Springfield Hellcat - Red Dot or Not?

Sure, I have nothing against running away. If someone is actively shooting at you and cover, or at least concealment, isn’t readily available then simply turning around and trying to run might well see you get shot in the back and you’ll end up in that autopsy you mentioned. 7-10 yd is about the distance across a room in a home. A person can cover that distance very quickly. If someone has broken into my home and is an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to myself or my family, I’m not retreating even if he’s 10 yd away. While I’d rather a different firearm for home defense, not everyone has the money to allow a multi-gun solution and maybe the Hellcat is simply what’s at hand.

At the end of the day my goal is to never use the firearm. I like having options in the event I do have to use a firearm, even if it’s in a manner I didn’t think most likely.

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i have a SCCY CPX-2 RD and love it. It's the first RD gun I have ever shot but it comes up very quickly an I am on target in no time. But, I have to say I was always trained as a kid during deer season to use the iron sights first then move to the scope if you can. I grew up hunting with a Winchester 30-30 with a side mounted scope. I always used the iron sights to locate the deer, then moved to the scope if I could (deer not moving quickly). I still do that to this day. I shoot both eyes open, so when I bring the SCCY up, I'm looking at the iron sights first but my eyes quickly transition to the dot which come in line immediately after. It take time, but I was 12 when I started so I have it down. Train yourself to use both, not just looking for the red dot as that could get you searching for shadows too much. Use the irons to help you.
I prefer mine w/o the red dot because it's easier for me to draw. I'm fairly small and carry it in a Tulster Profile IWB. Fits perfectly.
All my small carry guns are intended for up close and personal situations. No red dots and in reality, during training at 30', I seldom use sights.