor in the fact that if it has to go back to Sig, I will waste more than three months of use waiting for it to come back. Realize that Sig quoted 5-6 weeks sight unseen!!! I consider that unforgiveable. A 5-6 week backlog in the service department is third-world service for a "world-class weapon." That's right...THIRD WORLD SERVICE. "Sig...German engineering...third-world customer service." (My apologies to the third-world countries).

Kel-Tec has fixed customized pistols for customers; Sig will not work on a customized pistol (you lose the warranty). I love my Sig P239, but I'm done buying Sigs. My dealer has offered a credit back on the Trailside when it is returned, and I'm gonna take him up on it. Hasta la vista, Trailside baby.

Aaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhh! I'm losing it. Scotty, beam me up!

I'm glad that I got rid of my Trailside after owning it only a month. I was mostly pissed at the mag which would not drop free, was a plastic P.O.S. and I could not get a spare mag.

Buy a Ruger, Beretta, Benelli, S&W or Buckmark.
Actually, considering that Sig has THREE gunsmiths working for the entire country's Sig repair effort, I think they're doing an outstanding job and work HARD to satisfy and treat the customer right. Why do I say that? First 228 I had went 40K + rds (correct, 40 THOUSAND) rounds before breaking a slide rail. The gun was REPLACED not repaired, replaced, at NO charge. Just recently had to send a p220 back for a battered breachblock, it had had around 60K hardball rounds, gun was repaired, trigger job done (awesome) and returned at NO charge. Took'em right at 5 weeks and the folks on the phone couldn't have been nicer. I've seen some of the 'so-called' big names like Colt and Beretta (ok so I can't spell) charge when stuff breaks right after the warrenty period. Sorry you're having heartburn with Sig but they've treated me right. Not intending to flame, just recounting my experience with them.
Thanks for your comments hsvhobbit. It actually helps prove my point. Three gunsmiths to cover all their mess-ups isn't a whole lot of customer service.

This is a quote from their website:

"Most importantly, SIGARMS is committed to deliver customer service & support that equals the excellence of our products. All our customers, whether civilian, military, or law enforcement, can set forth their highest expectations for consistency, timeliness and responsiveness - SIGARMS will deliver."

WHAT A BUNCH OF HOOEY! By the way, you were both lucky and mistreated. First, Sig has cut their warranty down to, I believe, 1 year. So, if you send your pistol in after the first year, the noble dictators at Sig decide whether or not you are worthy of their service. How long did it take them to exchange your pistol? Probably 5-6 weeks like they quoted me. For Pete's Sake, it takes 3 minutes to realize the pistol isn't serviceable and 5 minutes to tell shipping to ship you a new pistol. On your second service call (the battered breech block), they took 5 weeks to exchange some parts and fix a trigger. I am not impressed. These service statistics are worthy of Lorcin or some other substandard manufacturer. I have defended Sig long enough and now I'm going on the offensive...I am outraged and you should be too.

Also, the fact some other manufacturers also stink at service is not a good point to use to defend Sig. It didn't work with my mom when I was a teen ("but, mom, they did it too") and it sure as heck won't work with me. If others stink...we should be outraged about their service too. I'm tired of getting screwed and just taking it.

[Edited by Cruzer on 05-12-2001 at 12:42 AM]
I sent my 220 3/1/01 back to Sig for some warranty work. It had a really bad trigger...mushy and heavy. For the last month, I've been calling once a week to get status report. Last Monday, I was told I should have it back in the next week or so. Let's see, quick math...3/1 to 5/15, 10 1/2 wks (if it arrives by the 15th)! Apparently, the factory authorized gunsmith was waiting on parts from Germany. The excuse was the new owners just don't have their stuff together...hmmm. Tough way to keep a reputation if you can't service your product in a timely manner.
Don't feel bad. I'm an armourer, and they wouldn't send me the parts to switch a DA/SA to DAO. Claimed it 'needed to be done at the factory (for a fee)'. By the way, this was a procedure taught in the armourer's class. I won't buy SIG simply because of their 'God' attitude. And the worst part is that the department didn't cover the cost of the school. I DID! What a waste of money.
I expect you already know this, Cruzer, but for the benefit of any lurkers I'd like to point out that the Trailside is made by Hammerli, not SIG. There always seem to be service SNAFUs when a pistol is made by one company and imported by another.

The Trailsides that I've seen (and the one that I've actually shot) have been nice pistols. It sounds like you got a lemon.
Wow. Somebody call the waaaahhhhmbulance. I'm a Sig armorer, and Sig ships me whatever parts I ask for (hammers, sears, etc.) Any problems I've had with the pistols (a few; we have about 100 in inventory), and they have been taken care of in a timely manner and usually on Sig's dime.

Whether or not some internet bitching and moaning affects their sales remains to be seen. Anyone who puts much stock in that type of "info", especially as infrequently as it appears, deserves to go sigless. I personally think very highly of Sigs, HKs, Glocks, etc.; really a matter of personal preference imo.

Good luck to all:)
I'm not sure we need a waaaahhhhmbulance, but maybe you'd like to take a ride in my *****. :)

I don't have 100 Sigs laying around so I can send one off to la la land for a 6 week vacation. I am a real customer being jerked around, and one with plenty of money to spend on guns. You can be dismissive of my problems...if I were a Sig armorer I would want people to buy more Sigs too. I don't think much of people who dismiss my problems, but aren't in my shoes.

Matt, the Trailside is a Sig-Hammerli joint venture (not only a marketing or sales agreement) as I have read in some public announcements. "Joint venture" usually means that they both share revenues, costs, and risks in a single pot. I have heard that the frame is based on the SP20, but it is unclear who does the manufacturing and assembly (although my Trailside says "Made in Switzerland" on one side and "Exeter, NH" on the other side). It is also unclear where the engineering occured. I do know that Sig USA is responsible for the service or lack thereof. Trailside's in general don't have a very good track a search at the sigforum...I think the Trailside may be a lemon grove. I'll also point out that if you search Sigforum you will see that I was a Trailside defender for a long time telling everyone else maybe they got a lemon and holding my breath. Good luck.

My P239 is a sweet shooter, a real wonder. Couldn't say enough good things about it. I hope it never breaks, 'cause it doesn't need a three month vacation, and because I've had the slide hard chrome plated.

[Edited by Cruzer on 05-12-2001 at 12:34 AM]

I've never had to deal with Beretta's customer service, but I had a friend who did. He sent in a gun that was WAY past whatever warranty Beretta has (he's sort of a collector, buys a lot, seldom shoots). The gun would misfire every other shot or so. The result? Beretta returned a new gun to his doorstep within a week of recieving his defective gun.

No Cruzer, I don't think I want to go for a ride, but thanks for asking:)

I didn't mean to dismiss the misery you're going through, but I don't understand why you're so intent on causing problems for Sig. Sounds like you're going to get back a better pistol than you sent in (which wouldn't be hard, it sounds like), and from my own experiences and reading of others', I expect your bill will be "zero". It's not as easy as someone just spending five minutes to take care of your pistol. There are other pistols received ahead of yours, and they will get attended to first. Also, LE pistols get priority service which might further bump your service back. Right? Wrong? Just a fact of life.

I don't have any fiscal interest in the success or failure of Sigarms. I've just been trained to work on their guns, and do so for a PD. If we issued Glocks, I'd be a Glock armorer. I just thought it odd that an armorer (presumably a Sig armorer, although he didn't specify) couldn't get parts sent to him. I know Sig is reluctant to send things such as hammers and sears to just anyone.

I hope all goes well. Take care (and relax). At least you have "plenty of money to spend on guns":)
Actually I consider myself neither lucky or mistreated. It's NOT unreasonable for a manufacturer to consider a pistol with a cracked frame/battered breachblock which was FIRED WITH RELOADS to have been abused. (they weren't but how were they to know) I was upfront with them about firing reloads but they had NO idea as to the level of those loads...They could have been +++++P for all they knew...the point was, they stood behind their product and took me at my word. Even if it'd been within the warrenty period they could have legitimatly claimed I'd abused the pistol by potientially overpressure loads. Just so everyone is clear on this, NO I don't like to wait 5 weeks for a repair that I could do myself in a half hour. But I'm willing to accept it given how few problems I'd had throughout my ownership period. It's true they don't offer a lifetime warrenty, but they tend to stand behind their stuff. I'm genuinely sorry you've had a problem with their service and hope you find a gun maker that will satisfy you. FWIW when I broke a firing pin on a new mod 14 S&W 7-8 years ago, it took them roughly 4 weeks just to send the part to me. I suspect it depends on just how busy a company is...As far as Lorcin having a better turnaround? I was once told by a gunsmith friend that most of the time it costs MORE to have a 'smith fix a broke Lorcin than to buy one new, so they probably DON't have too many returned for repair these days, shipping being what it is...Anyway, best of luck in your search for a satisfactory gun maker.

Ahhhh, I feel better now. Took a ride on the waaaaahhhmbulance, the doc took a look at my aneurism and said it would get better. He said, "shoot a brick of .22 this weekend and call me on Monday." Come to think of it, I think his name was SIGmund (strange coincidence, huh?). Thanks for not taking too much offense...I think these boards are quite therapeutic. I'm waiting to get my LNIB P7 in the mail...that will make me feel much better too. Thanks for the listening and the [deserved?] kicks. Good luck to all...