
cornered rat

Just a pointeless observation: I have seen a number of pro-RKBA men living with anti-RKBA women but not the other way around. Do such couples exist?

Just curious. Seems that follows the left/conservative/libertarian patterns closely, though not exactly.
When I met my wife, she was VERY anti-gun. She had a high school friend get shot right in front of her, shortly after graduation.

We didn't see eye to eye for quite a while, but when we started discussing the _reason_ I kept guns in the house and why I shoot, she became very pro-gun. Finally she wanted to go to the range with me and shoot one of those "Assault Weapons". So I hauled out my AR15 and off we went.

Damn if she didn't outshoot me with my own rifle! We now have three children and they all have been taught the Eddie Eagle basics and my 11 year old daughter is starting to shoot with me on IPSC practice nights.

To take it one step farther, my wife does the IPSC Match statistics for one of the clubs where I compete. It becomes a family outing as the boys pick up brass and my daughter rounds up the scoresheets while the wife double checks the range officer's scoring.

As the song goes, "Teach your children well...." also applies to spouses.

My question was: "has anyone seen pro-RKBA women dating/marrying anti men? I haven't, yet."

Cornered Rat, now at bay
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
I'll tell ya, I won't even date a guy who is a Democrat. Lessee...Attila is too old, Torquemada too old and vowed celibacy....I'm doomed to be a spinster I guess

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Henry Bowman is still single, I hear! But DC, he might not be dedicated enough, by your standards

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited June 17, 1999).]
There's a guy at my office, VERY pro-gun and conservative. He's married to a woman who makes the words "liberal extremist" seem inadequate. I have asked him how such a relationship could work, his answer is that
(1) They avoid discussing politics at all costs; and
(2) The sex is fantanstic.

Perhaps that's the crux of the matter (and I don't doubt him, his wife IS a hot babe).

As for pro-gun women pairing up with anti-gun men, that difference is probably enough to make the women lose interest. With men, the female's appearance and um, er, uhhh.. *abilities* are paramount. Guys can overlook little things like wrongheaded idealogies if the woman is a looker.

Women tend to like those trashy romance novels, men would prefer to just look at pictures of naked women! Somehow those differences are all wired into this question.

Wow... deep thoughts!
Hmmm...I found that sex rates lower on my list than common hobbies (photography and such). Likewise, I'd rather be with a bulldog-face who's handy with a .44 and can find her way around Linux than with a smooth-faced ditz whose goal in life is shopping for clothes. Q isn't into clothes-shopping and can emasculate a fly at 50 feet with her pistol. Trouble is, it never occured to me to test possible mate for political views when Q and I met (I wasn't very smart back then, some would say not much has changed).

Not my wife! She packs her Kahr K9 more than I pack my .40! Now she has even taken my Microtech Mini SOCOM!


Sure do love that woman...

My wife wasn't an anti, wasn't a pro-gun person, she didn't really have an opinion, but usually agreed with whatever she heard on the 'news'. Now she corrects others when they make incorrect statements concerning guns and gun owners, has her own .44 special that she shoots very well indeed, and even watches tv and moveis for mistakes they make with firearms.

I've had girlfriends in the past who weren't pro-gun and pro-hunting enough, some wanted me to quit taking long trips altogether, so my wife and I had some long discussions concerning lifestyles before we got married. I have no regrets, as she is a superb human in every sense of the word, and tons of fun to boot. She even tells me, "go caribou hunting, we need more meat." Yes, dear.
DC I'm *very* conservitive, politically active to the point just short of being labeled militant, firearms proficient, have impecable table manners and all of my own teeth. My heart hasn't slowed to a normal pace since seeing you on your Rosie site. Conservitive, articulate, intelligent and goreous to boot, What more could a country boy want in a wife?
Now I don't want to be too forward on an open forum but.....................marry me. Pleeeaaaaasssssseeeee marry me.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

What is this soap opra? "Days of our Forum" ?!?!

Waiting to here DC's response...


[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited June 17, 1999).]
I've been able to educate my wife. She is finally showing an interest in carrying herself. I'm picking up a Ruger 22/45 for her(and me) to practice fundamentals with. Got a Kahr K9 for her to carry when she's ready.
Yea, waiting to hear DC's response.
Meanwhile got to run and teach the lady of the house how to clean a semi-auto pistol. Just might keep this one around for awhile....
So Gunslinger, two questions for the moment:

1) Are you a picky eater? What won't you eat?

2) Cutlery and bladed implements.....do you appreciate steel and humankind's oldest tool? Do you love steel? Can you smell carbon steel?....oops sorry, I'm getting a tad carried away

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
To address your questions in order;

The first sounds a little loaded.
Being a gentleman I'll answer with a short story.
One day while a friend and I were discussing the various things (critters) we'd eaten a lady evesdropping asked how we determined what we would or would not eat. I answerred actually it was quite simple. If we could get a good, clean shot at it we'd eat it. If not we wouldn't. As to what I wouldn't eat, 'possum or any nonpoinsonous snake. Put simply if you served it I would do my best to not disappoint.

I love steel but to be honest am not as proficient in it's use as I'd like. Although I'm a *very* willing pupil. I do enjoy the smell of leather. But I digress.

Did I mention I'm a fisherman?


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited June 18, 1999).]
CR I would like to give a serious reply to your post.
I've noticed this same trend among female police officer. Most senarios will fall into one of three catagories.

a) Woman in a committed relationship will want to become an officer and be met with resistance by their male counterpart.

b) Is a police officer and marriage to "civilian" ends in divorce. (An all to common phenomenon among police officers as a whole.)
c)Is already a single female police officer and prevailing attitudes prevent marrying a civilian male.

I believe the reasons are primarily the same as those that pro-gun women are seldom married to non gun men.

Most males ego prevent them from excepting these a woman in what is considered a dominate profession. Common sense tells us that these women are asserative, self assured and quite capable of independent thought. The women are seldom going to allow themselves to be treated the passive "Father knows best" sort of housewife.

The male members here feel free in encouraging their wives (girlfriends) to shoot simply because male ego is not an issue with them. They themselves are secure and feel they have nothing to prove to anyone else or, and perhaps more importantly, themselves. Grandstanding and posturing are for those who feel they have to get others to respect them. The members here know that respect comes from comes from far more then shallow displays of machesimo.

I don't personally know any "civilian" men married to female police officers nor non gun men married to pro gun women. And I doubt that you're likely to encounter many.

DC I'm waiting to see how I did on the first two test.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
My brother got married to a BEAUTIFUL green eyed readheaded irish gal last November. If she didn't marry my bro she would be on the sheriff's dept full time (she was given written notice that if she can retest in firearms she has 5yrs to return). When asked about Anti-gun women she says: "An anti gun women is just a stupid B&^%$ who has never pulled the trigger! Once they pull the trigger and find out they can out shoot most men they stop buying shoes and...." The funny thing is that she made this comment the the deputy chief of police(friend of family), in humorous anger, after he made some sexist(in humor) comment about something during their reception

I met my wife because she was looking for someone to teach her to shoot so that she could CCW. Love at first shot!
And now I have someone that can cover my back in any situation. She even has a preference for 45's!

John - NRA - Lifer
I cannot belive that you folks have not figured this one out. The reason you should not have another gun person as a spouse is that you lose guns in the divorce. I lost a great pair of Model 65's (3 inch and 4 inch, tuned and lightly customized) and a tuned lever gun in .357. I'm also light two Spyderco's and a Pelican flashlight. God knows what I'll find missing next. My best buddy lost his Benelli and a H&K P7.

BUT - I got the dog! She is cursed with the alien disguised as a cat.. Ha.

Giz - too much coffee this AM.

[This message has been edited by Gizmo99 (edited June 18, 1999).]