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Has anyone noticed that things seem to be rather slow around here lately? I posted the same message over the course of 9 minutes because I first thought that the computer froze and then that the line dropped but everything was fine; just slloooowwwwwwww! This seems to be especially true in the General forum
I noticed the same also,very slowwwwww,Can't get into the General forum at all.

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.
I got an email on the General Forum. I have been doing some real resource intensive work today, but I'd be surprised if this is the problem.

All who found it slow earlier, please recheck.
I seem to have quadruple tapped a reply in the Indoor Range fatality thread, during the server slowdown. The strange thing I can only see these add-ons in the reply screen...the thread itself is not updating beyond Matt's reply.

Rich, could you remove the extra responses since I can't get in to do it myself?
removed to reduce D/L time.

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited June 10, 2000).]
WHEW! What a read...
Anyway, seems to be much better this morning.

have tape, will travel...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
RAE I jsut got one question for you...


Nevermind I pobably wouldn't understand any better the second time.


Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
"But Officer I HAVE to have all these guns in the truck, I'm going to TFL End of Summer Meet"
Having trouble getting into General Forum again today. What's going on folks?

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Backbone routers would be a good answer IF the General forum were hosted on a different server / IP address than the other forums (fora ?.) Is that the case that each forum is on a different server or IP address ?
Same here having problems with General Discussion. I can read the threads kind of quick but when I reply it takes about 5 min to go through.
Thanks, guys. I've downloaded Neotrace- good tool, RAE. I'm getting an average of 143ms...pretty much all day. According to your post this would be reason for some real concern, but I also get the following stats:
Compuserve.com: 143 ms
Microsoft.com: 209 ms
Aol.com: 111 ms

What am I missing? And where are you reading the packet loss stats from?

We've been monitoring the Board stats since last night. Right now our average load is .5...this is real light. It's been averaging about 2.3 today. 3.0 is normal. Last night we watched as it climbed to 60! That's when I did the shut down.

As for General, all Forums are on the same server. Last night I moved a whole bunch of posts out of General and Handgun. The threads have been updated and reindexed. If it remains slow, please let me know.
For whatever its worth, I just finished going through about half the forums in TFL. I had the same experience others are reporting with General Discussion but not on other forums. I am posting around midnight Eastern Standard (not Daylight) time.

Jim in IN

Additional Info; posting here took just a few seconds tonight. I did not post in General Discussion so I do not know how long that forum is taking.



[This message has been edited by JJB (edited June 10, 2000).]
General is still SLLLOOOOWWW as molasses during loading, and after posting.

"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Gun-Grabbers, at last we shall have revenge at The TFL End of Summer Meet on August 12 & 13, 2000..."
General appears to be dead. Drove to the store to pick up some milk, came back about half an hour later and it was still loading.
I really cannot figure the deal with General. I'v clipped it *way* back but it's still brain dead. The files contain no garbage and the update/index went fine.

Bear with me on this, guys.