't ship Ammo!!!

Paul Revere

New member just refused my order for ammunition, claiming that my zip code is too close to Chicago (almost 40 miles away). They stated, "legislature and litigation" as the reason, blaming it on their lawyers who make the decisions regarding where they can or cannot ship ammo.

I've successfully ordered ammo from them in the past, so this comes as a complete surprise. Anyone else having similar problems?
You'll see more of this as the Gun Manufacturer litigation moves forward. Everyone who deals in any kind of firearm related item will go into a defensive mode for fear of litigation. This is exactly what the anti's want by the way.

This is increasingly the strategy of the left now, to ram their ideals and beliefs down our throats by Judicial Fiat. Actually, this is how they have always achieved their objectives.
Try suing for being RACIST.That always seems to work.You've got a sure winning case if the ammo boxes only come in one color.
Try asking how far out you have to be to receive ammo then try to find family or friends who live out at least that far and who'll except the shipment for you.

- Ron V.

Sportsman's Guide sucks anyway. See how much money you save when you buy in large quantities when they tack on "heavy/bulky item" shipping charges. Do yourself a favor and buy a Shotgun News. Find a real ammo distributor who will ship to you.
If Sportsman's Guide won't ship to where it is legal to do so out of concern of getting sued, then by all means eschew them. Give them none of your money, and push your friends not to, either.

This business of freedom, gentlemen, requires us to sometimes walk the extra mile, reward the courageous, and to hit the cowards in the pocketbook and bastards in the gut.

B4 you sue them remember that they sell ammunition. Don't do HCI's job for them. If they won't sell to you, then find some place that will. Keep in mind that as you place orders for gun related items with firms far from home that you are putting the local guy out of business, even if that local guy is the dreaded K-Mart. Every local dealer that goes under is just one less that HCI and their ilk have to go after. If you want to sue somebody, sue the city of Chicago for causing the situation, not the ammo seller that is every bit the victum you are. HCI and Co. would eat this up, you would stand virtually no chance of winning, the media would have a field day with it and if by some chance, however slight that you did secure a favorable judgement, the cost of litigation to would do nothing but drive the price higher. Think about it. Is this really what you want? Higher prices and fewer dealers?

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
I agree with Hal. Find out when and why the "Ring around Chicago" started, then sue the Mayor and other responsible parties for discrimination. Remember, at this point, it is not against the law to pruchase ammo.

Contact Glenn at: to possibly get some press on the subject.

See you at the rallies in August!

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 20, 1999).]
We should not accept any hint of "stuff" like this!!! With 1800+ members, we could make a dent in their wallet. If he's doing so good that he can refuse orders then by all means lets lighten his burden by not ordering any of his marginally useful and usually readily available merchandise!!!I know that I will.

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
-Ronald Reagan
Precisely, Mo!

It is not in-fighting to move to another dealer who WILL ship there. But DON'T reward the cowards! It may be inconvenient for you and me-- often the cowards are more readily available. But they are doing you no favors when they aclimate their customer base into jumping through more hoops to get a LEGAL purchase. Try Cascade! Try CTD! Try anyone else. Don't let the 'fraidy cats pressure you; YOU pressure them.


Greed is the only emotion I trust in a stranger.
Paul:Re your problem with a mail order house, you have done what you can, for the moment, that being letting others know of their cheesey business practices. Don't purchase anything from them. Since, accxording to your comment, they are acting on the advice of their lawyers, you might point out to them, that you hope they aren't paying these lawyers to much money, for advise that will likely cost them customers.Hopefully, others seeing your comment and others on the subjecxt, will take note, and avoid this "supplier", like the plague
Email them. Here's what I wrote.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>To whom it may concern,

After shopping around and talking to friends about what company I should mail-order bulk ammo from, I had decided on Sportsman's Guide.

Until, that is, I spoke to an aquaintance who said he was denied shipment of ammunition from your company because he lives too close to the city of Chicago.

Apparently, the fear of litigation from selling a legal product to a legal person in a legal location has caused you to aid and abet the likes of Handgun Control Inc. And in doing so, you help to erode the constitutional rights of every American citizen.

What, exactly, is this policy? And how far from a "taboo" area do I have to be in order to get the "OK to Ship" stamp from your attorneys? Is North Carolina far away enough from Chicago?

Well, it doesn't matter if it's far away enough or not. You can rest assured that I will NEVER do business with Sportsman's Guide, and I will inform everyone I know that patronizing your company is an assault on our freedoms.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

With disgust,

Kenneth Keating[/quote]

Take that, you spineless swine!

NOT BAD! Just the right tone, though I'd imply that they'd be open for redemption if they mended their ways.

And that email adress would be what...?

Click on the email us button at the bottom.
My personal policy is to order and buy local, using only the mail-order houses and on-line for items not available locally. To each his own. From what I saw, they have nothing of interest to me. I do agree though, if you buy on-line, an answer as to why is needed. If they are part of the problem instead of a part of the fix, deal accordingly. I still think a law suit is a very bad idea.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
My experience with sportsmans guide: Ordered a Swiss mil surplus jacket advertised as X-large (the first item that I've ever seen there in my size). When I got it and tried it on it was a large at best. Shipped it back at a cost of $6. Paid $20 for the coat, $8 for postage to my house, $6 to return it. It's been more than a month and I'm still waiting for them to credit my Visa account. This little mis-adventure cost me $14 in postage for a $20 coat that didn't fit. That Gary Olsen guy really is a patriot like he claims, he must rake in millions of $ for the U.S. postal service. Support someone else.
I just went there to see what all the fuss was about & has anyone seen the pic. of the owner in the top r/h side of the screen ?
His eyes are glowing & crosseyed !
Not what you'd call a "glowing"(pun) public relations excercicse in photography.... ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
If you have kept proof of return shipment, etc, why not contact your credit card company and have them do a charge back? There is no reason to be forced to wait for the merchant to credit back to your account.
Speaking as an on-line merchant, I fear charge-backs like the plague. Credit Card merchant account services charge Internet business more for their services, as the risk for charge-backs & fraud are higher. Charge backs mean penalties for the merchant, and an increase in rates if they happen often. It's your money, get it back.

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping