Springfield Armory & Dick's Sports

You know how many noted that Dicks had VERY limited AR-15s to destroy anyways.

Does Springfield actually sell anything to Dicks?
Does Springfield actually sell anything to Dicks
Not anymore...;)

Actually - I couldn't really tell you. I never bothered to look at the guns and ammo the last couple times I was in Dick's.
Not sure if they sell directly or through wholesalers but they could refuse to sell to a wholesaler who, in turn, sells to Dick's their weapons.
However, I do believe their XD line of handguns is pretty popular.

Just read an article on the five best selling guns on gunbroker for 2016.
5. Springfield XD-S
4. S&W MP9 Shield
3. Sig P938
2. Glock 19
1. Kel-Tec PMR30
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The NSSF just kicked out Dick's: https://www.nssf.org/nssf-expels-dicks-sporting-goods/
NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industries, Board of Governors today unanimously voted to expel Dick’s Sporting Goods from membership for conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Foundation.

Dick’s Sporting Goods recently hired a Washington D.C.-based government affairs firm, for “[l]obbying related to gun control.” Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Edward W. Stack announced earlier this year the retail chain would end sales of modern sporting rifles, voluntarily raise the age to 21 to purchase firearms in their stores and called for more restrictive legislation. Dick’s later announced they would destroy the remaining modern sporting rifle inventory. NSSF responded that business decisions should be individually made, but was nonetheless disappointed and the decision does not reflect the reality of the vast majority of law-abiding gun owners.
I stopped shopping at Dick's after the Sandy Hook shooting. Dick's was clutching their purse and pearls all the way back then. I won't buy anything from SJW's who overreact to life tragedies.
Dick's should move to the U.K. so they can jump on the Knife Bans early.
So has this action by Springfield changed anyone's perception of Springfield or are they now just hypocrites. As for my own thinking, we all makes mistakes in life. I've made many. I believe this is a good start.
kmw1954 said:
So has this action by Springfield changed anyone's perception of Springfield or are they now just hypocrites.
It depends. Did Springfield ever sell to Dick's? Does Springfield Armory sell directly to the large retail chains, or do all their sales go through the wholesale distributors? If Springfield was selling to Dick's directly, then this may be a first step toward redemption. If Springfield firearms went to Dick's through a distributor, then Springfield never sold to Dick's and this announcement may not represent any change whatsoever to the status quo. If the latter is the case, it would mean that Springfield are (still) hypocrites.
A good question to which I don't know the answer.

Last time I was in a Dick's for anything was with the wife as she was looking for UA hooded sweats that were on sale for 50% off. That's all we bought or even looked for.
So has this action by Springfield changed anyone's perception of Springfield or are they now just hypocrites. As for my own thinking, we all makes mistakes in life. I've made many. I believe this is a good start.
Not in the least, this is all virtue signaling by both companies. I've never seen one Springfield product at a Dicks ever, so if Springfield does very little business with Dicks, it's not like them cutting ties really affects either of them.

If anything, this move makes me HATE Springfield even more because they're trying to create news and get it out to low information gun people to hopefully support Springfield and buy their guns thinking, "Oh, these Springfield people are real 2A supporters. I'm gonna spend my money on these American made guns instead of Glock. herp derp."
It depends. Did Springfield ever sell to Dick's? Does Springfield Armory sell directly to the large retail chains
My guess is IF the order was large enough the manufacturer would sell dealer direct
In all honesty my lack of participation with any of these businesses that are being boycotted would be so miniscule that I doubt it is going to effect anyone's bottom line.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond!
Looks like Mossberg agrees with Springfield in not selling to Dick's.

I don't care how miniscule my business or lack thereof is to them. The more of us that boycott them the more it hurts.
In all honesty my lack of participation with any of these businesses that are being boycotted would be so miniscule that I doubt it is going to effect anyone's bottom line.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond!
You could say the same thing about voting.

Springfiled, Mossberg and others all deserve credit and not cynical comments. Dicks is the bad guy here. Why all the idiotic piling on against our friends? Maybe the [antis] are just smarter than us?

Originally Posted by kmw1954
So has this action by Springfield changed anyone's perception of Springfield or are they now just hypocrites.

Good question. No they are not hypocrites. What a shame it would even be necessary to make this point.
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I rarely ever went into a [Dick's] before it's recent anti-2D Amendment position. I can now confirm I will never go into a [Dick's] because of its recent anti-2D Amendment position.


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The 2 Dick's Sporting Goods stores in our area are just far enough out that I would have to make a concerted effort to go there and honestly there are too many other stores that are just much more convenient and less expensive. Certainly was never on my "go to" list of places.
fourbore said:
Good question. No they are not hypocrites. What a shame it would even be necessary to make this point.
To the contrary, I think it's an important question to ask, and to have answered. Remember, Springfield Armory (along with Rock River Arms) was caught out when the lobbyist for the organization those two companies were instrumental in founding was advocating FOR an anti-gun law ... with a carve out that would have protected just Springfield and Rock River. Naturally, they professed to have been ignorant of what their lobbyist was doing, but I don't think many people believed them.

So now they profess to have decided not to sell to Dick's. That's fine, but it begs the question: Did they ever sell to Dick's? Did Dick's ever sell Springfield firearms? If so, can Dick's continue to sell Springfield firearms by simply buying them from Lipsey's or Jerry's? If so, then Springfield's announcement is meaningless, and hypocritical.
You could say the same thing about voting.

Springfiled, Mossberg and others all deserve credit and not cynical comments. Dicks is the bad guy here. Why all the idiotic piling on against our friends? Maybe the liberals are just smarter than us?

Good question. No they are not hypocrites. What a shame it would even be necessary to make this point.

Well put. Good on Springfield. Not that it mattered that much. Dicks doesn’t sell handguns and hasn’t in a while. So...:shrug: who cares? Every gun product manufacturer needs to stop selling to these losers. Personally? If I were an outdoor brand? I would too. And offer discounts to people who buy from other locations that have dicks in the area as competition.

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Not to change the subject but recently there has been a new retail chain opening up in our vicinity and they are in eyesight of the Dick's stores. This new retailer is more a general merchandiser but they do carry firearms and they do have a whole gun dept. and are even stocking 2 of the pistol gun powders I use at the same pricing that everyone has. The store is BIG R check them out if one is opening in your area.