Springfield Armory SA-35

Admittedly, I don't have personal experience with the BHP MK II or MK III but I have had original Browning Hi Powers, both commercial and military.

Not sure what you mean by "better sights", the ones on the SA-35 are decent for a service grade gun, and the trigger pull on the one I tested was better than any unmodified original Hi Power I've ever handled.

I think the SA-35's lack of a magazine disconnector makes the difference.
Are all the parts in a SA35 compatible with BHP parts?

Call Springfield and ask them. The only BHP part I'm sure wouldn't fit into an SA-35 is the magazine disconnector since the SA-35 doesn't have that.

Lots of BHP parts might be able to be fitted and used, I have no idea. Call Springfield see what they say.
Seven High said:
Are all the parts in a SA35 compatible with BHP parts? I would want to be able to buy parts from retailers such as Numrich.
Springfield makes good guns. Why would you want to replace new OEM parts with used parts (which is what Numrich sells).
I am concerned about what might happen in the future.

So, buy two of them and keep one as a spare...:D

Seriously, the Hi Power design will hit the century mark in about a dozen years, so I think the common major parts will be around for quite some time.

If you think there are going to be parts that are problematic, or parts unique to the specific version of the gun in your hands, get some spares, NOW. (the extractor comes to mind). get two, and stash one with your important papers and stuff, so that, if, (40 years from now?) you need it, you can find it. ;)

Not sure if its part of Murphy's "laws" or not, but if you HAVE a spare, odds are very high you won't need it. And, oddly enough, just the opposite, if you don't. :D
If you can't find one locally, there are a bunch on Gunbroker.
Some of them are decently priced too.
Or you could ask you LGS to order one in, if you don't buy it, somebody will. They don't seem to stay on the shelf too long.
Purchased mine back in mid Jan. and have put 800+ rounds through it so far and have zero problems with it.....it's a keeper.